• Shivering Cold in Maryland. Breathing small little breaths .Thinking Its Tom’s last. Tom is a homeless. He ran away when he was six, His dad abused him day to night. So at twelve sharp he took two pillow cases and stuffed it with all the money, food and clothes the house carried and left. His dad never bothered to look for him. Tom lost all his food and money in a month. Children and adults felt sorry for Tom you could see it in their eyes. Thinking of the terrible thoughts of if he hadn’t run away it was better like this. Though he felt he did not deserve this torture, it was true he did not deserve it nor need it. Miraculously he was losing air fast. Deep heavy breaths until………no air.

    Every bystander suddenly became a witness and was shocked and terrified. About two days from then, Christmas Day, Tom woke up with his eyes squinted with blurry shadows of a boy and girl named John and Jannae were in his presence. They were relieved to see him alive. Tom was still confused to see him in a hospital. But Jannae explained that they took him here to help him get back up on his feet. So they helped him get up and took him to a home with friends and food called The Homeless Shelter.

    So when you aren’t Happy with your present on Christmas think of this story to remind you that you should be thankful because some people aren’t as lucky as us.

    -Jannae heart