• Ok quick thing, the vampaneze are vampires that just are different from normal vampires. They drink TONS of blood. Except they prepare their meals in advance. Ok I'll start the story.

    The vampaneze were soon to attack. I (darren shan, only a half-vampire) was still in the crack waiting for the vampires to come. As soon as I saw the vampires, I told my controlled army of spiders to drop now!! The spiders, which were very poisonous if you had at least 10 on you, jumped all over the vampaneze and made them go crazy! I was so excited and couldn't control my adrenaline so I jumped down from the crack and watched the fight go on. I picked up a spear someone dropped and was about to throw it at the leader of this small vampaneze group. Just when i threw it, he put another vampaneze infront of him and the spear pierced him! I was happy I killed someone to help but disliked the feeling of killing someone. I looked at the face of the vampaneze and it was only a half-vampaneze. A light skin color, blood exploding out of his mouth, dripping down to the ground. Tears started to form around my eyes and the first tear came out just when, Mr. Crepsley, came to help out with removing the vampaneze from this mountain. He saw me cry and put his hands around me. I sobbed and then finally found my words, "this is...horrible". (mr. crepsley) " I'm sorry for you to see this darren. You shouldn't have come to help. I know it is a horrible feeling but this is the way of the vampires" (darren) " He was so young." we stopped chatting and the other vampires were still fighting. I hadn't noticed them come in. Only noticed when I stopped crying for a bit. I had to stay strong, i am a vampire now, not a human. I must learn the arts of war. I started helping clearing out the cave of vampires and then i spotted someone. Glalda! I recognized the face and the body but cannot remember how I met him. Arra Sails, a women vampire which is suprising because there are VERY few women who would like to become vampires. I was going to stop the fight and just kill glalda but I asked first. "Do you need some help arra!!" (arra sails) "no thanks darren! This worm shall die and suffer the thought of a women killing him!" I watched the fight go on. Just when I heard a scream and a scream of pain and agony. Arra has been stabbed by...Glalda! "Arra!!" I cried out. (glalda) "Ha! Now watch as I finish you off you silly pathetic piece of crap!" He twisted his blade out and held it up. He slowly moved his blade towards her eyes. I had to think quick! I look to the ground and saw the spear I pierced the young vampaneze with. I cried a bit because of the thought. I grabbed it and ran at my fastest speed and tackled Glalda. My spear luckily pierced him directly at the heart. I pushed him off and stood up to see the traitor suffer and die slowly. "Arra!" Mr. Crepsley cried out. "Arra..." he started to cry a little bit. Blood came out of her mouth and the pain was too severe. (Mr. Crepsley) "Arra hang on! I'll get some help immediately." (Arra) "No larten. Stay with me. I don't have much time. I would rather die here on the battlefield proudly than die somewhere else knowing I could've helped out more." They stopped talking and I watched Arra. She didn't want to talk much. Her last breaths were saved so that she can live a bit longer. (Arra) "Darren. Remember the day I beat you on the bars?" (Darren) "Yea. I can't ever forget" I said crying a bit. (Arra) "You are a very loyal vampire. You are very talented." (Darren) "Thanks." I laughed "No more talking Arra. Save your energy". (Arra) "I've always loved my fellow vampires. But I always think of you Larten. Kiss me. That's my dying wish. Kiss me larten..." Mr. Crepsley didn't want her to go to heaven without a memory. He stopped crying and he gave her a kiss on the lips. She didn't say anything. Just smiled happily back at Larten.

    The next day, I was told that she died. I was also reminded to go to meet the vampires princes (Very important people) in the halls at midnight. I was worried. After I failed the tests of initiation, I had to be executed. But I ran away and then came back alive, luckily. I opened my diary and started writing. Time flew by and then I got ready to meet, The Vampire Princes.