2. Second Glance
“I should go now” it was more of a question than a statement said in a silken honey dipped voice.
Laurel glanced away looking once again at the sunset its vibrancy destroyed by the light blue tinge that the dome gave off. Wolf let out a low long sigh, he wanted to know this girl he wished that she would talk to him, say his name.
“I’ll see you tomorrow” he whispered his voice full of promise, like vows whispered in the dead of night.
He turned slowly and headed for the door, she let him go even though her subconscious was screaming for him to stay. Why was it that this boy made her feel so warm and safe when she should hate him, why did her non-existent heart want to beat faster when he was close? Shaking herself she stood going to bed and almost instantly falling into disturbed sleep.
She was walking through a brightly lit hallway, her eye’s searched the walls recognising the painting and photo’s that resided there. With horror she realised that it was her house, just as it had been that fateful day eleven years ago. Her heart pounded faster and faster as she was drawn towards that room. The door swung open silently on oiled hinges and she was confronted by the single most terrifying thing in the world. There he was blood on his lips her mother dying in his grasp. In the corner she viewed her five year old self eyes wide with fear and revulsion. Tears ran down her face in silence as she clutched her mouth tight. With a thump the now diseased body of her mother hit the floor and the vampire turned his head to view her. A gasp was torn from her lips, with feral grace he moved, standing he walked towards Laurel who was frozen in fear. But it wasn’t his bloodstained lips or pleased smile that scared her most. It was his green eyes.
Laurel woke up with a start tears leaking from the corners of her eyes without her permission. Her hand automatically came up to clutch the cross at her throat. Was her dream a warning sent to remind her that Wolf was and always would be a vampire. Laurels resolve hardened, yes she had let his looks distract her from the fact that it was one of his kind that had ruined her life. Looking up into the surrounding darkness her eyes became as ice and she stored the small portion of her heart that had revived away where it would be safe. Safe from fanged devils. With her new resolve Laurel lay down to catch a little more sleep hoping that it would be dreamless.
Bright light filtered into her room making Laurel instinctively cover her eyes. Somebody chuckled, Laurel bolted up awake and wary. Nobody was there. The laughter intensified and Laurel looked over the end of her bed. What she saw startled her; the boy of her nightmares was rolling on her bedroom floor in hysterics. Tears of laughter rolled down his face as his beautiful green eyes turned towards her.
“That was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen” he gasped lacking air “you looked just like a vampire shying from the sun”.
Laurel was startled to say the least, she’d locked the door last night for one thing and for another she wasn’t scared, all she felt like doing was joining Wolf in his juvenile laughter. Launching herself off the bed Laurel ran for the bathroom slamming the door behind her pressing her back against the cool wood. Green seemed to swim in front of her eye’s taunting her making her body want to react without any heed of safety or common sense.
Wolf was confused, he’d wanted to check and see if Laurel was ok especially after yesterday but when he’d seen her reaction towards the sun he couldn’t help himself she just looked so cute and innocent. He groaned it had to be the first girl that he felt for who would be one who didn’t talk and apparently had a phobia towards him. He stood up leaving her room his shoulders drooped, his eyes sad.
Laurel heard the door close and deemed that it was safe to get dressed now, as she slipped the black dress over her head a tear dropped to the floor. The beautiful black dress that she had liked the look of only yesterday now might as well have been the orange jumpsuit of a prisoner. Walking out of the door towards her ‘school’ Laurel moved as one condemned.
Wolf was nervous he hoped that Laurel wasn’t scared of him though judging by this morning she probably was.
“Yo Wolfy boy what’s chewing you up?” his friend demanded clicking his fingers in front of Wolf’s eyes.
“Nothing” Wolf growled, he didn’t want to think about her right now.
Suddenly the most wonderful scent alerted him to the fact that Laurel had just walked into the room. His eyes flicked up unconsciously and lingered on her for only a second before he tore them away. She was wearing ribbons in her hair today, gods she was so beautiful and she smelt so good. He groaned again.
“OOOOh little Wolfy has the hots for the new girl” teased his friend. “Though I must admit she’s a tasty looking little snack.”
Wolf growled.
“Alright settle down everyone” the teacher’s voice rang through the room reverberating off the walls in eerie echoes.
Laurel waited until Wolf had found his seat before choosing hers which just so happened to be not so accidentally on the other side of the room. Wolf’s eyes scanned that classroom quickly and seeing Laurel on the opposite side of the room hurt his feelings. So she truly did think him a monster, he sighed whispering a silent oath “I’ll earn your trust, even if it takes me a lifetime.”
“Class today it is my duty to inform you that we have yet another addition to this school who is not one of us.” The teacher’s voice came out sounding bored and annoyed.
Laurel didn’t even bother to look up figuring it was just some Vemo that though they had a better chance here.
“Hey ya’ll.”
That voice Laurels head snapped up and her eyes confirmed what her ears were telling her. Springing to her feet Laurel was at the front of the room and had her arms around the newcomer within seconds. Looking down into her eyes the boy looked amazed
“Laurel” he whispered hoping he wasn’t delusional.
Wolf was shattered, just who did this guy think he was and why was she holding him like her life depended on it? Pushing down his basic instincts that screamed for him to take her away from this intruder Wolf merely hung his head trying not to think at all about her or anything for that matter.
Wolf watched as Laurel led the newcomer towards the tree that they had sat under together only one day ago, it seemed like a millennia now. Growling to himself he felt that he should turn away but his eyes stayed glued firmly on the slim figure of the girl that he was now so obsessed with. As they sat down the boy reached over to take Laurels hand in his own, Wolfs blood boiled at the sight. Suppressing another growl he stalked off his shoulders tight with tension.
The boy looked at his long lost friend, taking her hand gently in his own his mind flashed back to when they were still young and nothing was harder that it seemed.
“Laurel, Laurel” the boy’s voice called out as his legs carried him closer to where she stood.
Spinning around Laurel greeted her best friend with an adorable pout “Damian what took you so long?”
“Sorry mum held me up, she said to tell you you’re welcome to come over for dinner” he apologised still grinning as his hand reflectively came up to scratch at his scalp in guilt.
Laurel smiled taking her friends hand excitedly she started to pull him “Damian you have to come see what I found” she giggled before running off expecting the boy to follow her.
Running after Laurel the boy watched as the wind snagged her hair making it stream out behind her wild and free, his legs began to tire but Laurel never slowed she always seemed to have so much energy. Then she came to a sudden halt, not realising he ran straight into her sending them both sprawling. Light laughter fell from her lips; it was such a happy sound. Looking up Damian guess what Laurel had wanted to show him, the sun was dipping low over the horizon painting the clouds in spectacular pink orange and yellow.
Laurel smiled “isn’t it beautiful” she whispered almost reverently.
“Yeh” he breathed as the incredible scene before him only seemed more perfect because she was there.
“Laurel...” he started not really knowing how to say it “... have you been ok since... well since then”.
Laurel looked at him her eye’s showed her emotions only to clearly, she looked away not wanting him to see just how broken her soul had become since that fateful day. She remembered it so clearly; Damian had been the one who found her.
Tears seemed to freeze on Laurels face almost as if trying to uphold her silence. Her small hand still restrained the cry’s that yearned to escape from her mouth and proclaim her grief to the world. Colours spun in front of her eyes as the entire world came crashing down around her without heed or warning.
“Laurel, Laurel” she could hear a voice calling to her and feel familiar hands on her arms shaking her.
Opening her eyes the girl found she was staring into the face of her best friend his concerned eyes seemed to pierce her soul. “It’s going to be ok Laurel I promise”.
She shoved him away running from the room, he caught her hand but she yanked it away yelling “It will never be ok”.
That was the last time that Laurel had spoken.
“I’ve missed you” he whispered as if scared that she would yell at him once more, of course he didn’t know that she wouldn’t yell or even talk to him.
It wasn’t that she wasn’t happy to see the boy after all those years separated but still being here with him felt somehow, less that when she was with Wolf. Damian didn’t make her feel safe, it confused her so much, that she would feel safer and more at ease with a creature of darkness than with a person who she had known from birth. It was almost impossible to explain but somehow Laurel felt calm somehow whenever she looked into those increasingly familiar green eyes, it seemed as if she could live in her own little world and he would grow the wings of an angel to shelter her from all harm.
With a heavy sigh Laurel stood and made her way back toward the school, she shouldn’t really be thinking these things especially not about a vampire. She wasn’t really watching where she was going, she couldn’t help but gasp as she ran into something hard. Looking up Laurel felt herself immersed in familiar green eyes that made shivers run that length of her spine. There was something different about Wolf’s eyes now, a hardness that had never been there before.
“What’s the matter tired of that human already” he sneered fully intending to hurt her feelings.
Laurel scowled darkly, Wolf had absolutely no right to question her, they barely knew each other and to boot he was a vampire. She glared up at his feeling no sway from his eyes at all, her anger intensified when she remembered all the things his kind had ruined for her. She slammed her hand into his chest moving him out of her way, and then proceeded to walk back to her dorm; she didn’t give a damn if she was truanting. She heaved a sigh of relief as her back pressed heavily against the cool wooden door of her room.
Wolf looked after the girl, she had been so angry. He knew that he had no right to question her or even comment on anything she did. It was very clear that at this moment Laurel wasn’t happy with him and he honestly couldn’t blame her. Wolf swore bringing his hand to his hair which he tugged in frustration; this wasn’t how it was meant to be. He sighed heavily, he would make this up to her, growling at himself he cursed his split personality it always pushed people away from him when he only wanted them closer.
Laurel looked out of her window with confused eyes, she didn’t get why his words had made her so mad. It was as if she valued his opinion or wanted him to think highly of her ‘but you do, it’s because you like him’ a snide corner of her brain whispered. Her eyes snapped shut warding off unwanted images of a friendship that could never be, damn it he was getting to her. Looking outside once more Laurel watched the beautiful sunset, it seemed commonplace to her now that the sun had its own blue tinge, and she wondered how many other things she would accept in her time here.
There was a knock at the door, Laurels brow furrowed slightly she didn’t want to see anyone. Throwing herself down onto her bed Laurel closed her eyes forcing herself to sleep hoping to god or whatever was out there that she would escape this nightmare soon.
Wolf stood outside her door, he wondered if she would come to see who it was, and he hoped that she would even though he probably didn’t deserve it. The door remained closed. Wolf felt frustrated he deserved this and so much worse but it still made him sad and angry that she had rejected him. Suddenly a spark went off in his brain. Without hesitation his swift steps carried him to the ground floor directly below her bedroom window. He felt like some stupid and hopeless Romeo from a Mills and Boon romance novel still he couldn’t resist. Scaling the outer wall of the building with practised ease Wolf was soon staring through the window at his desire.
She was sleeping so peacefully but to his shock he could make out the tracks that tears had taken down her face, most likely ones of rage. He felt like punching something namely himself, he was a stupid jealous b*****d who didn’t deserve to be close to an angel like her. Growling he flung himself to the grown landing like a cat he cursed himself and his wretched existence. He couldn’t help but think that if only she accepted him his life might somehow be less complicated.
Laurel woke to the sun beating down upon her; it was too bright it hurt her eyes. Groaning she rolled reluctantly out of bed letting her feet carry her across the dark mahogany floor toward her bathroom. Gods she needed a shower and bad, stepping directly into the scalding spray of water Laurel clamed somewhat, showers had always had that effect on her. The smell of honey filled the room as Laurel used her favourite bath lotion. Feeling uplifted Laurel made her way out of the bathroom and toward her closet, looking at her uniform she decided that it was too dull for her newly improved mood. With a wicked grin she pulled the dress over her head letting it fall to her knees. Looking around her room she spotted just what she needed.
The grass squeaked under her shoes wet with artificial dew, but even that couldn’t ruin how Laurel felt. With a jaunty spring in her step she crossed the lawn seemingly as happy as she could be considering everything.
Wolf it seemed wasn’t sharing Laurels new found sense of happiness, his feet thudded on the tiles of his bathroom as his green eyes searched themselves in the mirror, growling he tugged at his golden hair. What the hell was he supposed to do Laurel was mad with him, no she must hate him by now and why wouldn’t she he’d given her every reason to! With angry jerks he pulled his uniform on, suddenly he smelt something; his stormy eyes were drawn to the window where he saw her. She had the tiniest of smiles on her face but her whole demeanour seemed to have brightened, white ribbons flowed gracefully throughout her black hair. Dancing ballet on the wind caused by her movements, the cross that she kept on her was also out in full view the silver glinting with a life of its own in the bluish light of Crimson Sun.
His lips couldn’t help but to curl up into a smile at the sight of her like this, if he’d thought she was beautiful before now she looked at least ten times more radiant than yesterday. God he wished, hoped and prayed that he was the cause of that smile and that he could make it even bigger given time. Pulling on his shoes with calmer hands Wolf departed from his dorm making a beeline for his fascination.
Damian lounged lazily on one of the many benches that surrounded the main school building; suddenly Laurels smiling face invaded his field of vision. She was smiling; his sat up so fast that his head spun. Laurel grabbed his shoulders steadying him, focussing his eyes on his childhood friend Damian took in her full appearance. A tiny smile seemed to light her face from within, it wasn’t anything compared to how she used to smile but it was an improvement on the solemn girl that he met again just twenty hours ago. He immediately recognised the ribbons that resided in her hair; he had given them to her on Halloween when they were four years old. Grinning he reached out letting his finger toy with one of the bright pieces of silk.
“I’m so glad to see you smile again” Damian’s voice was peaceful “when John told me that you were here I just had to come”.
Laurels eyebrows furrowed how could John know about Damian? She never had any pictures of him lying around and she sure as hell didn’t tell John herself.
Damian’s head tilted slightly “what’s the matter aren’t you happy to see me?” it sounded like an accusation when it probably should have been a friendly joke.
Laurel sighed.
Suddenly Damian pulled Laurels body firmly against his own breathing in the smell of her hair “I’ll protect you from the monsters here” a taunting grin was set on his lips as he eyed the blond vampire boy staring at them.
As Wolf walked out of his dorm Laurel vanished from his sight, green eyes swept the grounds spotting the orange that stood out in her hair. She was with the human again; he was talking to her like they were old friends. With a slight amount of smugness he noted that she wasn’t talking back to him. Interested in what their conversation held he walked closer to the unsuspecting couple.
“...I just had to come”.
When Laurel heard that she pulled back slightly Wolf could smell her confusion. Something wasn’t right about this guy.
The boy moved his head slightly, eyes widening when he saw Wolf “What’s the matter aren’t you happy to see me?” Wolf didn’t like the tone of his voice. Then in an instant the boy had Laurels body pressed against his own, he eyed Wolf with a wicked grin and an evil glint in his eye.
Laurel struggled against Damian’s hold; it was so much stronger than she remembered. Releasing her Damian smiled “You know Laurel I’ve missed you so much, but it seems as if you haven’t thought of me at all... ” he stood walking toward her menacingly “...I loved you, did you ever realise that...” Laurel backed away scared “...why won’t you talk to me” his voice boomed on the last part of the sentence.
With a whimper Laurel kept backing up truly terrified now. Then without warning an arm wrapped protectively around her waist shielding her. Opening one eye slowly she got a glimpse of green and gold. With a gasp her eyes opened fully taking in the appearance of her saviour. Wolf looked like a god, his hair was tousled probably from sleep and those oh so green eyes were filled with fury.
His voice was slow, deadly, calculated “what gives you the right to speak to her that way” every word was spoken through his teeth.
Laurels eyes were like dinner plates as she looked up at him, Wolf was so angry it was scary but at the same time it was reassuring.
Looking down Wolf calmed slightly at the sight of Laurels multicoloured eyes he smiled gently “come on Laurel it’s almost time for class”.
Laurel was so shocked from everything that had happened that she let Wolf lead her away from Damian only sparing one glance back. He looked broken. She pulled away from Wolf slightly; he let his arm drop understanding that it made her uncomfortable. A heavy sigh was torn from Laurels lips, why would it be that she just couldn’t hate this boy who one day killed her heart then the next saved her, it was so confusing. Still she wanted to trust Damian; he was all that was left of what her world used to be; now though, she wasn’t even sure if she knew what that world had been.
Laurels heart was heavy in her chest, it was weird after so many silent years Laurel wasn’t used to hearing her own heartbeat or feeling the pounding against her ribs. It had been an eternity on the outside and nothing soothed the gaping wound left by that evil vampire. But now not even a week after she had set foot in Crimson Sun Laurels heart pounded with forgotten emotions forcing her lifeblood through her veins. Her mind wandered as her feet followed a seemingly familiar path.
Wolf’s green eyes watched Laurel with concern, she wasn’t watching where she was going and her eyes revealed the turmoil that her heart was in. She didn’t look sad just confused and disappointed. Her hands reached up removing the brilliant ribbons from her hair with clumsy tugs, wincing slightly when her hair was pulled along. Tears made her eyes shine but Wolf doubted that it was from the pain of her hair. He reached for her hands stilling them; he gently pulled the ribbons from her lifeless grip moving to place them back in her hair. Laurel shook her head, she didn’t need to be reminded of how strangely her friend was acting and she certainly didn’t want to wear any gifts from him after that. Wolf frowned slightly but offered the ribbons back to her; however she refused to touch them. He shook his head and tucked them safely into his school bag; she would probably want them back later.
“He gave them to you didn’t he” he asked his voice low yet kind.
Her tortured eyes looked up at him, seemingly soulless. His eyes were caring and that wasn’t helping Laurel, she hated him, no not hated she was just, just so tired. Gods how she wished that her life was as easy as other girls her age. For a long time Laurel had yearned to have nothing more to worry about than having a boyfriend or other trifles like that.
The class was silent; if a dust particle sneezed everyone would hear it. Only seconds previous Wolf had stormed, no exploded into the class room angry fire lighting his beautiful eyes, following him in silence was none other than the human student Laurel who didn’t seem to notice her surroundings. Her strangely coloured eyes were lifeless and she moved as if a puppet. She took a seat next to the one Wolf was now sitting in; a sigh escaped her lips as the teacher floated into the room. Books and pens appeared as the day’s work started. Wolf observed Laurel, her head was down and her pen moved quickly across her paper marring the white surface with thick black ink.
Again with lifeless controlled movements Laurel came to the front of the class depositing her work on the teacher’s desk her legs then carried her back to her own desk. In utter silence she reached into her red bag pulling out an IPod which she plugged into her ears, completely tuning out the world around her.
Wolf stared at her amazed by her boldness, or by her stupidity but oddly the teacher chose it ignore her instead choosing to focus on the paper she had just received. Her brow drew slightly as she looked up to the girl disturbed. That look on the teacher face made Wolf itch to read that paper, just what had Laurel written that was so bad he wondered to himself. Suddenly the bell rang, Laurels eye’s flicked open as she got up with a sigh moving toward the door.
She was almost home free when “Laurel I’d like a word with you please” the teacher’s voice was soft but demanding.
Laurel sighed but turned toward the teacher anyway, doll eyes looking up into the older vamps pretty face. Wolf pressed his back to the outside of the classroom door; from here he would be able to catch every word.
“Laurel whilst this is a very well written and quite beautiful well... constructed story I have to say I am a bit worried...” the teacher seemed somehow nervous looking into those lifeless eyes “I think you should see the school counsellor ”. Laurel merely nodded; another quack not like she’d never been to one before.
She walked out of the classroom not particularly caring where she went; she passed Wolf without noticing him. Her feet carried her toward the tree that she had now eaten lunch under two days.
Wolf slipped silently into the abandoned classroom grabbing the piece of paper that caused so much worry. His eyes skimming the words, he almost fell over at what was there. The story recounted something that should be reserved for only the worst of horror films yet here it was written by a silent girl. Wolf was fairly sure that these events weren’t imagined; to him Laurel simply didn’t seem diabolical enough to conjure up such horrid thoughts.
The page fell from his fingers, shock shot through his body. It was no wonder the teacher was afraid, the story brought to light one of the darkest days in the history of people who suffered the vampiric disease – a blemish on their record that most would like to forget. He himself could remember only a little of what exactly happened but his parents had told him about it; the vampire had drained over twenty women in a week. He couldn’t however remember any mention of a young girl in either the news or his parent’s recounts. His eyes turned to the window; he could see her sitting alone under the tree. He should be with her, he felt the need to comfort her, hold her, whisper assurances in her ear- but what would he be able to say to her. “I’m sorry that a vampire killed your mother” he scorned the very idea. It was no wonder that she hated being here, and no wonder that she was so afraid of him. It hurt him to realise that he didn’t know how to comfort her and most likely couldn’t even if he did have the words. He didn’t know anything at all he could say to silent beauty he was so attracted to.
Laurels eyes watched the clouds float overhead and for maybe the fiftieth time she wished to fly away. She reminisced on the class she had just been in, it was a stupid task really, why would people ask you to write about your worst experience, it’s cruel and yet she was the one being sent to the councillor. She watched the blossoms in the tree above her dance slowly, it gave her an idea. Jumping to her feet Laurel started to climb into the tree, finding a suitable branch Laurel lay on it a smile appearing on her lips. It was perfect, blossoms enclosed her as if she were inside a cloud, she had her own little world.
As the bell rang across the school Laurel decided to skip her last class (which happened to be P.E) and go to her dorm and draw instead. She was in a positive state of mind after being in the tree. When she reached her room she felt even better like somehow she had been put back in control of her life. Taking out her drawing things she plugged her Ipod into its speakers letting piano music play. Her hands moved the pencil skilfully over the paper, Laurel closed her eyes focusing on the movements of the pencil, she loved to draw this way the picture always came out so free.
Another bell rang somewhere, Laurels eye’s snapped open that bell signalled schools end but also sunset. She moved herself to the window, opening it she sat looking at the sky her hands still moving over the paper. She wasn’t sure how long she stayed there, but the sun fell below the horizon and she stayed, window open, eyes drooping as sleep claimed her.
Wolf walked across the grounds, it was after dark but he didn’t care. Laurel had been absent in P.E, he was worried about her. He scaled the outside of the building highly doubting she would open the door at this time of night. He wasn’t prepared for the sight that greeted him so much so that he nearly fell. There by the open window was Laurel sleeping peacefully, a soft smile appeared on his face reaching his eye’s as he looked at her. He jumped through the window scooping her up in his arms, as he did something dropped to the ground. Placing her into bed he knelt to examine what it was, he picked up the sketchbook that had fallen. His jaw dropped when he turned it over and saw the drawing, it was him. His eyes flicked to the sleeping girl, she had drawn him; that meant something didn’t it?
He couldn’t help himself; he placed the book on her desk slipping onto the bed next to her. He kissed her forehead quickly falling asleep wrapped up in her scent.
Laurel woke slightly her eyes still closed, she felt something warm and firm next to her. Instinctively she moved snuggling into the heat source, before her senses kicked in and she realised that something was in her bed that wasn’t supposed to be there. She shoved it away sitting up quickly.
Wolf woke quickly when he hit the floor; he looked up into Laurels confused and scared eyes.
“Laurel it’s not what you think” he held his hands out in front of him “I ... I saw your drawing and ... I don’t know what came over me ... I’m sorry ... let me make it up to you”.
Laurel’s head spun a million thoughts running through her mind, but the main one was how nice it had felt to have somebody close to her. She looked at the boy, he was kneeling his head bowed, her gaze hardened. She walked away from him slamming the bathroom door with enough force to send tremors through the buildings very foundations. Once inside she slumped to the floor her shoulder trembling; to wake up next to one of the very creatures that had destroyed her life so thoroughly was possibly one of the worst things that had happened to her this year. Oh god; and his eyes, why did he have to torture her with that pathetic look which called out to her empathetic side.
Wolf looked up gulping; boy had he blown it this time. He growled furiously driving his fist into the ground. “Damn” he swore getting up slowly and dragging himself from the room. He was so stupid; she was clearly afraid of vampires and with VERY good reasons. Once he was back in his room he wanted to just stay there but he knew that he was already near failing several of his classes so he reluctantly made his way to the main school building.
Once her heart had calmed sufficiently Laurel pushed herself up off the floor using the door as support. She dressed slowly and dragged her feet all the way to the school; she arrived to class very late but she didn’t really care that much. As she got in the teacher sent a glare her way.
Laurel raised an eyebrow which only seemed to piss the teacher off more; as a result she announced with absolutely no tact “Laurel you’re late for your councillors appointment”.
- by key-to-unlock-your-heart |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 10/08/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: Crimson High - chapter 2
- Artist: key-to-unlock-your-heart
In a world where being a vampire is a disease and the creatures walk freely through the world of humans; there is one girl who has more reason than most to fear the night children. After losing her mother to a vampire serial killer Laurel was placed in the care of John, now some years later he has decided that she should get over he vampire phobia by attending a vampire academy. Crimson High.
(chapter 2) - Date: 10/08/2008
- Tags: crimson high chapter
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Comments (4 Comments)
- EvilKooKies1134 - 10/24/2008
- put up more soon
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- krazii13 - 10/21/2008
- wow this is absolutely amazing a great twist on vampire stories resentally. . . don't tell anyone but your better than Stephenie Meyer!
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- sonnata moonlight - 10/21/2008
- this is so good! please put up more soon!
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- XxEmoBlondexX - 10/09/2008
I love your stories there amazing,
good storylines, and amazing use of words.
Keep writing because I will keep reading and 5ing.
biggrin - Report As Spam