The Kindergardeners Are Watching
Chapter 1
“Stop! Stop! Logan, help me!” Alyssa yelled.
The Kindergardener grasped onto her and bit her ear. Alyssa let out a shriek. Her ear was all red and had a huge wound. She tried to escape, but she couldn’t.
“Alyssa!!” Andranae yelled.
She tried to help, but it was too late.
You may be wondering, what is going on? Well then, I’ll go back to the beginning. It was a nice fall day. The leaves were rich shades of red, orange, and yellow. The children loved prancing through the leaves. It was true Fall.
“Have you seen the Hills Have Eyes?” Andranae asked.
“Nope.” Logan said.
“What is it about?” Alyssa asked. She looked scared.
“It’s okay Alyssa, don’t be scared, it’s just a movie.” Logan said.
“It’s about these Hills that are watching you. Wherever you go.” Andranae said.
“Okay, that sounds scary.” Alyssa said.
The School Bell rang. The three of them quickly got into their Classroom.
“Oh yeah! I’m on time!” Logan said triumphantly.
“Phsst! Whatever!” Andranae said.
They all laughed.
Chapter 2
“Evelyn?” Mrs. DiPasquale said.
“Here!” Evelyn said very pleased with herself.
“Logan?” She asked again.
“Alyssa and Andranae?”
“Here and here!” Alyssa and Andranae said together.
“Good. Now let me get the homework from the front office. Be back in 5 minutes.” Mrs. DiPasquale said walking out of the room. Then, when she left, all the students started talking. It was a loud uproar.
“Are you sure that the Hills Have Eyes is fake?” Alyssa asked worrily.
“Alyssa, stop being a baby! It’s not real! Don’t be a baby!” Logan said.
“I know! It’s just…” Alyssa said still scared.
“Just what? NO ONE is watching!” Andranae said practically screaming.
“I know, but there are stalkers in the World. I feel just, you know like, I’m being watched. But, oh well.” Alyssa said trying to fight the tears back.
“Don’t cry.” Andranae said putting her arm around Alyssa.
“We didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.” Logan said.
“It’s okay. Let’s just forget about this.” Alyssa responded wiping the drizzle of tears off her face.
“Okay class! I’m back! Okay, your homework this week is on Omnivores, hope you studied. There will be a quiz on Thursday.” Mrs. DiPasquale said passing out the homework.
Everyone groaned.
Chapter 3
“Ughh! I hate Science Homework! I can’t find the answer to number 7!” Alyssa said walking next to Logan and Andranae at Recess.
“Yep, I hate it too.” Logan agreed.
“It totally stinks! I agree!” Andranae said.
“I mean like why do teachers-“ Alyssa said.
Just then, Logan noticed little beady red eyes in the Bush nearby. He also saw sharp fangs. It looked like a small tired Wolverine hiding in a Bush. It snarled.
“Guys! Did you see that?” Logan interrupted.
“Where?” Andranae asked.
“There!” Logan pointed.
“There’s nothing there!” Alyssa said.
-And just like that, the Wolverine was gone.
“But…It just…Oh never mind.” Logan said very disappointed.
Chapter 4
Alyssa walked down the hallway. She twirled the navy blue hall pass with her fingers. She observed the Spanish Greetings Projects on the walls.
“Que Tal. What’s up? Oh, I like that one.” Alyssa said quietly. Then she pushed on the Girls Bathroom doors. The door was bright pink with a stick figure in a dress. The door had a long stray mark that was made by a pencil. Alyssa wondered why someone would even bring a pencil into the Bathroom in the first place.
Walking inside the Bathroom, she got a chill. But she continued to go inside. She saw slobber fall from the ceiling.
“What the…” Alyssa said.
She looked up. There was a little girl with huge fangs and red eyes. She also had claws as long as an index finger. The girl was short and in uniform.
Alyssa screamed. The girl who had clawed her way onto the ceiling said
“I’ve got you!” She jumped down and landed in front of Alyssa. Alyssa continued to shriek. After one last ear-piercing shriek, the door opened. In walked Andranae.
“What Alyssa? Why are you yelling?” Alyssa faced Andranae and said
“Why am I screaming? Because of that mutant wolverine girl!” She pointed over to the girl. But she was gone.
“How did she just…” Alyssa said confused.
“Alyssa, I think you need to go to the Nurse.” Andranae said grabbing Alyssa’s arm.
“But…But…” Alyssa whimpered.
“C’mon, I think you need some ice.”
Chapter 5
After all the weird coincidences of wolverine-like children, no one else saw them. It was like they were just watching Logan, Andranae, and Alyssa. No one else saw them.
“Class, grab out your New York Maps. First Color, then label, then read textbook page 53 to 86. I’ll be at my desk if you need any help.” Mrs. Rogers-Newman announced. Everyone quickly started talking. It was 25 conversations all at once.
Andranae colored her map and looked up. She thought she heard a noise. In the window, she saw a sharp-toothed, red-eyed child. He used sharp claws to write in the window:
Your Next
Andranae yelled. “Aaaahhhh!”
“Andranae, Andranae. What’s happened? You look like you just saw a Ghost!” Mrs. Rogers-Newman said coming over to Andranae.
“No, No! I just saw a Wolverine writing on the Window.” Andranae pointed. Instead of the writing, there was a yellow smiley face.
“Andranae, that’s a smiley face. Go in the Hallway and get yourself together.” Mrs. Rogers-Newman said.
“Okay.” Andranae said grumpily.
She got up and went into the Hallway.
“But I DID see him!”
Chapter 6
That afternoon, the three petrified students walked home together.
“Today in the Bathroom, I saw a Wolverine girl.” Alyssa said clutching her textbooks.
“Wow, that’s weird. I saw one too, except the one I saw was a boy.” Andranae replied.
“That’s what I saw at Recess! We are being watched!” Logan pointed out.
“So, just like in the Hills Have Eyes, we are being watched!” Andranae said. They both looked at Alyssa. She looked scared stiff.
“But only WE can see them!” Alyssa said very scared.
“So, this is creepy. We should hide at your house, Alyssa.” Logan whispered.
“Ssshhh! They are watching! They can see and hear us!” Andranae whispered back.
“We need to get to my house. C’mon guys!” Alyssa said.
Just in that split second, 4 wolverine Kindergardeners jumped out of the tree. It was the same three they saw and a tall girl.
“You are not safe!” One boy yelled.
“Run!” Logan screamed.
All three of them ran. The Kindergardeners followed. They were really fast.
“C’mon! My house is the one on the right!” Alyssa yelped.
“Okay!” Logan said. The Kindergardeners were close behind. Just about four feet.
“This one?” Andranae said pointing to a big brown house. It had many windows.
“Yep!” Alyssa agreed.
Then Logan let out a scream of pain.
Alyssa and Andranae looked back. The tall girl with the long hair was on Logan. Her sharp fangs were in Logan’s leg. There was a huge wound and it was all red. The Girl just sat there, too full of blood to move.
The Kindergardeners were far away now, but still running.
Alyssa and Andranae ran back to Logan. They put his arms around them and helped him walk.
“Almost there.” Alyssa said.
They were now on Alyssa’s driveway. When they got to the door, the Kindergardeners jumped down from nearby lampposts.
“We’ll get you!” One screeched.
Alyssa screamed in terror. She rushed into the door with Logan and Andranae. She closed the door and triple locked it. Then, the Kindergardener broke through the door. The three of them screamed.
Chapter 7
“Come on! To my room!” Alyssa yelled. The three of them ran upstairs screaming their hearts out.
The Kindergardeners were all inside the House now. There were several holes in the wall and door. Alyssa looked back.
“My Mom is gonna kill me about this!” Alyssa said.
“Well, if you stop moving, THEY will kill you!” Logan said grabbing Alyssa.
Then they raced up the stairs. They ran to Alyssa’s room. Andranae stood there, her back against the door. Alyssa opened her closet and grabs her Eagles Jersey. She wrapped it around Logan’s bleeding leg.
“Thanks.” Logan said politely.
“No problem.” Alyssa said. Just then, a Kindergardener made a big hole in the door. His furry paw twisted and push Andranae off the door.
“Uh…Guys!” Andranae said.
The Kindergardener opened the door and charged in.
Then with a split second decision, Logan grabbed Andranae and Alyssa and jumped out of the Window.
Chapter 8
You thought they would die? Oh, no way my friend. HERE is what happened to them.
Safely, they landed on the green Canopy.
“Thanks Canopy. You saved our lives.” Andranae said patting the inanimate object.
They jumped off the canopy and limped down the block. Looking back, they saw nothing but the house and the opened window.
“Wow, they move fast.” Logan said.
Then the friends quickly went to chill, I mean hide, at the Neighborhood Pool.
Chapter 9
Two hours later, they all returned to their houses. They thought it was safe, but do you really think so?
At night, Logan got into his bed so sleepily.
“Jeez, long day.” He said closing his eyes.
Alyssa, Andranae, and Logan stood speechless in the small white room. Without windows, the only light was the small flickering light on the ceiling. They heard clawing, screeching, and the light, flickering.
“They are underneath us!” Logan whispered.
“It’s all our fault that we are stuck in this small captive room.” Andranae said. Then except for the sounds, the room grew quiet.
Alyssa was shaking. He forehead drizzled sweat. Logan was biting his lip. Andranae just sat there, since there was nothing else to do.
The scratching grew louder. Then a monstrous green paw flew out of the ground. The Kindergardeners.
The hand flinched around, while Logan slowly crept towards it. In a couple of seconds, Logan was hovering over the hand. He took aim, and stepped on it.
The hand went back underground. But instead of on hand’s small hole, ten enormous holes were made. Out popped ten mutant Kindergardeners. The leader muttered
“Your time is up!”
The kids ran to Logan, Andranae, and Alyssa. Logan pushed them away, which knocked them down. Andranae kicked them showing off her two years in Gymnastics. But Alyssa just crept into the corner calling for help.
Logan ran to her punching them all down. By the end of a couple minutes, all ten Kindergardeners were on the ground.
“Oh yeah!” Andranae said giving high-fives all around.
But then 3 more flew from the ceiling. Their fangs were bared.
“After them!” One grumbled.
Alyssa pushed one down a hole and when it tried to get to get back him, she whacked him down. Andranae angrily punched one to the wall until he fell. One left.
“Muahaha!” It yelled. Then flames flew from his hands.
“Aaahhh!” Logan yelled waking up from the dream.
“Whew…Just a dream…”
Then a bloody ax appeared outside of his window.
“AAAAHHHH!” Logan yelled.
He jumped out of bed and grabbed his baseball bat. He approached the hand and ax. Since the window was opened, he quickly shut the Window on the hand. The hand moved around several times then jerked once. It stopped moving. The Hand must have died.
Logan took three deep breaths and went back to bed. With one last deep breath, he dozed off to sleep.

- Title: The Kindergardeners Watch Us
- Artist: whywhywow
- Description: Beware Readers! This story is about three kids that are being watched by Kindergardeners.
- Date: 10/18/2008
- Tags: kindergardeners watch stalk horror fiction
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Comments (5 Comments)
- i3Londie97 - 09/21/2009
- that was the coolest story EVER!!!!
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- oSNSDo - 03/12/2009
- i luved this story!
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- WellOfTears - 12/28/2008
- i liked it it was pretty cool
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- Mischiefwolf - 10/18/2008
- i loved it! plz check out my story and rate it! it is called A Wolf Within! thnx!
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- Thatdudeinthehoodie - 10/18/2008
- i liked it. not bad
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