• Previous Chapters:
    Chapter One - 'Thoughts'
    Chapter Two - 'Rebirth'
    Chapter Three - 'Flying Nightmares'
    Chapter Four - 'A Rogue Echo'
    Chapter Five - 'The Medical Roost'
    Chapter Six - 'A Chance to Think'
    Chapter Seven - 'Interrupted Dream'
    Chapter Eight - 'Condolences'
    Chapter Nine - 'A Pleasant Distraction'
    Chapter Ten - 'Passing the Torch'
    Chapter Eleven - 'A Rash Decision'
    Chapter Twelve - 'The Burning'
    Chapter Thirteen - 'Reminder'

    ‘Rescue Plan’


    As the thick smoke of the Burning Ceremony cleared from the air, Aria confronted the grieving owls, “…it seems that we have both suffered great losses…” she extended her wing, touching the very tip to Bacchus’s right wing, “I am deeply sorry for what happened…” he voice sounded genuinely sincere, but as always, it was not, “However, you should take comfort that your father is now in a better pla---”

    Bacchus cut her off, tired of even hearing her voice, “Stifle your nonsense, Silverwing!” His head swiveled around to face her, his large eyes burned with anger, and pain, “It was one of your own that cause my brother and I to lose our father!” his feathers bristled as he spread the wing she touched, roughly knocking her away, “We don’t need any of your false comfort! I’m not as slow minded as your colony is, false sympathy and the promise of an afterlife will not soothe us! It will not correct the wrong that scrawny bat has committed”

    He quickly took a step forward, making it so his beak was touching the tip of Aria’s nose. A deep rumbling noise rose from his throat, “…if you wish to truly comfort my brother and I in the situation your colony has put us in…You will relinquish the small bat to us so that we may ‘teach’ him what he did was wrong…” it was clear that ‘teaching’ Noxx meant ending his young life.

    Even in such close proximity to a large owl who could easily rip her in half, Aria merely smirked and chuckled at his request, “You want to teach that little troublemaker a lesson?” she stretched out her wing and pointed across the lake, “If you can find him, he’s yours.” her ears twitched as thunder rolled in the distance, “You may want to hurry though, the coming storm may claim him before you have the chance…”

    Liber stared silently at the two talk, he couldn’t believe that the elder of the Silverwing colony didn’t care a bit about one of her own…and he couldn’t believe that his brother wanted blood for something that was clearly an accident. Yes, he missed his father dearly, but the old owl knew he was going to leave this world soon, otherwise, he wouldn’t have passed on his duty to Bacchus…Dionysus knew this was to be his last ceremony, why didn’t Bacchus see this?

    With a shaking voice, he spoke up, “B-brother, I---”

    “Stay out of this, Liber!” Bacchus snapped, cutting his younger brother off, “…this is between me and the bat…you’ll be able to take revenge on the small one with me soon enough, I promise you that…”

    Liber obediently shut his beak, he didn’t like this side of his brother…but the generals of the owl army loved it…Bacchus had the perfect ‘no mercy’ attitude that would make him a great soldier one day…it was only a matter of time, he knew that…and, with his actions tonight, he’d only be brought into the attention of the generals even faster.

    Bacchus narrowed his eyes at Aria, “…What leader would offer up a member of their own species, their own family, to someone so easily?”

    Aria merely smirked, “I’m giving you what you want, is there really a reason to question my actions?” she chuckled, “The boy is nothing but trouble for all of us, and I highly doubt that he’ll make it through our migration, which is coming up soon…if he was to be taken care of beforehand, we wouldn’t have to slow down, he wouldn’t hold us back…” she smiled wickedly, showing her fangs, “…and, if it pleases you, I’ll offer his mother to you as well, should you do a good job disposing of her son…after all, she gave birth to him, she’s the reason the troublemaker is alive.”

    Bacchus spread his wings, “…I do not understand you, Silverwing…nor will I care to try…I’ll take the boy for now…it will depend on how my brother and I feel later on if we accept your offer of taking his mother as well…” he lifted off the ground, “Come, Liber, we have business elsewhere…”

    Liber sighed and silently took off after his brother, leaving Aria alone on the boulder over the fire pit.

    A single raindrop hit the Elder Silverwing’s head, causing her to turn to the ones of her colony who still remained outside the tree, “Nocturna has sent us rain to wash away the remnants of our loved one, we mustn’t hinder her in any way! Return to your roosts!” with that final order, she took to the skies and flew up to the elders roost, the other Silverwings and their young followed suit, taking to the skies and returning to their own roosts.

    Serena flew with the others, but the direction in which she flew was not the direction she wanted to go, the large crowd of bats entering Tree Haven before the storm hit was shoving her away from the lake. Because the herbs from the Burning had clouded her mind, she never saw exactly what had happened to her son…no one saw what had happened to Noxx, all they saw was what Aria told them to see…But mother’s instinct told her that something had happened to her young pup.

    Despite her attempts to break through the crowd of bats who were still slightly out of it, she was still too weak from little sleep and the effects of the herbs they had all just inhaled, and she was helplessly shoved into the nursery roost. Her nostrils flared, searching for Noxx’s scent…he had never made it to her side during the Burning, and now she couldn’t even catch his scent…the remnants of smoke covering nearly every scent that normally lingered within the tree.

    “Noxx?!” she called out frantically over the voices of all the others in her colony, “Noxx, sweetie, can you hear me?” She paused a moment, searching all around with her eyes and ears for her son, hoping to see him flying around close by, trying to make his way to her through the crowds. Her heart quickened in panic when Noxx didn’t come…he wasn’t at the ceremony, he wasn’t flying about Tree Haven…she was truly beginning to fear the worst about her little Miracle.

    Her strength now slightly renewed due to worry and panic, she broke free of the large crowd of bats --many of which were still to groggy to find their proper roosts-- and flew upwards towards the Elder’s Roost. “Aria!” She called out before she was even near the roost, she was far too worried to just wait. If she could call one of them to her, she’d be able to figure out what had happened to her child, “Aria!”

    Aria’s ears twitched as Serena’s voice reached her, she growled softly to herself, no one was ever brazen enough to bother her after The Burning. It was why she insisted on using hallucinogenic herbs to cover the bodies…once the ceremony was over, no one was ever in their right mind enough to bother her or question her methods…and one their heads cleared, they never remembered enough of her words and actions to wonder if what she was doing was right.

    A low growl escaped her throat as she folded her ears against her head to block out Serena’s cries while she finished her prayer, “…should those sent to you escape your might, know that more shall be on their way soon enough…” she smirked as she slowly opened her eyes, “…and enjoy the owl…”

    “Aria!” Serena called out one last time as she finally reached the Elder’s Roost, “Aria…” she now whispered breathlessly, her strength now gone for the moment, “…I need to talk to you…about Noxx…where is---”

    Worried that she had been caught, Aria rose up to her hind legs and flared her wings, not in a threatening manner, but in a way of praise, “Hail Nocturna!” as she finished, she lowered herself back to all fours and turned to face Serena, “Serena, my child, what is it that troubles you?” her voice was now soothing and calm, “Is your boy having his visions again?”

    Serena shook her head, “…no…well…I do not know, Aria…I-I can’t find him…” tears slowly began to fill her eyes, “…he wasn’t at the Ceremony and now I can’t find him around Tree Haven…” softly, she began sobbing, “…What if something happened to him? What if…” her voice cracked, she almost couldn’t bring herself to say it, “…what if the owls got him?!”

    As Serena collapsed onto the roost, sobbing loudly, Aria smirked, We can only hope… “Serena,” she cooed, “We’re at peace with the owls now, one wouldn’t dare break the new Treaty, they’re one of the most law-abiding species in the forest.” she gently ran her claws through the mother Silverwing’s fur, “He’s probably out playing, he’ll come back, I’m sure of it.” She could tell Serena’s mind still wasn’t clear and, even though the rain was pounding loudly against the tree, she didn‘t seem to realize there was a storm assaulting the forests….as such, Aria made no point in bringing it to Serena‘s groggy attention, “If he isn’t back soon, we’ll send out a search party, okay?”

    Serena raised her head, tears glistening in her fur and eyes, “Okay…” she nodded and stood, “…thank you so much, Aria…” convinced things would be okay now, she spread her wings and began to fly back to her roost…Aria’s false words of comfort eased her mind so much that she had completely forgotten about the storm outside, that Noxx couldn’t be out playing in such a harsh rainstorm…even the strongest of bats couldn’t fly through this…and Noxx was far from the strongest.

    Aria smirked, convincing everyone in her colony was far too easy…no one questioned her, and the ones who did --the Brownwing warrior, his mate, and their weak, albino child-- were all dead as far as she knew…It was truly as if Zotz blessed her with a colony who followed her so blindly, and she was grateful to Him for that.

    A light smile played on Serena’s face as she glided downward to her roost, just thinking of Noxx playing with his friends made her heart soar. The question of why Noxx would even want to play after the death of his friend’s grandmother crossed her mind…none of the other newborns seemed to understand what the Ceremony was for, perhaps Noxx didn’t either…or, if he did, he was incredibly resilient. Aria had said he would return, so, for the moment, she believed her.

    She blinked a few times, trying her hardest to keep her sleepy eyes opened until she reached her roost to wait for her son, but the sound of soft sobbing and the muffled mention of Noxx’s name caused them to immediately snap open, panic now causing her to be fully awake for the moment. She clearly recognized the voice behind the muffled sobs, poor Mist must’ve crying her little eyes out because of her grandmother’s passing. She was sure Noxx was with his young friend, trying his hardest to comfort her during all of this. Anxious to see her son, and make sure he and Mist were okay, she banked sharply to the left and swooped into the medical roost.

    “Noxx, sweetie.” she whispered softly as she gently touched down on the medical roost, not wanting to disturb Noxx comforting Mist, “I’ve been looking for y---” She stopped herself when she realized it wasn’t Noxx who was comforting Mist, but Corona’s daughter. She took no steps further, nor did she make the attempt to leave…Mist had mentioned Noxx’s name, and she needed to know why.

    “…He’s gone…” Mist sobbed into Katarra’s fur, “…he’s gone and it’s all my fault…I should have stopped him…I should have---”

    Katarra gently shushed her, “…Mist…don’t blame yourself…If I he hadn’t have heard me say that I wanted to lay mother to rest, he wouldn’t have done what he did…It’s not you fault, it’s mi---”

    Mist jerked her head away from Katarra‘s fur, “Don’t say that!” tears still spilled from her now angry eyes, “Even if Noxx hadn’t heard you say that, he still would have gone out! He showed you his vision, he knew Grandma was okay and that we didn’t need to burn her body! He would’ve gone because he knew it was right, it’s just how he is!” she sniffed and looked away, “…It…it isn’t our fault…” she gritted her teeth, “It’s Aria’s fault and our stupid traditions!”

    Katarra sighed, her young niece was already so bitter towards their elders…even some of the older members of the colony, the ones who knew and used to practice the older ways, didn’t see the stupidity of the traditions that were put into effect since Aria received the status of High Elder…and many never would. In a way, Mist’s realization of how the new traditions were wrong would help her stay alive in the colony…she’d know not to mate with one who so blindly followed Aria, and, in turn, she’d grow to have a better life…For her niece’s sake, she hoped that would be the case.

    Serena’s heart skipped a beat as she listened to Mist and Katarra talk, Noxx was gone…she had lost her little Miracle while she was busy watching the Ceremony…she was a horrible mother to let something like that happen, she should have found him before she joined the crowd waiting to see Corona return to Nocturna…Again, silent tears filled her eyes...she needed the comfort of someone else who knew her loss, but couldn't bring herself to speak up...

    “Mist…” Katarra whispered softly, trying to calm her now trembling niece, “What if Noxx isn’t dead? You saw him fly away, maybe he’s still on the other side of the lake?” it was a possibility, she certainly wasn’t lying to Mist, Noxx could still be out there, it was just a matter of finding him before something else did.

    Katarra's soft words, meant to calm Mist rather than eavesdropping Serena, brought new hope to the grieving mother bat. If there really was the possibility Noxx was still out there, she wouldn't wait for the promised search party. Finally finding the strength to speak up, she stepped forward, "...we'll have to find him then..."

    Both Mist's and Katarra's fur bristled in surprise, Serena's scent had been masked by all the herbs in the medical roost, it was clear by their expressions as they turned to face her that they didn't know she was there.

    "S-Serena..." Mist's voice, along with her body, was still shaking slightly, "...I didn't expect you to be awake...everyone else is still groggy...and you're always so tired..."

    Serena shook her head, "I'm still tired...and my head feels like there are thousands of angry bees swarming inside...but that doesn't matter, my son comes first, and he always will."

    Mist began to tear up again, not for Noxx or her grandmother, but because she only wished that her mother cared for her as much as Serena did for Noxx...

    Katarra smiled softly, "He's lucky to have someone who cares for him so deeply." her claws gently scratched through Mist's fur, "He's lucky he has the both of you..." She continued to smile softly for both Serena and Mist, but inside, she felt no reason to smile...both her parents were dead, her brother would no longer care about her now that he had a family of his own...the one bat who cared for her, or used to care for her, was exiled from the colony and she feared she would never have the chance to see him again...

    Serena smiled at Katarra's comment, but her expression quickly faded to a blank stare as her gaze focused on the knothole the two females stood in front of. The storm outside only seemed to be getting worse; the rain pounded down in sheets, she could see the water level of the normally calm lake begin to rise, and the rough winds were beginning to cause the tree they all roosted in to sway.

    It was practically suicide to even think of flying out in such a storm, but, if Noxx was still out there, and the storm or something else hadn't claimed him, she wasn't going to wait for it to pass...she needed her pup just as much as he needed his mother. "I'm going to find him..."

    Katarra's eyes widened, "Serena, wait." she wasn't going to stop the young mother from going, she knew there was no stopping a mother when it came to her pup, "If you're going, then I'm going with you..." she sighed, it was about time she left the colony anyway.

    Mist clung to Katarra's fur tightly, trying to keep her last caring family member with her, "No!" she whimpered, "...I still don't want to lose you!" with eyes that reflected anger, hurt, and loss, she glared at Katarra, "...If you're going...then I'm going too..." There was no fear on her face, determination masked anything else she could have been feeling...like Serena, she wasn't going to be stopped.

    Katarra shook her head quickly, "Mist, you can't, you're still too small to fly in this sto---"

    "So is Noxx!" Mist snapped, "He's even smaller than I am!"

    Katarra tried again, "You haven't slept yet, you won't be strong enou---"

    "You're still hurt! Your wound has closed up, but the rain could open it again!...just spreading your wings could open it again!"

    "...but, your mother..."

    Mist bared her teeth, "My mother doesn't care about me! She does just enough to keep me alive, just enough to let others think that she isn't a bad mother! That isn't enough for me!" she began trembling again, "and don't bring up my father either! He was one of the scouts to check up on us, don't think I don't remember..." She looked away, "He took one look at me and never looked again...He wanted a son, I know he did...he wants nothing to do with me...he'll be happy if I die in this storm!" Defiance shined in her eyes as her distant gaze returned to Katarra, "But, you know what? I'm not going to die out there, I'm going out there with the both of you, we're going to find Noxx, and we're going to come back with a story that will reach my father's ears and show him that I'm strong enough!"

    Unable to argue with her niece anymore, Katarra sighed, she knew very well that what Mist said was true...Hail didn't care for her and Leo...well, Leo was Leo...he only protected Katarra when they were little because he was taking up where he thought his mother was leaving off...Corona wanted Katarra to live her life the way she wanted, that way, if she was to die before her time, she could go happy...but Leo saw everyone as a threat to her health...she had very few friends as it was, and he did a brilliant job of driving them away...only one stayed by her side despite Leo's constant threats...and he was driven away by something neither of them could help...

    “I understand, Mist…” Katarra finally said as Mist faced the knothole, “…but it just doesn’t feel right putting you in this sort of danger…”

    Mist smirked, now in a more adventurous mood than anything, “You’re not putting me in any danger, aunt Katarra, I’m doing it myself.”

    Katarra sighed and joined the other two at the knothole, she wanted so badly to leave this colony, but she never thought her chance would be during such a harsh rainstorm. I’m going to find you someday, Aelfric… she spread her wings, thankful her wound didn’t open up again, …and this will be my first step towards you…I… her heart sank as she began to wonder, …I just hope you remember who I am…

    Serena and Mist took flight seconds after Katarra. Mist, being the one who saw the direction in which Noxx flew, eagerly took the lead despite the heavy, painful pounding of rain against her little body. The storm was obviously against them; the wind constantly knocked them off their course, and the rain was driving nails into their already weak bodies…It took them several minutes just to reach the boulder that Noxx ran into Bacchus over…it was going to take all their strength just to make it across the lake, which was now made terribly angry by the storm.