• Water filled my lungs as the crushing waves slammed my soaked body like a ragdoll against the slippery rock of the ocean. I could feel the painful bruises gathering like storm clouds on my battered back and every water filled breath I took only made the pain more excruciating. I didn't know how long I had been trapped in this watery grave but time was hard to tell when you could feel your consciousness slipping away as fast as the water rushed into my open mouth.

    The water stung my eyes as it rushed by and my fingers were numb with the icy water as the cold seeped into my skin and chilled my breaking bones. I could see the setting sun's reflection glistening faintly on the shaken surface of the sea. The light danced lightly and freely like a child, without a care in the world. I wished I could be that free and in between the malignant blows from the rocks and waves I wondered why my short life had to end in this cruel way.

    The rock slammed against my back yet again and I grabbed at the sharp, jutting rocks. My hand slipped and the last sight I saw before all went black was the crimson water, red with my blood.