• Chapter 2: The tails doll .

    Today our Hero's enter the temple of the phoenix. So Blade? said Death. why do you want the feather anyway? easy Death to sell it and get rich. what about you Death? the same thing what you said. Death how about we split the cash 50/50? deal. said Death. i wonder where we are now? we are in a temple Death duh. i know that i was talking about what room this is?just then the floor suddenly disappear. when Blade and Death look down they both said i hated when something like that happen. than the both of them were falling. as soon they both hit the ground. blade was on top of Death. ow said Death. i think i broke my ribs. take it like a man Death. thats easy for you to say. you landed on top of me now get off!! Blade got off of Death. you know if you were not my friend i would kill you now. said angry Death. sorry Death. now where are we? i think were are in a maze. how can you tell Blade? cause there's a sign said the maze of fear. oh. said Death. i wonder why its called the maze of fears? less talking more walking. said Death. hey wait for me! one hour later. i have no idea where i'm going. said Death. jee you'll think! said Blade hmm? what's wrong Death? i don't know it feels like somebody is watching us? hmm i feel it too. hey whats that? than Blade said. it a doll. a fox with two tails? Blade was walking to it to grab it. don't touch it!! yelled Death. why not? that the tails doll!! and? you never heard of the tails doll!? nope and whats so bad about it? long ago a little boy had a tails doll he loved that toy a lot. one day his mother and father left him all alone when they return they found him dead on his left hand is a knife and in the other hand is the tails doll. police say he committed suicide. but others say that the doll killed him. Thats stupid. is it? huh? said Blade. who said that!? i did. oh my god the tails doll is alive!! run for your lives!! you are scared over a doll? i can tear him to pieces. Blade don't!! one beat up later. ouch. said Blade. he is tough. time to die!! said tails doll. like i said before Blade run for your lives. Blade and Death ran for there lives. quick lets hide in that hole in the wall. quickly they hide in the hole. the tails doll still go forward. is he gone? said Death. i think so. hey i think i know what it ment when this is called the maze of fear. who cares right now! said Death. look i see an exit let get the heck out of here!! said Blade. man this feather better cost a lot of money. said Death.

    To be continue.