• “We’re moving?” complained Tanner Hearn, a seventeen-year-old boy said to his parents, Mr. And Mrs. Hearn.
    “Yes Tanner. We need to; we need a change in life. We can’t live in Chicago forever you know. We are going to move first thing tomorrow,” explained Mr. Hearn. “But, I don’t want to move! I LOVE it here. I promised Sam and Jake that I would go see a concert with them tomorrow; and it’s a Saturday!” whined Tanner.
    “Well call them and say you can’t. This is our last day in this city,” exclaimed Mrs. Hearn.
    “Oh fine. Hmph.” said Tanner as he went to his bedroom, shut the door, and called his friends. “Sorry dudes, I’m movin’ tomorrow. I’m goin’ to Raleigh, NC. ‘I have to go just for a new change in life!’ Can you believe it?” shouted Tanner, explaining to his friends about the move.
    “Oh, sorry dude. Hey, we’ll call you everyday, maybe. Keep in touch.”
    “Someday, Jake is gonna get a car and ride around with me. Oh yeah, I’ll record the concert and give it to ya. Bye!” said 16-year-old Sam and his 18-year-old brother Jake. “Okay, hear from you later, bye!” said Tanner, sadly. Tanner got off the phone, into his nightclothes, and hopped into bed, thinking about the move.
    The next day, Tanner woke at 6 AM, packed all his things early, and went outside, taking his last look at Chicago. His neighborhood was small but it was busy with cars and people. He went back inside and saw his parents packing. A few hours later, a truck driver came and took their furniture to bring to their new house in Raleigh.
    His parents already bought three tickets for them and they were going to depart on the plane at 4 PM. Several hours later, they left for the airport. The airport was crowded since it was summer vacation but they got to their flight on time. They got to their gate and sat for 2 hours. Finally, they boarded the plane. They were in between first-class and coach. A few minutes later, the plane took off. Tanner watched the clouds pass by and soon, he fell asleep.
    When Tanner awoke, they were about to land. He looked down to see the airport and the sun partially setting. He checked his watch to see it was 6:20 PM. The plane landed and everyone evacuated. The Hearn’s got all their supplementary things and left the airport. They got a taxi to drive them to a car shop, bought a car, and they drove to their new house. The truck that had their other belongings was already there and the driver put the last of the furniture inside and drove off. Tanner then examined the house, with a “good eye”. It was a big 3-story house on a lonely street with no neighbors. The house was dark blue and black with a chimney. It was made of brick and cement with a small deck on the top floor. Tanner ran into the house, up the stairs, and went into the room with the deck. The room was light blue with a bed that had camouflage bedding. The room was in the back of the house pointing towards a lake. Tanner walked up to the deck and examined it. The deck was painted sea foam green with two tables and three chairs. The view was beautiful; you could see the lake with ducks, swans and other wildlife.
    “I guess this is my room.” Tanner claimed. His parents took the master bedrooom one floor below him. That night, Sam and Jake called to say they were going to visit him
    in 2 weeks. A week went by and the Hearn’s had put all the furniture into its place.
    Tanner went to his room often to see the lake view. He always felt freer than the birds on
    the lake. At 9PM, Tanner was on his bed, sleeping, with a smile across his face.
    A week passed and Sam and Jake were supposed to meet Tanner at his house for 3 days. Tanner sat on the doorstep, waiting for the brothers to come. Finally they came, riding in a red dodge viper.
    “Hey Tanner! Jake got a car! Awesome, right?” shouted Sam.
    “Yeah cool!” responded Tanner. The brothers got out of the car and greeted Tanner with their secret handshake and Tanner showed them up to his room. Jake hopped on the camouflage bed.
    “Comfy bed, Tanner.” said Jake. Sam went on the deck, looking at the lake.
    “Nice view of that lake! I love your room!” exclaimed Sam.
    “Yes, I know. You guys are sleeping in the guest room,” said Tanner.
    “We’ll like it. Right Sam?” asked Jake. Sam was too fascinated by the lake. “Sam? Sam!” yelled Jake.
    Sam stopped, turned around, and said, “Oh yeah! Of course, we will. No doubt about it, bro.” Jake and Tanner snickered and went into the guest room. Sam and Jake finished unpacking there stuff and placed it all in their room, then went to sleep. That night, they slept soundly and hoped the visit would never end.
    However, their hope turned. The last day of the brothers ended. Sam and Jake finished repacking and told Tanner they were going on a joyride in the city and would return at 4PM. Tanner’s parents were going to go to eat out somewhere in a different town.
    “We’ll be back at 10PM. Don’t get into any trouble!” said Mrs. Hearn.
    “Mom, I‘m seventeen now.” said Tanner. His parents left and Tanner waited for his friends. As time passed, Tanner waited until it was 7PM.
    Tanner sighed, and told himself, “Where could they be?” Tanner walked up the stairs, passed the guest room, and walked up to his bedroom door. He hesitated, and heard a rattling noise like a doorknob turning. Tanner spun around but saw nothing. He shrugged and was about to open the door when he heard a door open and shut. He turned and saw something unexpected. His heart was pounding. He was sure he saw the doorknob turn. He ran behind a table by the guest room door. He stared at the door and he saw the doorknob turn. The door opened and Tanner saw Sam and Jake’s suitcases. Then, the door closed. Tanner waited 20 minutes and was about to get up when he heard the doorknob rattle again. He went back behind the table again and saw the door open. However, there was no luggage. Tanner waited 30 more minutes but heard nor seen anything else happen. At last, he got up and went inside the guest room, cautiously. He looked around the room and found 2 things: a letter and a newspaper. Tanner opened up the letter and to his attention; it was from Sam and Jake. It said:

    Dear Tanner,
    We have something to say. On our joyride, we…look at the newspaper. As you can see, there was an incident. We just came back to your house, took our luggage, and wrote you this letter. We’ll miss you, dude. You are a great friend. Remember us! Here, take this.
    From your best friends,
    Sam and Jake.

    Tanner looked at the photo that came with the letter. It was a picture of the
    threesome on their first day of High School. Then, Tanner looked at the newspaper. It showed the red viper with lots of dents and scratches on it. It said that 2 teenagers, Sam
    and Jake, were riding in the city and a jeep crashed into them, which caused a big clash with seven other cars. Seven, including the brothers, died while eight were injured. As Tanner read on, he started to cry since his best friends died. He sobbed until his parents came. By then, Tanner hid every kind of proof of Sam and Jake in his room. He told his parents that the brothers “moved to Asia” and you couldn’t contact or plan visits in anyway. His parents believed the lie and they all had to go straight to bed. That night, Tanner looked at the photo. He turned it around and found a tape that was labeled “2008 Concert”. It was the tape of the band that the brothers promised to record for him.
    Tanner said aloud, “I’ll miss you guys, too. And thanks.” Tanner thought about everything he experienced that day. Then he finally knew that his friends had come to visit him one last time.