• The only thing they could do was wait. He was late as usual. They wondered if he was out killing again, or as he called it, feeding. Oh, he is a vampire, and his name, Darren Bloodscrybe. He’s not anything like other vamps though, his diet mostly retains of female lovers. He has all of the natural capabilities of “normal” vamps. Including telepathy, persuasion, and he has one other odd quality that isn’t very common in male vampires, he can create a dark energy shield around himself and others as a form of protection. Also he’s the love of my life, though he doesn’t quite know this. I know he suspects but he can’t ever really know because he isn’t able to breach my psychic shields just yet. I have a feeling that that will happen sometime soon if I don’t stop sharing blood with him. What can I say? He’s a beautiful vamp, I mean supposedly they all are, but of all the vamps I’ve seen he is by far more beautiful then the rest. With long straight black hair to his shoulders and deep brilliant eyes that will take your breath away no matter who you are. Trust me I’ve seen my share of many different men who could take your breath away, he is definitely the best at the job. Even though he probably doesn’t realize it, if he does he hides it very well. No matter what anyone says, even him, I’ll always care for him and I won’t ever leave (I will live just as long as him, maybe even longer at the rate he’s headed).

    “Kassandra, where is your mind now?”

    I jumped at the sound of the voice behind me, pulling me out of my reverie. I turned to glare at the source.

    “Your late…again, Darren,” I sneered as I turned around, showing exactly how all of us felt with four simple words. He got the point.

    “You’re trying to change the subject my dear, you know how much I just love it when you do that,” he said sarcastically, even though I knew that he would really want the answer to his question.

    “I was trying to figure out why you were once again late to our meeting, even though you know when and where they are held everyday.”

    “Nice try love but you’ll have to do better than that. I saw the look on your face and it didn’t look like you were pondering anybody’s whereabouts just then,” even if I knew he was joking around and trying to get into my head, as he did all the time, I couldn’t help but go slightly to the defensive.

    “Well fine then maybe I was actually pondering what I would do tonight after this little meeting that we are wasting the valuable time of right now. So shut up and start listening to the talking up front, and please don’t stare at me when it’s my turn to speak. I don’t think you will like what I have to say anyway, so just don’t say anything until I’m done,” I pleaded with him, only slightly sarcastic.

    “But you look so appetizing standing up there.”

    “Please Darren, for me.”

    “As you wish love.”

    He calls me that all the time. No one else understands it, I wish I didn’t sometimes. I’ve been told he calls all of his lovers that, but I’ve seen him with several of his lovers and I’m the only one. I guess I’m lucky, I think.

    Anyways, what was I thinking about? Oh, yeah my life.

    I am and always will be a vampire hunter. The best some say, I’m not that conceited so I don’t think I am. I grew up away from my real family and was raised by a foster family who thought I was crazy and tried to get me admitted to the nearby crazy home. Of course it was too late when the people got there to get me, I had ran away. I found a coven that would take me in and have been raised to my birthright ever since. My teachers say that even for a late-starter I exceeded their expectations and passed with flying colors. Several of them come to me for help with a vamp problem they are having. That would be how I ended up with the assignment I have now. I have to attend a meeting every other night that keeps track of all the vampires and hunters out there so that we can keep peace (or as much as were we’re ever gonna get)between our people.

    Actually I believe it was my mother that got me this assignment in the first place. Well she’s not really my mother but she is the woman who has raised me ever since I found the coven. I love her like my mother so I call her my mother. Anyway, she came to me because she thought that I could handle myself well enough that I could go as the vampire hunter’s liaison, God was she wrong. I just happened to fall in love with the enemy here at these meetings. If they knew that I was a vampires lover I would be stripped of my powers and thrown to the mercy of my ‘enemies’, if I was lucky that’s how it would happen.

    Everyone says it is normal to fall in love with the damned, especially when you have shared blood. But I think that it is different with my race. It is more normal for us to be pained by their presence and kill them then to fall in love. I guess I am a very rare case.

    I heard someone say my name so I looked over expecting to see Darren only he wasn’t there.

    He was gone.