• This is the worst life ever.I hate me. You would even hate me.

    My name is Rebecca French. I am 11 years old and I`m 3f 9in. Can you believe it? I can`t. My mum doesn`t give a stuff anyway. She has Gloria to look after. And Shelley. And Holly. Oh,and my dad,who is a complete idle. No job. No commonsense. He lays in bed 24/7.
    There are seven of us. In a five story house,jam-packed with furniture and everything. We have a room each,all seven of us. My room is pink,with flowers all around. Which is fine if you`re girly. But I hate it. I can`t stand posh,prickly girls.
    I`ve just started this in Free Time in school. Oops,Chez just passed me a note. It says:
    Hey Bex!
    So,I`m going to Coolio Camp for the Halloween break,
    do you want to come?
    Cheryl(a.k.a.Chez XxXxXx)

    Noo! Coolio Camp!! I`m so envious! At the end of the class,I went straight home and threw myself on my bed. It was a long day,and the Coolio Camp scenario certainly didn`t help.