• Name: Joe Hargis Age:15,000
    Race: Vampire Sex:Male
    Likes: Blood, Darkness, My Coffin, Bats, Fire, Killing
    Dislikes: Holy Water, Sunlight, Wooden Stakes, Crucifix
    I walked down the moist, dirty streets of my broken down town. By the looks of the clouds it would rain soon. Taking a head start, I looked around to find shelter. As I was searching, I walked by a book store. It was strange though since it was filled with large, dusty old books that I've never even heard of. I walked in thinking the place would be Enoch shelter and I looked at a few books. They were filled with old myths and legends. Werewolves, vampires, loch ness, aliens, big foot, YOU NAME IT! It was all there. "Tch....ya right..." I said to myself "like any of this is real..." I wondered around the shop as I came across a mysterious door. Letting my curiousity take hold, I entered. When I entered, I was right behind the store covered in rain. I tried to run back in but the door had shut itself and lock. I went rushing through the streets seeing that all of the good places to hide were taken. I finally stopped when I made it udlner an old bridge. I sat down panting since I was so tired. As I sat, I heard a voice. "I can see it...." I panicked and when I turned to see the source of this voice, there was an old lady. "I can see it....in ur eyes....the look of disbelief...." she said. "ya...I can't believe you snuck up on me like that...." I said still slightly shocked. "FOOL!" she yelled "you have the disbelief of the creatures of the night! You must believe or life will just continue to get harder and harder!" I was totally freaking out! Here I am, getting yelled at by an old lady that is ENCOURAGING me to believe in fairytales. "look granny I don't have the time to listen to you nag..."I said. Then, she hit me with her walking stick and mumbled "follow me if u value any feeling in your legs..." and she began to walk away. Technically, keeping the feeling in my legs seemed nice so I followed. She then led me to an old stand hidden under and old weeping willow tree. The leaves were gone, the trunk was rotten, and it looked pretty much ready to fall. When walked to the stand I was confused, there was nothing there at all. I turned around to ask the old lady why I was here but she had vanished. When I turned again to face the stand, there was a beautiful gypsy siting before me. It was hard to contain myself since, well...SHE WAS HOT! She then knelt closer to me and whispered,"Welcome to my shop of magical artifacts....how may I help you?" with a wave of her arm many artifacts were magically set on the table as if they had been there forever. I looked at everything there it reminded me of a lemenade stand since there were a lot of drinks that may have been potions. Then, I spotted a very awsome looking bottle. It's shape was like a pear, it's edges were as sharp as blades, it's beauty was unbearable, and the lid had tiny bat wings. All I could do was stare.... "that is a vampire potion" the gypsy said "it will permanently turn you into a vampire" I was amazed! I could me a vampire!? Sweet! Even though my head was saying it was a total rip off, I bought it anyway. I ran my way home as fast as I could wanting to test the potion so badly! When I got home I went to my room and shut the door and blinds. I carefully opened the bottle as a light puff of smoke emerged from the opening. I watched in pure awe as I made the shape of a bat and vanished. I took a long stare at the bottle but I quickly took a sip
    From the potion, quickly wishing I never did. My sight got fuzzy, my head ached, the whole room seemed to be spinning to me. I screamed as wings ripped their way out of my back. My teeth began to grow sharper as well, so sharp that they cut my tounge but the taste of blood in my mouth was so good. I watched as my skin turned plae and my eyes turned red. When my body was feeling a bit better, I looked in the mirror.There was no reflection! I really HAD become a vampire. I was completely shocked. "But...but v-vampires aren't....r-real..." I said to myself. I opened my window to get air but as ylthe light struck me I was in sudden pain. The light burned so much! I shut the window again siting in the dark. I crawled over tony bed and lied down thinking of what to do now. "well..." I thought "why not have some fun while I figure this out"