• Mitsuko stopped at the door and listened to the voice inside the room. Hidan was talking to himself, supposedly. She pressed her ear to the paper screen door and listened.

    "Jashin, I give my immortal soul to you so that you can act through me and preach your teachings. I thank you for giving me this immortal life so that I can worship your greatness. I thank you for sending Mitsuko to save me from spending eternity in that hole. I ask that you bless her as you have me. Please Jashin, keep me within your grace. You send beautiful Mitsuko to save me, did you also mean to tempt me with her? Allow me to make the right decisions while I am in her care and help me do your bidding. Praise Jashin!" Hidan opened his eyes and saw Mitsuko standing in the doorway with a warm smile.

    "I heard you praying," Mitsuko said meekly before sitting at his side.

    "Don't tell me that you're an atheist," Hidan sneered and looked away.

    "No, I believe in a higher power. There are just so many religions in this world, none of them fit what I've been raised with. I believe there is a deity of somekind that rules this world beyond our sight," she confessed her religious beliefs.

    "Ah, that's good. I hate atheists," Hidan looked at her and frowned.

    "I get the feeling that you hate a lot of things," Mitsuko smiled.

    "Yeah like money. Killing for money is against my religion."

    "Money is the root of all evil after all," Mitsuko said before she started to sew more limbs back onto his torso.

    He watched her piece random parts together before sewing them on. He felt like a puzzle. She found his hips and sewed them on. She had placed his legs on the futon where she would sew them on when she got to that section.

    "Tell me about your religion, Hadin," Mitsuko tried to break the silence.

    Hidan look up at her in surprise. No one had ever asked him to explain his religion of Jashin to them. Usually people would tell him to shut up when he would start his preaching. He licked his lips and began to tell her about Jashin, how causing death and destruction pleases Jashin and sacrifices in his name increases Hidan's immortality. She stared at him, finding his religion odd.

    "Interesting," she lied. Under the smile she was scared for her life.

    "You know, there has never been anyone that I've met so far except you that has actually been nice to me and wanted to get to know me," Hidan's mouth curled into a grin.

    "Really?" Mitsuko asked, surprised.

    "Yeah, everyone else just thinks I'm crazy. Only Kakuzu has ever showed an ounce of kindness towards me but only because he had to as my partner," Hidan shrugged and watched Mitsuko at his side.

    "Well, you can consider me your first true friend, I guess," Mitsuko gave him a childish smile and he returned it with a satisfied grin.

    Days passed as Mitsuko sewed Hidan back together. He healed quickly and she had to take the stitches out of some of his body parts. Hidan was getting to the point that he could sit up in bed and feed himself but he started to enjoy Mitsuko's company. His new friend, Mitsuko was so kind and caring. He wondered how she would feel if he suddenly went back on his promise and killed someone. She wouldn't find out. As soon as he got pieced back together, he would sneak out at night and kill some people to increase his immortality. He would have to be cautious and make it look like someone else's murder, try a different style in killing rather than his maniacal style. That way, Mitsuko would not have to worry.

    "Hidan, did you get to sew that large finger back on?" Mitsuko asked when she came through the door with a bundle of clothes in her arms.

    Hidan had the blanket pulled up to his waist and had his arms crossed behind his head on the pillow, relaxing. He nodded in reply and hoped she hadn't figured out what it was yet.

    "I found some clothes that you could wear," Mitsuko placed the pile of folded clothes at his side. "Dinner is almost ready if you're hungry."

    Her warm smile made him feel warm inside and as she left, he wanted her stay just a tag longer. Hidan sighed and started to get dressed. He would see her at dinner then.