• Back Again...Bensen High!!!
    The second day pt3

    On the way to her C7 class, Haturo bumped into the same wakkadoo she did yesturday. And again she kept coming up with these really odd sayings like "kookoo-britches" and "Padunky Mufkin". But instead of running in the opposite direction, the strange girl ran the same way Haturo was going. And when Haturo got to the classroom, that girl was in it! Haturo sighed, Great...now i gotta deal with Miss Prep for an hour and a half. Haturo thought in self-pitty. Haturo looked for an open seat and the only one was next to (isn't it obviuos?) Hitske. Haturo blussed a little and pushed some hair behind her ear and thought, Well...I guess it wont be so bad. The teacher pulled out his clipboard and annouced that Miss Mistuko Rira is the newest addtion to their Math class. Haturo crossed her arms in aggrivation. "Not a fan of the preps?" Hitske mutterd looking down at his book. Haturo smiled, "not really. I mean, being happy all the time? I think it makes her seem like a robot or a doll or something." Haturo looked over at Hitske and he was completly involved with his book, paying absolutly no attention to Haturo. "Hmph! Well, who said I wanted you to listen to me anyway?" Haturo said folding her arms again and looking the other way. Haturo glanced back at Hitske and he looked back. Haturo blushed with startled look on her face (emotion#15). Hitske chuckled and returned to his book. Afetr math, Haturo ate lunch with Yusa and headed home. Hturo rested her head on her pillow at 10:00 pm and woke up the next day to continue the cycle again!!

    End of Chapter 2...