The Flowing of Endless Blood
Kaim was sideswept by Kaelim's gust of wind. Kaim rose up from his side and closed his right hand. Upon it's opening, fire erupted from his palm. His left hand grabbed the wrist of his right and he aimed the ball of fire at Kaelim. The ball sprang from his hand. Kaelim thought this would be easy to dodge. He sidestepped but the ball simply exploded next to him.
Kaelim stood up, anger burning from his eyes. He rose his arms. A large ball of electricity formed in one palm and one of water in the other. Kaelim fired the water ball. It was quick enough that Kaim didn't have time to dodge it. He was soaked. That's when he realized, he just became a homing beacon. The lightning ball charged at him. He backfliped, then side flipped, but the tendrils of the bal stuck to him. soon the ball itself was being attracted to Kaim....fast.
Kaim felt the massive shock of electricity when it blasted his right side. He couldn't use his right arm, for he could not tell if it was there or not. Most of his right side of the torso was numb and no longer functioned. Kaim couldn't do much else but fall to his knees. Only his left lung was working now. He struggled for air. Kaelim slowly levitated his way towards Kaim. His right arm outstretched with a ball of black light levitating from his palm.
"Do not worry, Kaim" Kaelim began to say, "All your loved ones will be in the afterlife waiting for you. You'll also get to see that pathetic person you called a friend..." Kaelim smirked and made his palm paralell with Kaim's face. The ball of darkness now hovered only inches away from Kaim's nose. "Goodye, Kaim Withersail. You were the worthiest person i've had to fight in ages." Kaelim finally finished.
"Of course it was worth it" Kaim began, "Im still not done." Kaim took a large breath of air and yanked a dagger from his boot. He knocked Kaelim's arm out the way, causing the ball to fly and hit a nearby bolder, basting it into oblivion. The dagger rose and fell, penetrating Kaelim's senter chest, cutting off his main airway.
As Kaelim fell to his knees, Kaim stood straight, an didnot allow Kaelim to look at anything else but his own eyes. " My friend wasn't pathetic..you're pathetic. If you hadn't got your little minions to hold him down while you blasted him with punches, he would've kicked your cowardly a**! Now, goodbye Kaelim Jhering." Kaim finished. He pulled his dagger out and kicked Kaelim. Kaelim fell on his back, his eyes closing for forever.
Kaim dropped the dagger and walked a few steps, with his back turned to Kaelim's corpse. Imperial troops had just entered the courtyard where the battle took place. Kaim fell to his knees. He looked around. The troops were marching in. The sound of the earth deafened. He was sure he was dying. Some of the troops were kneeling to Kaim. Others were inspecting the body of Kaelim. The rest were escorting medics through to Kaim. The medics laid him on his back and began administering treatment. He could see them shouting commands at eachother, and even hear them, faintly. His vision was blurry. He had realized he was being transported on a medic cart. The medics still treating his wounds. Kaim was sure he would die, but at least he would die with the satisfaction of Vengeance....
Thank you for reading. There is more if you want to read the ACTUAL ending, just PM me and i'll put it in the arena. Then again, i might put it in the arena later anyway. Anyway, here are the songs.
The Battle
The Fall of Kaelim[Ending of story]
The Flowing of Endless Blood
Fester the Jester
A quick story I decided to write. A battle appears in my head everytime I close my eyes. This was inspired by a song I heard on newgrounds. The link is at the end of the story. Yes, i'm going to make you read through the whole story to see my inspiration. Or you could just scroll down all the way. Doesn't matter to me.
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