• People from around the world know of legends, but have you ever heard the legend of "the gaurdians of the giant rock", well then I guese it's time to find out. In the beginning of time The Creator created two gaurdians, by the names of "Tigressa & Dragunda." These two gaurdians were to watch over the giant rock that we as humans call "Earth". The two gaurdians roamed the land like kings. One day the two gaurdians felt, as if they were doing nothing with there power, and ask The Creator if they were allowed to make creatures in their own likeness, to keep safe and to take care of, of course The Creator was curious of how this situation would turn out so he allowed the Guardians to do as they wish.
    But as you know with choice comes argument and with argument, betrayal. When the two guardians were faced with the creation of there own species/creatures, arguments arose about how they should look, and act. So Dragunda went against the rules of The Creator and went into hiding refusing to do the work that The Creator made him for, to watch and protect over the giant rock. While in hiding Dragunda Mysteriously gained the power to create his own creatures without the judgement and restraint that The Creator enforced. Dragunda learned to like this power that he had been granted and wanted to keep it for his own. So he decided that during the time of disappearance
    (The time when the creator ventures to the stars creating new giant rocks and new guardians to watch over them, leaving the guardians on whatever planet The Creator was last on, to rule over the planet by themselves). he would send out his very own breed of creatures which he called the "Dragons" to fight for the rule over the giant rock.
    Even though Dragunda had been in hiding, Tigressa had been keeping a watchful eye on Him and his minion's, so that when Dragunda sent out his followers Tigressa was ready to use her powers to make her own creatures which she called, "Tigers"! A war started between the two races and blood was shed tons and tons of it, After a while the tigers and dragons were granted the abillity of magical powers by there gaurdians! The war soon progressed until finally there were even tigers and dragons that disliked there gaurdians and made there own armies together, which were only known as the rebels. The rebels were because there gaurdian spirits "Tigressa & Dragunda" where using there powers for there own needs, even though Tigressa was only using her power to protect the giant rock she was still going against The Creators rules which were,
    "Rule No.1: Do not allow any creature bellow the guardians to be hurt or lost
    Rule No.2: Do not ever grant your creatures the power of the gods (magic)
    Rule No.3: If one guardian is to turn against the rules of the creator then t"he giant rock" shall be destroyed by the main core,."
    Even though the creatures of the guardians were not allowed to know about The Great Creator, The rebels where usually the assitants of the gaurdians before they went against them, so they knew the rules of The Creator but just didn't know where they came from. The one person in the rebel civilization that new all about the rules of "The Creator" and the danger facing the Giant rock, was a small tiger boy by the name of Tiguya. Tiguya was a fourteen year old tiger who was born into the rebel civilization. Tiguya was born with the ability to look into the future and to move objects with his mind. When Tiguya was just eight years old he had a vision of bright light appearing at the middle of the giant rock and vanish into an underground temple. All of a sudden the light that had vanished into the temple, flashed but it made a flash so big and so strange that it covered the whole Giant rock and when it vanished. Oh... when it vanished the Giant rock was empty, there was nothing all of it's trees and all of it's life gone, no source of magic no source of happiness but yet there was no source of sadness or anger just blankness. He never knew what the light or the temple meant, but he knew that this vision was sent to him because he could do something about it. Tiguya was the son of the rebel leader, so his word was law, he told his father and the rest of the rebel civilization that they must search for the middle of the Giant rock, and find the hidden temple, if only to stop the end of time. So one day Tiguya sent out a squad of elite soldier to fight for the rebels and find the temple, that is where the story leaves off.