• Midnight

    The clock hit midnight and all horror broke loose. Demons flooded the streets, vampires hit the houses, and werewolf’s howled from the forest. I screamed in terror, as a beautiful demon came through my window “beautiful Anna” he whispered walking over to me. I let the tears roll out but he just wiped them away. “Don’t be scared” he whispered grinning. I backed up to the wall and he laughed “Anna what is wrong do you not remember me?” I shook my head and looked away from him. “I’m the demon that was just out your window.” He smiled as if trying to be fun. “Well, go back out it then” I whispered then looked down. He frowned “now was that ever nice, Anna?” I looked him in the eyes and said “no but it is what I want.” He slapped the confidence from me; “you stupid girl” he growled then my family came in and saw the monster. “Get out demon” my father shout. The demon smiled an evil grin and flicked his fingers sending me through the wall. Then all I heard were screams of my family. When he was done he came back to me. “Will be back child for now I must leave” he turned and was gone in a second. That night I cried myself to sleep. I felt bad that my family had died for me, why had they come in anyway? Did they hear my scream or yell? It’s always been my question but now it has been ten years and I’m twenty five still waiting for the monster to come back. This time I am ready this time the demon will die for what it has done to me. This is my story of when he came back this is my story of them.

    Chapter One

    I woke to the annoying ringing of my cell phone. When I answered I was told the most shocking news. “Anna Night?” the man asked “yes?” I said getting up and going into my closet to get dressed. “We understand that your family had died ten years ago and no one had found the bodies.” I froze for a minute “yes?” now a little scared was this about the demon? “Well….we believe we have found the bodies of your mother and father and brother….your sister was not found.” I stood there in my closet not believing what I was hearing. “How it’s been ten years” I cried. The man seemed to be out of words so he said “I know if you could come and check I will have the bodies here Tuesday.” I swallowed and said “okay” then fell to the floor when he hung up. “How?” I cried like that for a little bit the leaned on the wall. “This couldn’t be real it couldn’t.” Then I wiped the tears away I won’t let this scare me I couldn’t let it.
    All day in work all I could think of where my family everything we ever had done together ran through my head. No what the most said part was though. When I watched it run through my head I saw that I was always the one that got everything. I wasn’t the one getting everything, was I?
    When work was over I still couldn’t think of anything else but the bodies. Were they my parents? Was I next? Is he coming back? All those questions scared me and I won’t get the answer till Tuesday and today was only Sunday. That night thanks to the questions I started to sleep with a gun under my pillow. I would wake up in the middle of the night screaming ‘Demon! No dad don’t come in.’ It didn’t stop there though no. I started to see the demon everywhere and my sister where was she if not dead. When Tuesday came I was afraid to see my family dead afraid of the answer it might give me. I…I was afraid of the truth, the truth that the demon was real.

    I walked into the cop’s office and he smiled at me then I gave him my name “hello” I choked out “I’m Anna I was called down here on Sunday.” He frowned at me “oh” he said. I stared at him “What?” I got out just in time for me to hold back tears. He didn’t say anything he just grabbed my arm and lead me into a body room. I started to cry there lay my mother first. Her head was snapped open and her legs were gone. The body stain body seemed like it was about to say “Anna” before it died. I fall to the floor and the man helped me up. The next body was my father’s he laid on a gray table with a blanket on him up to his arms. “Why is he covered” I bit my lip. The cop let go for a moment and uncovered him. His stomach was cut up and his guts would have been pouring out if it would have been just now. “Oh my gosh” I cried falling to the ground once more. He helped me up and walked me over to my brother. He laid there not one scratch one him. How did he die? I wondered. The cop shook his head and opened my brother. All his insides were exploded. I ran out of the office and fell to the ice ground. The cops ran after me and try to relax me.

    That night the cop drove me home and I cried myself to sleep once again. My world had changed again and I couldn’t do anything about it. That night I heard something in my kitchen and I walked out there with my gun. There stood my sister with demon wings. She grinned at me “hello sis.” She seemed to purr it out and I put up the gun. “Oh please you couldn’t shot” she walked up to me and slapped the gun out of my hands. “He’s coming and you are going to die under his foot.” I screamed and ran back to my bed room slamming the door in her face. I could hear her roar in the kitchen. Then she was gone. The first time I saw my sister in ten years and she was telling me I would die. “She most still love me” I said sarcastically.
    The next morning, everything just went back to normal though I felt the same pain and had the same dreams. In work my boss walked in though this is when everything changed again. I started to….cry. He try to comfort me but it made it worse so he left. Then the one thing I didn’t see coming. The door opened and they stood the demon and…I stopped crying. He grinned and walked up to me. “My beautiful Anna” he put his hand to my face I slapped it away and he slapped me. I smiled this time I was ready for him. I pulled out my gun I put in there it feel safe and put it to his head. Then I did the thing I thought I would never do…I pulled the trigger. It didn’t work though. The bullet came back at me hitting me in the shoulder. I feel to the ground for the third time this day and let the pain go through me. “Let that be a warning to you girl do not touch me” Then he was gone.

    Chapter Two

    I went home with a bloody shoulder ever body stared at me and five people offered to take me tot he doctor. I just shook my head though and went home. Crying and taking the bullet out with my fingers. I washed it and wrapped it up then I took a shower. When I came out there he was with...my sister by his side looking like she wanted to kill me and make out with him 'eww.' I thought. I started to back up and my sister ran behind me and grabbed my arms twisting them behind my back. I cried out in pain as my shoulder and arms started to hurt. Why? I shouted "why do you have to be such frigging idiots when I get out of here I'm going to kick both of your.." He punched me in the gut. "Shut up girl your lucky your still alive." I spit the blood out of my mouth that had come up. "I'm, lucky?" I growled. "You killed my family, you let them find my family's bodies, you changed my sister, you are here right now how is that lucky?" This time he let me finish then he punched my in the gut yeah big difference. "I said SHUT UP" he growled this time his perfect demon wings coming out. "Now your sister probably told you but I'm here for you to die or choice to be mine." He grinned as if he knew my choice. I laughed "That's in easy when to choice" he smiled "so you are ready to be change.." I stopped him. "I choice to....kill you both." I stomped on my sisters foot and then tackled the man out of the window.

    I screamed myself to wake it was just a dream I sighed. Wiping the sweat I had from my dream I got up and stepped on something. I looked down and there laid my dead father I started to shake. "You...You" I busted out and tears and I knew he was smiling. When I was in pain he was always happy wait what. I had just remember I knew him that's what he meant I knew him. I stepped over my father and mourned for a little bit. Then I went to go and study. Then she was a little kid there was a murder going around. One day she was acting like a cop and ran up to the man not knowing he was the killer. He threatened to kill her and she ran screaming telling the police. He was arrested when they found he was the killer they were looking for. He hung him self in that prison now she just had to see if it was him. In my dreams he would always smile after he had hit me or something and I would wake up with bruises and I wouldn't know how he did it till now.