• The Curly haired boy walked down the sidewalk, a short girl with shoulder-length brown hair, and an older looking guy at his side. Unaware of the news which awaited him... and the things to take place afterward. Yasuo Akikaze opened the door slightly to check if anyone was inside, this place was just better if it was him and his friends.
    Yasuo smiled. "Yeah, there's only a lady sipping coffee." He said, opening the door fully and walking over to their usual seats. Tetsunei followed behind Emri as they sat into their usual seats. Yasuo stood standing, "The Usual?"
    Emri looked up and muttered, "Yup." Tetsunei seemed to be lost in thought.
    "... Tetsu-chan?" Yasuo said, "Hello..?" He waved a hand in front of her face, but she remained unphased.
    "I think I'll have the Chocolate mochachino." She said after a long, yet somewhat fruitful pause. Tetsunei Tatsukemamoru is a short girl with a lively personality, but when she gets to thinking, she can't stop. Her brown hair resembles that of a dark brown amber. Yasuo has been told she loves lilacs, but he's yet to see her.. "Loving" any.
    Yasuo smiled and nodded, hopping off towards the counter and register. He stared at the special for today, which was a sort of cream drizzled scone with a free green tea. After about a minute of gazing at the menu on the back wall, a familiar face appeared at the counter.
    "What'll it be today?" Said the man with a goatee, chuckling, practically knowing what he was going to say.
    "I'll take the caramel Libra, Tetsunei'll have the.." He checked the menu for Chocolate Mochachino, "The.. Chocolate Leo. And Emri will have the Dark Saggitarius as always." He smiled at the man.
    Emri Seidou was a quiet guy who was somewhat layed back. He liked to study before he acted, he was calm in the face of danger and could easily punch someone out. Yasuo's best friend. He's got a fiery personality when he's mad, passionate, or excited about something.
    The Man nodded and turned to the tools to begin crafting up three delicious drinks for his best customers. Yasuo turned on his heel and walked back to Emri and Tetsunei, Yasuo took his normal seat next to the red-brown haired boy. Out of all of them, Yasuo was the only one with One: Curly hair, and Two: Dark Chocolate Brown hair.
    "...-en he slammed him on the ground and knocked him out because he said that!" was all Yasuo could hear from the end of their conversation before he returned. Apparently, they were talking about some guy talking bad about another guys girlfriend or something.
    "Hey, you guys, guess where I went to before school today?~" Yasuo said happily.
    "The Field." The two said in Unison. Yasuo blinked.
    "How'd you know?"
    "It's obvious."
    "How could we NOT know?
    "So simple..
    "Hey!! Tell me already!"
    "You should know by now!!"
    After the small argument ended Emri explained, "You still have flower petals in your hair."
    Yasuo blinked again, immediately, his hand reached up, pulled something pink from his bangs and gaped.
    It was a pink Sakura petal.
    "... H-Have I been walking around ALL DAY with FLOWER PETALS in my hair?!" He bellowed, his face turning a bright pink.
    "Yup." Emri and Tetsunei said in unison once more. Yasuo was blushing insanely, the one thing he didn't like was attention, he was happy and cheerful most of the time, but sheesh, embarrass him and he'll dissapear in a flash... Or turn bright red.
    "Libra, Leo and Sagittarius!" The man behind the counter shouted, making Yasuo stand immediately.
    "I-I'll go get the drinks now." He stammered, rushing out of his chair to the counter, getting the concoctions with whip cream and taking them back to their table. He took his time, looking around the shop. It looked like a classical old room, with modern, yet old fashioned walls with clocks in curvy frames, like a wrought-iron garden gate.
    The chairs were the same way, the tables were just glass-tops with wrought-iron undersides and legs. The floor was white marble, but had a sense of past from the oldness it seemed to exert. The ceiling was something else. It was white, but it had little dark blue dots here and there, on closer observation, Yasuo discovered that those dots drew the Constellations! Which pleased him very much.
    He came to the table with the drinks, Emri and Tetsunei were both obviously in a daze. Yasuo had to snap his fingers to get them to take their coffee's. After he sat down again, a new conversation seemed to pop up out of nowhere.
    "Hey, which school are you going to next year?" Tetsunei asked Yasuo after a sip of chocolatey mocha. She watched him out of the corner of her eye, not taking a second glance anywhere. Yasuo shrugged at the question.
    "I dunno. We're starting middle School, aren't we?.. So.. I dunno." He shrugged again, not liking the idea of being separated from Tetsunei and Emri.
    "I'm going to some Academy for advanced physics." Emri said out of the corner of his mouth with it still over the straw from his dark chocolate drink.
    Tetsunei and Yasuo sighed, they knew this would happen. Emri had the highest grades they saw in a 9th grader. But, he was easily the coldest. The only people he seems to trust are Tetsunei and Yasuo.
    "Well, I guess I'm going to the local middle school. I don't know where it is or what it's called. It's on the other side of town." Tetsunei said, fiddling with her amulet.
    "I guess I'll go there too.." Said Yasuo, fumbling with his own amulet. A Japanese symbol which he was unaware of it's meaning on rolled red crush velvet. A Little Cat Collar.
    The three shrugged it off and continued drinking in silence for a while.

    "But get this-" Tetsunei said in an eerie matter-of-fact tone after about 20 minutes of solitude. "I hear there's this kid who got accepted into this special school around here, 'Sakura-Something-or-other' Middle School. He got accepted and then when he graduated he was crying 'till he got inside and I hear he never leaves his house anymore. and some other kid who went there.. He attended and when he was supposed to come home after graduation, he dissapeared."
    "The One who was crying, did he say what had happened to him?" Emri said with sudden and surprising interest.
    "He said he tripped and scraped his knee pretty bad on the way home." She said casually, "Sure, there was an injury on his knee.. But it was a GASH."
    Emri thought a moment and responded, "So, do you think they abuse the children at that school?"
    "Yes, No? I don't know. It seems that way doesn't it?" Tetsunei said, peering at Yasuo out of the corner of her eye. Yasuo was shivering. "What's up Yasuo?"
    Yasuo didn't respond, he was thinking.. What if Tetsunei got accepted into that school? His friend might be beaten, or yelled at, or abused in some other way!! Yasuo stared at the raw ice in his cup and felt a strange sensation overtaking his body. The top of the ice seemed to be moving as if it were water. A strange dot appeared in the center of it and it seemed to be rippling around that spot. The Ice seemed to be moving so strangely. It moved of it's own accord and skimmed around in the cup. He was totally focused on that until Emri shook his shoulder.
    "Hey, Yasuo, you okay?" He said.
    Yasuo turned to look at Emri and his face felt pale, he was slightly dizzy. "Y-Yeah..." Yasuo said with unease, "I-I'm alright."
    Tetsunei loosened the collar on her school uniform, "C'mon, let's go. It's getting warm outside."
    The Three teenagers got up and walked out of the Cafe, the familiar bell ringing as they exited.
    Yasuo was the last to leave, he stopped a moment and looked back at the cup of melting ice..
    Had that been a consious dream? Yasuo blinked, thought a moment, and left the shop.
    The sunlight shown brilliantly on the table the boys and girl were at. The ice in one of the cups moved slightly, adjusting to the melting ices movement.