• If I never knew you she scribbled with sorrow on her page. She listed all the negatives; she would have still had her heart in tack, she wouldn’t cry every time she heard “their” song; she would still be the semi happy person she always was. She tore up the page angrily knowing everything she wrote was un-true. Her heart was still in tack, she cried when she heard their song because she knew he still loved her, she was never semi happy he was the only thing that made her happy, and without him she was miserable. She couldn’t deny it this time, he had made her better. It wasn’t his fault that she got scared, scared of someone loving her so much. It wasn’t his fault at all. All he ever did was try to help her she thought. The more she thought about it the angrier she got. How could I give up on something as wonderful as that? She picked up her faded yellow pillow and held it for a moment, starring at the few empty beer bottles at the end of her bed, twelve empty beer bottles to be exact she had drunken them just a few minutes before.
    “No suicide notes, just; just actions” she said to herself, she tried to hold the pillow down on her face so she would stop breathing but she couldn’t.
    “UGH! What’s stopping me?!” she screamed at herself, even though she very well knew the answer.
    “Oh I know why, it’s because that silly little boy! Oh, he’s not silly! I take that back! Wait….. What am I doing? Talking to myself like some sort of ******** psycho” she said to herself. She put the pillow aside and sat up straight with her back up against the wall, “Well Aubrey, what are you going to do now? Are you going to apologize? Are you going to give up? Wait no, giving up isn’t an option a this point” she continued the conversation with herself, crazy? Not at all just lonely. She picked up the phone because she had decided to call him, Daniel, that’s his name. Daniel. She dialed and hung up repeatedly ten times exactly until she brought herself to say hello.
    “Aubrey, is that you?” Daniel said worried, she was silent for a moment
    “Ye-yeah it’s me” she said unconvincingly picking her words cautiously she wasn’t exactly sober so she had to be careful
    “Are you alright? Last time you called me and hung up you where really drunk, at a party and almost in bed with some guy” he said to her
    “Daniel, dear you need to just let loose, I’m f-f-f-fine! Geese, why are you so worried I’m perfectly fine” her voice started to reveal more and more that she had been drinking Daniel knew Aubrey too well
    “Aubrey, listen I can see that you’re not okay, do you need me to go over there? Do you need help?”
    “Noooooooooo, I-I-I don’t need help, I’m frikin’ fine!”
    “I’m coming over Aubrey”
    “Fine! But don’t expect anything wonderful or beautiful ‘cuz seriously at the moment I’m neither”
    “Aubrey you’re beautiful, I’ll be over in a minute I’m taking my truck”
    “Sure, oh oh oh oh ooooh bring some booze!!”
    “You’ve had enough for tonight; I can smell the alcohol from here”
    “Ha-ha, suuuuuuuuuuure you can’t smell over the phone silly!”
    “Stay on the line Aubrey okay?”
    “Yeah sure of course, totally baby totally!”
    “One second” he said while he put the phone down for a moment his mother was out of town and he knew he needed to take care of Aubrey, she had broken up with him but that hadn’t changed what he had felt for her, and according to Daniel it never would. He grabbed his keys and picked up his cell phone again.
    “Aubrey? Are you there Aubrey?”
    “Yeah, yeah I’m here”
    “Okay good, don’t hang up I want to make sure you stay conscious”
    “Awe, aren’t you just sweet”
    He sighed over the phone “Talk Aubrey”
    “Okay, shouldn’t be THAT hard, oh my god well like at, at school everyone is such a douche bag, except for that one guy, what his name….. hmmm… I think its Bob. Ha-ha, Bob. Isn’t that just cute?”
    “Yes very cute, why is everyone a – why is everyone rude?” he had already gotten into his car and started to drive over to her house
    “Well, like first of all, they judge, like yeah so what I get drunk ‘till I black out, and occasionally take a few- A LOT of pills but that, that like, that doesn’t mean I’m a bad person!”
    “Oh no Aubrey not at all. You’re a wonderful person”
    She yawned “I’m tired, and getting…. Dizzy”
    “Are you home alone Aubrey?”
    “Yup, my mom went out for the weekend”
    “It’s Wednesday”
    “Yeah, well she said she’d like be back, like, Uhm…. On, on next Tuesday”
    “Oh okay, how long have you been alone for?”
    “Just a two week, I think ha-ha I’m not sure”
    “Oh god, why didn’t you call me earlier, you must have been with someone?”
    “Yeah, I was with BOB”
    He pulled his car up into her drive way and walked up her lot
    “Aubrey, I’m at your house can you open the door?”
    “Yes Sir!”
    She walked down stairs stumbling a few times until she finally fell completely; it was just minor so she laughed and picked herself up then opened the door.
    “Aubrey! Are you alright? I saw you fall down the stair quite badly”
    She laughed “Yeah, I’m t-totally fine! Come in!” she walked up towards the stairs until she stumbled into Daniels arms he caught her quickly almost knowing that it would happen he had stayed close. He picked her up and carried her into her room onto her bed.
    “Twelve Aubrey, are you serious?” he said to her looking over at the empty beer bottles “Well at least you didn’t pass out this time” he whispered
    “Well I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist there was a whole bunch in the cabinet”