• Little Red grabbed handfuls of the fat swaying blackberries and popping them greedily in to her mouth. The berries were still warm from the hot sumer sun, even though the sun had set hours before, sweet and sour just right to Little Red's taste.
    Their juices stained her small mouth and fingers. Little Red did not care, she was not afraid of anything, least of all fairies.
    the sound of a breaking twig made Little Red spin around her scarlet skirts swirling around her.
    she saw nothing to make a sound like that, what she did see was the largest most succulent blackberry she had ever seen.
    Little Red knew she was not supposed to come to this wood or eat any thing that grew here.
    But Little Red did not believe in fairies or there powers, they were children's stories and nothing more.
    She stepped closer to the blackberry unwittingly placing her foot in a ring of mushrooms.
    The berry was still out of reach, she stepped even closer placing both her feet within the circle.
    Little Red stretched her, hand between the brambles which scratched her drawing blood but Little Red did not care.
    Her chubby fingers grasped the berry. she shoved it in her mouth savoring the taste, sweet, sour, tangy, and something else, salty like copper. her own blood.
    She suddenly felt very drowsy, she sat down in the circle planning to get up immediately but as she reached the ground she fell into a deep slumber never to awaken.
    The End