• I look at her lips, chatting away so quickly, complaining to me about her problems. Her soft, red lips...just begging for me to kiss them. I nod to everything she says. She doesn't notice that I'm not paying attention. The only thing I'm paying attention is, her.

    "He never sees me anymore, he's too busy, now! He's always getting ready for college, I know he loves me. It's just, I love him so much."

    I love you so much, "Well, Rebecca. I don't know."

    She playfully hit me on the back, "You're no help, Terrence. Ah, I gotta go, see you later?"

    I try to smirk sexilly, and walk backwards cooly. Rebecca giggled and ran off to her next class. Birds flew over my head, and the sun shined brightly into my eyes. Why did we have to be 3 years apart? She's so, perfect for me.

    The day went on like this, I thought about her. Her hair. Her eyes. Her body. Her laugh. Her smile. Her face. Her...arms. Just, everything about her made me want to smile and not want to die.

    The clock ticked slowly...school was about to be over. I bit my lower lip until it bled and thought about her again. I couldn't wait to run to her house and watch her.

    Randomly, a pencil was thrown over my shoulder, I glanced back, "Hey emo. Cut your wrists lately?" retorted from Dylan.

    The class abrupted in laughter, I remained silent, fighting back the tears.
    "What a loser. You're such a loner. Why don't you go to the corner and sob about your emo-ness?" said Crystal.

    The bell rang and I jumped out of my seat, "That's right, emo, go run out and cut your wrists." I didn't even know who said that, I was too excited to see Rebecca.

    I dashed across the fields to the Highschool to see her, going through streets, houses, fences, nothing could stop me now. There she was. Rebecca in her Avenged Sevenfold t-shirt and black skinny jeans, with matching converses. I stare at her in awe.

    "Terrence!" She quickly waved at her girl friends good bye and rushed over to me, "Hey. What's up?"

    I looked at her in the eyes and smiled slowly, "...I love you, Rebecca," She looked at me strangely, my hands flew to my mouth, "I mean..." But, nothing would come out.

    Rebecca raised up one eyebrow and asked, "What? You love me?"

    My cheeks started turning hot and the palms of my hands started getting
    sweaty, "Yes. I mean--No. Yes. No. Uh, I don't know."

    "Keep going." She tapped her foot slowly to the rhythm of the band geeks in the court yard.

    I awkwardly looked down, "Rebecca...I've always loved you. We have so much in common, and, I think, I'm in love with you. I want to cuddle you so badly, it hurts me to see you with your boyfriend. I'm always thinking of you. And, I want more than this friendship. I want a relationship. "

    She let out a huge, hearty laugh, "That's funny, Terrence." She smiled widely while Rebecca tried to scan my face for sarcasm, "Wait. You're...not joking?"

    I shook my head no, "I mean it," I took her hands into mine and squeeze them, letting her know, that I really do love her, "I want you to be in my life, forever."

    Rebecca shook her head, "I'm dating, Sean. I can't do that to him. I'm in love with him, Terrence. Understand this. Okay? Let's stay friends."

    Tears wanted to pour down my face, just like a waterfall. Enough tears to produce a flood in our city. Those words hurt me, it was stuck in my head.

    Let's stay friends.

    The problem was, we never actually stayed friends.


    I look down at her, from high above in the skies.

    Angels flew around me and wondered, "Was that your sweet heart, dear?" But, I would always reply and say no.

    Rebecca grew out her hair, and got taller. She continued to wear black, which always made me grin. She married Sean. And she just had a baby with him. They're listening to Escape the Fate, which was made like years ago.

    She's cradling the baby inside her arms, and her husband is playing 'peek-a-boo'. Rebecca had a genuine smile plastered all over her face.

    My grandfather flew next to me, "Tell me again, why'd you commit suicide, sonny?"

    I sighed and kept looking down at her, "Because, I knew, we'd only be