• "You seem to look straight through me, whenever we're alone. I would be drawing somewhere and you
    would know I'm there. It's almost as if...you could read my mind. Just like today. I chose a new spot,
    today. Nobody ever goes there. Yet...today I saw you there. You didn't think I'd noticed...but I did. You
    watching me from behind that one Cherry blossom tree. The one with all those beautiful, dark petals.
    That one unique tree. How did you know I was there? Did you follow me? No. Then I would've heard
    you, or seen you...but your so quiet...you could've stepped on a twig like on one of those anime shows, or
    movies. But it was so quiet on the way here. You couldn't have followed me. So, then how'd you do it?
    I walked up to him today. You know, that boy who's always following me. Or, well maybe follow isn't
    the right word. Anywho, I went up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He was in the park, that
    summer day and I was curious so...yea. I tapped him when I saw he was zoned out on the swings. "Hey,"
    I said. He looked at me with dark eyes. Only, they seemed to sparkle when they saw me. "H-hey...When
    did you-" I cut him off. "I've been here a while." He looked suprised when I said that. I think I kinda
    read his mind, because what I said next seemed to leave him puzzled."How come your always where I
    am?" "W-wait...h-how'd you-" I cut him off again. "I see you...uh...I mean...um...yesterday...I was in the
    forest of Cherry Blossoms...I saw you...and-" He cut me off this time. "Well," he said "I seem to have a
    deep attraction to you..." I tried to back away but he grabbed me by the shoulders, roughly. Then he
    shoved a scythe right through me. I saw the faintest of grins on his face, as I fell to the ground