• In the midst of the thirteenth century, on a cool night in December, a small child of about age six climbs onto a windowsill to watch the flurries of snow fall gently onto the earth. The young child pressed her small hands against the glass, longing to feel the cool touch of the snow on her pale skin, but she was denied that simple pleasure.
    Born into a royal line of vampires, she was not allowed to leave the safety of the place she was forced to call home. She was different from her family. A family who sought revenge, hatred, war and had an incurable desire for blood. Her family had fought in more battles and wars than she could count. The thought of all the lives lost to their hands always brought sadness to her heart. Unlike those around her, she was of gentle nature. She cared for others, often playing secretly with the maids of the house. The idea of keeping humans captive had always appalled her, even at her young age. She had not grown into her powers yet, she was six, and still no powers. Her family constantly insulted her for this, calling her a disgrace. Telling her she was of no value, and so on. They kept her locked in her room, a prisoner to all who asked. She was never their daughter; in fact, it was as if she never existed at all. She thinks of what it would be like for her had she gotten her powers at age two, like the rest of her blood relatives. With a soft sigh, the young girl removes her hands from the glass. Her small handprints were quickly devoured by the frost that was overtaking her only connection to the outside world. The girl turned as she heard the doorknob rattling. Swiftly, she jumped from the sill, landing gracefully onto the carpeted floor below, muffling the sound. She darts towards her small bed in the opposite corner of the room; sure she would get a beating if she was not in it when her father walked through the door. She scurried under the covers, just in time as the door was swung open with such unusual force, almost breaking it from its hinges. Frightened, she coward beneath the covers as she heard two strange men talking. "Kill the child." "No, no, she has no powers she is of no threat to us..." The two voices argued back and forth between taking her life or leave her to fend on her own. Silent tears ran down her cheeks as she did her best not to make a sound, as to not alert the men to her awareness of their presence. She heard a low growl, as the man who argued to keep her alive had won the argument. The other, she assumed knocked over her dresser out of anger for she heard a loud thud. She waited until the voices were much farther down the hall before uncovering her face. Her pillow stained with silver tears. She padded quietly to her broken door, and poked her head into the hallway, searching for the men she had heard. When she heard no voices, she stepped cautiously into the hall, her gown swaying lightly from the breeze the seeped in through a broken window. She felt uncomfortable. She felt like she was being watched. She turned around abruptly at the sound of glass shattering. An ear splitting scream is heard as she witness her mother being murdered by, who she guessed, was the angrier of the two men. He ripped her mother to pieces, as she was glued to the spot where she stood. Watching silently, open in the chilling hallway. The man finished her mother, tossing the mutilated body to the side as he stared at her, his eyes wild with sadistic rage, and lust. He advanced on her, his steps carefully calculated as he stared her down, getting closer and closer. He lunged for her and she screamed, closing her eyes tightly, waiting for impact. When her head didn’t hit the floor, she opened one eye, shaking from fear. The other man had jumped in front of her, now wrestling with the blood thirsty killer. She heard snippets of their growling conversation. The one protecting hers word’s were harsh to the second man, "I told you to leave her be!" His voice echoed with authority. He was thrown into the wall as the killer advanced on her once more, looking at her, but speaking to the other, "Oh, but her smell, I must have it... all of it..." Her eyes grew wide as she understood what he was talking about. The protector snarled a low, deep snarl as he managed to get the second man to the ground again. His eyes just as wild he looked to her, flared with pain. "Run." This lone word bounced around her head as she tried to get her body to move. She twirled around and took off, sprinting down the blood soaked hall. As she ran, she peered into the other rooms, seeing every creature that had once lived slain. She wept as she continued to run through the maze of hallways and stairs until she finally made it to the elaborate front doors. She could hear the men in fast pursuit behind her. Pictures falling, vases breaking, walls smashing, she could hear it all. Her protector was growing weak, she could feel it. She stopped for a second, repeating that thought in her head, “I can feel it…” Her eyes widened, “could it be? The first of my powers?!” her voice was excited but hushed. Pushing with all the strength a six year old could possibly possess, she opened the front doors, running out into the snow. The coolness of the frozen water having no affects on her bare feet as she continued running. She had made it to the outskirts of the family’s property. She stopped and looked back at the broken house, a house to which she must never return. She let out a soft, exhausted sigh, her protector was no more. He had given his life to save her. She lowered her head, sorrowful. She began to talk to herself, pacing back and forth… “Why would a man of such strength and power… throw it all away to save a worthless thing like me?” Her pondering was brought to a halt as she could feel the malicious energy of the man who wanted her dead. The expression on her face transformed from sorrow to pure fear in the blink of an eye. She spun and again she took off running, heading straight towards the forest. She was feeling weird, different. “This is a really bad time for me to start getting my powers.” Her thought was frantic as she analyzed the foliage ahead of her, trying to figure out the safest way through. Her sudden pause would cause her near death. She felt a surge in rage as she was thrown to the ground, a deep gash on her shoulder. The sweet, fruity smell of her blood filled the air, as it soaked into the snow laden ground beneath her. She cried out in pain, and tried to bring herself to her feet. Her small frame battered and bruised from the attack. It was useless. The moment she almost had it, the damned creature would kick her back down. She could almost taste his sadistic thoughts on her tongue. His plans of what he wanted to do to her swirled and choked out her own thoughts. Some of them making her stomach lurch. Her eyes fluttered shut as she drifted to unconsciousness. She felt herself being lifted, and heard a demonic laugh from the depths of the creature’s chest. Her thoughts slipped in and out of her grasp. She was coming into her powers, however she was not entirely sure what they would be. She knows she can feel energies, and read thoughts. But as for what else is to come, she hasn’t a clue. Her thoughts wandered as her head bounced against the man’s arm, a sign that he was on the move. She groaned, coming to her senses again, which, since her going unconscious, seem to have heightened significantly. Now, fully aware, she strikes at the animal’s face, clawing deep into its icy flesh. Caught of guard the man drops her. Landing perfectly on her feet, she feels no pain in her shoulder. Confused she tilts her head to see where she had been struck, but there was no mark. She returns her gaze to the man, a deep hatred in her soft gray eyes. The look on his face however, caused her to stumble back. His expression was twisted between ravenous hunger and bewitched amazement. She spoke for the first time, her words harsh, and each one full of her venomous hatred. “Why do you look at me like that?” She toggled her stance, ready to strike again if he attempted anything. What happens next was something she did not expect. The man smirked at her, the gash on his left cheek dripping crimson drops of blood down his darkened face. He spoke, his words coming out as amused, his anger dying down. “Child…look at yourself.” He folded his arms across his chest, bemused. The girl, confused did what she was told. Her expression was that of shock. She was no longer the small six year old girl she was a few moments ago. No, she had grown. Her eyes were clouded with perplexity. She looked back up at the man, who in turn was looking down at her. A soft snarl escapes her lips. However it seems out of place, for she still had a gentle, soft look about her. She speaks again, her words spitting out in a hushed whisper. “Why... why did you kill my family? Why did you kill that other man? Who are you? What jus”- She was cut off. The creature silenced her questions with a slender finger to her lips. His intentions no longer harmful, but calm. She stared at the man, ran his words through her head again. “The way he speaks… it is not the same as the creature who attacked me….” She mumbled quietly to herself. Her eyes softened as she dropped her defensive stance, an apologetic look flashes in her eyes as she realizes she attacked an innocent man. She looked at the man again, speaking softly, her natural musical voice escaping her lips, “Who are you?” She tilted her head to the side, her way of showing confusion. The creature in front of her let out a deep chuckle, before he spoke. His words coming out gentle, but powerful, “Evangeline, when you were six, the attacker of your family left you for dead in the middle of the forest. I was out for a hunt one afternoon and found your mangled body…” She winces at the word mangled. Trying to imagine her six year old self as cut up as her mother made her sick. “For twelve years I have watched over you, watched as you grew, and watched as your powers came into you. I had tried, numerous times to get into your mind, to wake you up, but…your mind is something different. My people call it an Illusion mind. Meaning you can control what other mind readers can see, cannot see, or if they are even allowed in. Other times, it can project a series of images or colors.” She sat down, the man continuing to explain all he knew about her, all the abilities she possesses. The young woman now, was overwhelmed with all the information. She could change auras, tap into energies, control elements, let alone all the complexity there is to her mind, as well as numerous other odds and ends of powers. Now that she officially has all her abilities, being at the age of eighteen, her appearance will no longer change except for the occurrance of battle scars. She had always been the weakest of her family, she never expected she would get so much. She looks up at the man when he is done talking, her eyes welling up with silvery tears. “You still have yet to tell me who you are.” Her words came out at barely a whisper. The man smiled at her, a smile full of secrets and of farewell. “Caden.” He replied, and vanished in a golden light before she could say another word. “So this is it…” She says softly to the air around her. Rising slowly to her feet, she begins to walk in no set direction, moving where her heart tells her to go. The soft gentle breeze blows through her hair, making it sway and twist together, there’s an almost angelic appearance to her, as she walks off into the night.