• Waking up in sunlight is like waking up in the middle of a fireball, the pain arching over your body like live wire only to settle itself inside you and feeling it burn. Sadly, I woke up in this position. Stumbling myself awake, I crawled away from the window I fell asleep at, whimpering in pain. I looked at the rafters of the abandoned factory I was in, where I was left to wait for Vincent to return. Looking around, I could see that he still had yet to come back, which didn't surprise me in the least because Vampricia was at least a four day flight from here to there. Not to mention rest stops and stops to grab a bite. Haha, very funny, I made a joke. I can't remember the last time I made a joke. It's been that long. I wasn't always a vampire, you know. I was human once. Then I had met Vincent. Then my life changed. I don't know if it changed for better or worse but things just haven't been the same...Here's my story.