• Bright lights rained down on me. I couldn’t discern their origin nor did I desire to. As my body began to seek consciousness, I realized the ground below me was wet. I opened my eyes only to behold a small forest of dew soaked grass. I lifted my head from the ground keeping my hand pressed against the earth as I got a better look around. What I saw amazed me.
    Everything was bathed in a light green glow. There were trees thin enough for me to wrap my arms around, and tall enough to reach the heavens, surrounded me. Perhaps normal, if it was only that but as I followed the trees up lavender leaves stole the attention of my golden eyes. So light, that they were almost transparent, I found that I couldn’t stop staring at their frail beauty. But I turned my attention to what else lay around me after I heard a peculiar sound. Looking I found that a gorgeous snow white bird with a long neck solely rested on an aquamarine pond. The border of the pond was made up of shiny black stones. The bird stared at me intently as if it had never seen a creature like me before. It looked tranquil just sitting on the pond with nothing around. In fact I couldn’t hear anything living. It felt like the trees were closing off the world around the area in which I sat.
    Who are you? A voice from nowhere inquired of me, or at least, that’s what I assumed. But how could I answer? I did not know who I was.
    Who are you? The voice asked again. This time it seemed like it was the bird that had asked me. I tried to explain, but my voice wouldn’t come. I stared into the eyes of the bird, they looked so lonely.
    Suddenly I felt light headed and the bird began to change shape. The pure form that I could have mistaken as an angel quickly shifted into that of a demon. The white feathers turned black, and the feathers became fur. The dark lonely eyes became bloody orbs that leered at me with obvious hate. The beak of the bird also shape shifted into the muzzle of what would have been a wolf. Indeed, as I looked the animal over now, that’s what it seemed to resemble. A huge wolf bathed in the night. The animal began to advance on me. Knowing that I was in danger I backed away from the creature’s advances. I searched quickly around me for some sort of weapon with which I could protect myself.
    Then, I began to wonder. Where had I heard these words before? What were these words to me, angel, demon, wolf, or weapon? I’d never seen or heard of such things. In fact I couldn’t remember anything that should have mattered to me. Who and what am I? It was a question that reverberated throughout my mind.
    Completely stunned by thought I found myself trapped within the creatures range. I guessed that the creature’s intention was to kill me. I assumed that I was going to die in that moment but then… crashing and stumbling through the forest a tall man with dark hair and armor wrestled himself free of the brambles and stood strong as he faced down the demon, or whatever it is that one would call such a being.
    The creature which I could only think of calling the pure manifestation of human fear, revealed long canines that were sharpened to a point meant to terrify his adversary, but the soldier, for I couldn’t think of any other word to describe him as, didn’t even flinch. He kept his eyes on the demon, unblinking, and unafraid.
    More words invaded my mind, and interrupted my thought I could no longer concentrate on the world around me. I missed most of the fight that I assumed to be spectacular due to the many grunting and slashing noises that I could hear.