• Once upon a time there was a grand ball thrown in the Flower Kingdom. The King had Six daughters; Abi, Roslyn, Ferris, Rose, Julius, and Hana(pronounced Hah Nuh).
    There were Six princes attending the ball as well; Vincent, Klaus, Kiefer, Luciano, Liam, and Cesar.
    The one thing that no one knew, was that one of the princesses had been replaced with a Vampire that had distinct orders to eliminate as many people as possible.
    Her name was Corose(Co Rose).
    However, Corose and each of the Six princes met everyday in the Garden. One by one, they all fell in love with her, unaware she had been ordered to kill them and that she was a vampire also.
    Corose, also felt a deep love and worry for the Six princes. She feared that when she carried out her orders, if she spared them, that they would be hunted down and slaughtered.
    She made the ultimate choice. Corose was experienced in magic and could transfer the mind and soul of a person into a doll. She made replica's of the princes and confronted them.
    They were shocked that the one they had all fallen for was not of their species, but their feelings for Corose had not dwelled on that fact, so this was not an issue to them. They loved her regardless.
    They wanted to see it performed first and so princess Corose tested her power on a cat.
    The princes were satisfied and so they gave themselves up to Corose.

    She had no idea when they would become unstable and must be destroyed, but she wanted them to stay with her, and they, her.
    For thousands of years they lived together, just the Seven of them. When Corose needed them, she would thrust the doll into the air, call out their name and an order for them to awaken, and use a bit of magic to bring the doll to a life size body with the exact appearance of whom ever she summoned.
    Eventually, Corose was slain by a Hunter and without her magic to keep the souls sealed, the Princes were released back into the world.
    However, with their real bodies never truly destroyed, they returned to them, cursed to live in a body in which they could never die, and never see their beloved Corose again.
    Out of anger for not being able to see her and being unable to die, but unable to live without her, they studied magic themselves, and, unable to resurrect Corose, they killed themselves. Only to return again the next morning.
