• Prologue
    Rowen Benej was a mysterious man who was born in a small village known as Durinal. Many people thought of him to be a spectre, or a ghost, but indeed he is human, well... half human. He comes from a species called the Naga, they hold the torso of a human and the lower-half is a serpent they're able to shoot venom and have control over dark magic. In order to survive they need to feast on the blood of humans. He's always cloaked because he once showed himself fully and the town went mad, they thought of him as a freak and wanted him exterminated. The outcome was the town's 'mysterious' disappearance...

    He has been living in the town of Bloodcrust for almost a year now, only coming out during the night. He has been trying to make peace with his past, but it's tearing him apart on the inside...

    Assassin's Contract

    A full moon rises and Rowen Benej slithers out of a dark alley. "I can't believe what a long day it has been, I've been so bored hiding in that stupid corner!" A street light flickers on and shines over the Naga's cloak. Flipping his hood over his head he rapidly moved towards a store. Looking at the roof he noticed it read, "WEAPONS" and under it read, "KILL YOUR BEASTS, MONSTERS AND ENEMIES."

    Everything reminded him of his past, it was horrible. Since he joined in with the Assassin's Guild his conscience has been eating him up inside. Anything he sees reminds him of the village he slaughtered because of a hit, and in the end the buyer hid from him.

    Looking into the late night sky he seen a red flare, it bursts and showed a skull with a dagger going through it. "Ah, a new contract has arrived. I'm going to feast soon..."

    He knew it was a human because the color of the flare, red were Humans, blue were Elves and green were the Naga. There were other species, but those three occupied most of the land of Dragail.

    Rowen's eyes glowed and his serpent tail moved back in forth as he sped towards the flare's shooting-location. Thinking to himself on the way, "I can't wait to feast, but I'm not sure how this one will effect me. I better think this through."

    A large Elf stood alone in the woods, "Brother Benej, I have summoned you for a special hit. I'm sure you'll love this one. It's a human named Axur Levail, a demon from your past. I'm sure you remember the village of Durinal. The contractor was Axur Levail, he still owes you money, but you're here to collect something even more powerful, revenge. I'm sure you can collect both with the Naga's special properties."

    Rowen smirked and placed his hand over his katana's sheath. "I'm sure he'll love to taste my blade, but I'll have the food tonight." whispered the Naga." He grabbed a piece of paper saying he's taking the hit and slithered away.

    Slithering as fast as he could he reached a small estate owned by Duke Iriqa, Knight of Liberty. He was a strong defender of peace and hated everything the Assassin's Guild did. Knowing that Axur would be hiding here, away from the prying eyes of the guild.

    He used Dark magic to create a small flame on the palm of his hand and sent it into the wooden door. The flame burnt a small hole and then dispersed. "One step closer to my feast" whispered Rowen.

    Reaching his hand inside the Naga unlocked the door and utilized his magical properties once again, but this time a lightning effect. Swinging the door open he noticed a large, buff guard and sent a bolt of lightning into his skull. Knowing that this would soon be discovered he slithered into a dark hallway and moved towards stairs.

    After seeing a small elf maid who was cleaning a room he slithered up to her. However, she couldn't see him. Grabbing her mouth and holding her close he whispered in her ear, "Where is Axur Levail?" She pointed to the east, only thing in that direction was the Royal Guest room. "Thank yousssss." Whispered the snake-man. As he threw her onto the ground and quickly slithered down the hallway, making sure to stay in the shadows.

    Noticing a large door he knew Axur was behind it. Weak fool, thought the Naga. Unsheathing his katana he pulled on the door's handle, opening it. The large human looked him in the eyes, "Assassin!" shouted Axur. Benej lunged at him making a thrusting movement with his blade. A slight movement by the human made Rowen miss. Rowen swung his tail, hitting the legs of Axur. He fell to the ground with a loud thump.

    Moving his body ontop of his, Rowen whispered to him "You've signed the contract of death. My method of killing - The pen, and your blood - it's ink..."

    The Naga's eyes started to glow a crimson color as he lunged down at the neck of the human, sinking his teeth into it. The feast has been consumed...