"Artemis! Artemis!" young Tullio, the youngest of the elven children, came stumbling out of the forest, clothes torn and hair askew. "the Prince and his men left!" Artemis thanked tullio for his help. The forest was safe again."its safe to go out again!" she called to the rest of them, hiding in the huts. "tullio says they've left, and ill put out a few sentry dragons at the forest's edge." Gradually, a few elves poked their heads out of the hut doors. Making their way outside, they went back to life as they usually did. The marketplace was bustling again, elven children were laughing and dashing about as though the whole scuffle with the Prince had never happened. As she strolled through the marketplace, people nodded to her. It was common knowledge in the village she was the last descendant of prince Renorath, tonce the ruler of the kingdom Runath. Before humans took over, that is. Another scuffle and shouts of, "let him go!", She spun around, dagger already in her hand. The prince and his nobility. They had Tullio! A lock of dark hair fell across her face, fury printed into every inch of it. Then, three sharp words that cut into the prince like a knife and made his blood run cold. "let him go" She stared at the prince for a moment, like a cat ready to pounce. But he took out a dagger and pressed it to poor Tullio's throat. Artemis sheathed her dagger. "what do you want?" she said, her eyes peircing the prince like daggers. "what, is the big bad prince afraid of a little elf girl? so affraid he has to threaten her with children? why dont you fight me like the prince your supposed to be!" Agravius's eyes narrowed. I'll release the child if you allow yourself to be captured." he said at last. She had no choice, if she didn't he would kill Tullio. At last, after scrutinizing him for a moment, said; "i agree."