• Leaves crunched underneath my feet. Jagged branches from the ground cut into them. I winced but my feet would not let me stop. Run! They told me. Never stop. A scream escaped my mouth, an empty one. I need help. Somebody help me. My feet slowed on the ground below me. They stopped. Why? I thought we had a agreement? A shock spread through me, knocking me to my knees. Ugh! Puke made it's way out of my mouth. The feeling left me sick. I need help! My brain froze, seeing the red streaked across the ground. Omygod! Omygod! Help! Help me. Darkness took me in, surrounding me. Nothing.
    A voice woke me from my doom. Where are you? i thought, seeing nothing. "Help! Help me!" Is that me? No! Light tore through the darkness. A light shone right in my face. Where? My shirt was damp with water. I sat up and looked around. It appeared to be a bathroom. Where am i? I lay beside a bathtub, filled to the brim with water. Ugh. I thought, peering into it. Dirty water, so dirty almost black. I reached in to pull the plug when my hand touched something hard. "Huh?!" I pull on it and it easily came with me. A leg! I dropped it back into the water, seeing it wasn't just a leg, but a body. A young girls face bobbed to the surface. Her face as pale as snow, except for the black hair to hung to her cheeks. I scrambled to my feet, running for the door. "Help!" I opened it and ran into the empty corridor. No doors in sight. Not even an exit.