• Eve sat in her cramped cage. The white, sterile lab was thick with the smell of latex gloves, and was silent with the night. Suddenly she heard foot steps approaching her cage.

    A familiar voice cried out. "Let me go!" Jacob shouted. Jacob was the closest thing Eve ever had to family, due to the fact that she had been kidnapped from her original parents.

    Eve gasped, "Jacob! She sprung forward squeezing her face in between the bars of her cage. She looked up, first she saw Jacob. She smiled at him, then she looked at the shredders holding him (shredders are bears/cheetahs/men that have super strength), "YOU FILTHY SHREDDERS! LET HIM GO!" she shouted at them knowing they had already found out that Jacob was helping her survive throughout the years, and that to them her words were meaningless.

    "Eve? Eve help!" Jacob shouted. Eve attacked the bars with all her strength, but dispite her efforts she was not able to break them because of the lack of space. The scientist took out a flare gun and shot it at Eve. Her stone hard skin caught fire. She blew it out as the scientists laughed at her. Jacob kicked the scientist that was holding the flare gun. One of the shredders back hand slapped him with his furry clawed hand. The shredder's claws had cut into his cheek as he slapped him, making him bleed. Eve crawled to the back of her cage and plugged her nose. The scientists laughed harder this time. She scowled at them. Jacob's cheek had began to swell and turn purple already. One of the shredders that wasn't holding Jacob grabbed Eve out of the cage. Another shredder grabbed one of her hands so she couldn't move.

    "What are you bastards doing this time?!" She questioned, her anger clearly displayed in her voice.

    "We need to punish you both for being naughty." One said, a sick grin on his face. The others laughed. Eve tried to read their thoughts. She got nothing. They were wearing their mind caps that prevented her from hearing their thoughts. She looked at Jacob with her beautiful sapphire blue eyes with the readable question on her face, What's happening?

    Jacob shook his head, "I'm not sure...." Eve looked down. Not knowing what people were thinking or what was going to happen scared her.

    They took Eve and Jacob into a empty room and locked the door on the outside. Eve looked around, confused as to what was happening. Jacob was just as confused as her. Eve kicked the door with all her strength, but all that happened was an ear splitting noise.

    "Eve, I may not have as good of hearing as you but that still was obnoxiously loud." Jacob complained.

    "Sorry." Eve apologized. She turned towards Jacob. His cheek wasn't swelling anymore and it had scabbed over but it was still purple. That couldn't ruin his beautiful features though. He had dark brown hair that was cut really short and spiked a little. His eyes were hazel and his face flawless, excluding the bruise of course. He paled in comparison to Eve though. She had jet black hair that hung just past her shoulders, and deep sapphire blue eyes that were simply radiant. When she smiled her fangs would poke out slightly which was actually kinda cute. Her skin had a slight hint of color in it unlike other vampires, but it was just as hard and cold as other vampire's.

    Eve suddenly realized what was happening. She backed away from Jacob with pain and panic in her eyes.

    Jacob began to approach her, "Eve wha-"

    Eve interrupted him, "Stay away from me Jacob! Don't you take another step!" There was just as much pain and panic in her voice as there was in her eyes.

    Jacob looked at her from narrow, suspicious eyes, "Eve what are you talking about?" he asked. A tear ran down Eve's ice cold face. Jacob took another step closer

    Eve was suddenly furious, "Jacob if you know what's good for you you'll stay as far away from me as possible! They're waiting for me to kill you so they don't have to get their hands dirty." Jacob realized what Eve was talking about and backed up into the total opposite corner of the room.

    "How long do you think I've got before you eat me for breakfast?" Jacob asked slight sarcasm in his voice; from his inability to take things seriously.

    Eve's fury grew, "They'll have better luck making me human!" She shouted in anger. Jacob closed his eyes and laughed a deep throaty laugh. Eve lightened up slightly and laughed too, though her laugh didn't sound right; it sounded too nervouse and on edge. Her enchanting voice sounded like an angel. This made Jacob very happy that he could hear her voice, he was glad she could always be happy when she was with him.

    Eve was serious again, "Jacob just so you know I would never hurt you," she said with true meaning, "....On purpose." She added on the end because it was inevitable they were going to make her kill him no matter what. Jacob found her little add in was amusing so he laughed, which caused Eve to laugh too.

    Jacob yawned, "Well I'm tired I'm going to hit the hay. Alright?" Eve nodded at him in approval.

    "A human needs it's rest." Eve thought out loud. Jacob laughed slightly.

    "Good night..." Jacob said already sleepy even though he was about to fall asleep on the white linoleum floor.

    "Good night Jacob.... Don't let the vampires bite...." Jacob threw in a laugh before falling into a deep sleep.


    The next morning Jacob woke up to see Eve watching him. He waved warmly as a couple scientists rushed in to give Jacob breakfast and rushed out.

    They didn't bring anything for Eve.

    So for the next couple weeks the scientists would bring Jacob food and bring Eve nothing. One day a scientist saw that Eve's sapphire blue eye's had turned black so he teased her about her thirstiness and how that she didn't get anything to drink. Eve almost tore his arm off for that one. Almost being the key word.

    Jacob and Eve would have some positive conversations. Others would be heart felt secrets. But through out the whole week Eve wouldn't say 'I love you Jacob' because she was afraid that it would be harder to let him go.

    After the couple weeks the scientists grew tired of waiting. So they brought in a syringe and took out some of Jacobs blood with it. Then squirted it on the floor next to Eve.

    At first Eve cringed away from the blood, making a poor effort to try and keep from smelling it. Even though temptation over threw her will. She licked up all of Jacobs blood off the floor first then ran up to Jacob.

    "Jacob I-I"

    "Eve, It's okay trust me I won't hold it against you...." Eve grimaced and ice cold tears began running down her face as she bit into Jacob's neck. The warm red liquid flushed into Eve's mouth immediately. She had bitten strait into his artery in his neck. His pulse picked up and his body began to feel numb. She couldn't help but feel bloody satisfaction from draining Jacob of his blood, and his life. Jacob's body fell limp and his skin was rid of all color. Eve fell to her knees and cried out. She hit the floor under her with her fists so hard that it broke into several pieces. Scientists and shredders rushed into the room. Eve got up her body shaking with anger. She grabbed at scientists and shredder and began to rip their limbs off with ease. They came off like tissue paper in her hands.

    As Eve continued to reap her destruction she shouted at them, "This is my pain! You all can go rot in hell after you've gotten a taste of my pain! You bastards need to be taught a lesson that you soon shan't forget!"

    Eve felt a sharp pain in her spine. A shredder and snuck up behind her and injected her with a tranculizer that they use on wild elephants. She fell back down to her knees again and just before she hit the floor she murmered quietly. "Jacob... I-I love ....you."

    -To be continued-