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    In the distance i could hear the soft sound of foot steps splash in puddles. The glowing green eyes appeared in the dark ally way. Glowing with furry, and pain, i wanted to help her, but not on my life, she was the true queen of bitches. If she wouldn't have tried to hurt Tyler, I might have felt the slightest bit sorry for her, but I can't say she didn't bring this upon herself.
    "Come one Mitzi. Are you afraid" I didn't like Wanda's tone when she spoke my name. What did i do to her, I tried to help, that's what i did.
    In the distance, A soft child's voice sang in a creepy voice, "Ring around Rosie..." Those weren't the correct lyrics... Ring around the Rosie is how I've always remembered it. "Pockets full of posies." My heart was racing. I looked at my sister and we exchanged a confused stare. The song was coming some where from in the ally way, but where?
    "Ashes, ashes, we all drop... Dead..." A sharp scream followed by evil child-like laughs coming from all around us, not one, but many voices. I knew for sure, those were not the lyrics, and i felt we were to die tonight.
    Through the Darkest of the night, Tyler's figure walked out from the darkness of the night. Tyler! But... He wanted to kill Wanda.
    I saw this coming... I should have stopped it.

    Just another ordinary, boring day at school. Well... Just about I guess. Today was picture day, and I was hoping I could stay home for it, but Marissa forced me to go to school. God, you'd think she was my mother. My own twin, gez, she was so irritating.
    i walked past the cafeteria where they were taking pictures for the year book. Ugh! There was no escape now, I was at school and there was no possibility i would get hurt or end up sick. I sighed and continued walking past all the lockers until i reached the right one, mine. Quickly, I dialed my combination in the lock. With a click of the lock opening in fell to the ground and just missed my foot.
    "Whoa..." I bent down to pick it up, but it was gone. "Hey?" I said confused looking around for the theft who stole my lock. Nothing.
    "That sucks." I said to myself looking in my locker for my math note book and text book. I shut the metal door so i slammed, I was quite mad at this point, anyone could help theirselfs into my locker.
    Just as the door slammed shut, a face appeared where the door was. "Oh my ********..." My hand was over my heart, my eyes shut tight. My mouth turned from what was a frown of anger, to a frown of disgust. Recovering quickly, I opened my eyes to a familiar face standing in front of me swinging my lock on his index finger side to side. He was leaning against the locker next to mine. "Tyler." I growled, I shut my eyes tight again, but this time with humor. Tyler was the last person I'd expect to see standing with me.
    "Hey doll face." He said with his head tilted to the ground but eyes looking up at me with his glossy eyes, and a dreamy half smile. Whenever he spoke, it made me smile. I tried to muffle the escaping giggle with a cough, but that wasn't enough to hide it for Tyler.
    "Tyler." I said with a sheepish look. I think i was now blushing. My cheeks felt hot. Speaking of hot... Tyler was the type that could always make you get over anger quickly weather you wanted to or not. All he had to do was smile, and when he smiled, you could help but smile back.
    I held out my tiny hand and waiting for my red combination lock. "Seriously, dude how do you do that?" Tyler dropped the lock in my palm and looked at me a little confused.
    "Do what, Mitzi?" The way he said my name made my breathing unsteady. He must have noticed, because i heard a low chuckle coming from him. My heart raced even faster, how could it get worse.
    "do, uh... get places..." How should i phrase this? "faster." I added. i couldn't find the right word, he did so much more than 'get places faster,' yes, he did much more than that. He answered my thoughts, and heard the faintest of things.
    Just then, Wanda walked from one end of the hall strutting like the angle she never was. Devil, is more like it.
    She brushed by Tyler's Shoulder purposely, and Tyler looked annoyed. "Oh! Tyler, Oh heavens, I didn't see you there hon." Wow, she is so over reacting... "How are you?" Who was she trying to fool? "So, Tyler, I was sundering if you could walk me home today..." Wanda fluttered her eyelashes, trying to look innocent. God, I hope I would never try to get attention like that when I turn seventeen in two years.
    "Uh... Actually, Wanda, I was going to walk Mitzi home, sorry." I thought i saw a grin creeping up on Tyler's face.
    "I'll come with you!" Wanda Shrieked a little too eager.
    "Um," Tyler looked at me, I rolled my eyes and mouthed, what ever. "Sure I g--"
    "Thank you Tyler!"

    After our Drama club was let out at 8 o'clock, It was already dark outside. Tyler, walked us down the deserted road. I looked above our heads to the moon. The moon was full. Just so beautiful through my eyes. The only thing to ruin my moment of happiness, was the devil she-devil, Wanda, She was getting a little too close to Tyler, I you know what I mean.
    "That's it!" Tyler snapped. "Wanda, I don't like you, get off me!" He shoved Wanda away, and Tyler stocked off into the dark ally way pissed off. Wanda always pushed things too far with him, but he never snapped like that.
    "Now look what you've done." -.- I ran after Tyler down the pitch black ally way, and Wanda followed, for some odd reason.
    "Tyler!" i sounded like a pet owner who lost her dog. "please Tyler, don't do this to me!" I heard shallow breathing coming from the darkness. Wanda Paced right behind me. I turned around to look at her and she looked as if she were going to pounce on me. ....

    [To be continued...] (writers block =P)