• Xendenthryia Orio and the Royal Order of the Raving Wildemonks

    War torn, desserted land filled with blood. The people are desperate for any sign of hope from God. Since the disease called X2-5Z wiped out all but 40,000,000. The People began to sway from God and cry for help else where. The war between the KlyphinQor sector and the Rendenthian realm killed all but 10% of the humans left alive from the disease. Time has turned back. He people do not use nuclear bombs and guns, but they have returned to swords. Xendenthryia Orio, 16yr. old rendethian but hardened by her traumatic life, seeks to find revenge on her fathers death and mothers gruesome slaughter in front of her eyes. She picks up her sword which was given to her by King Iakopa named Iakopa of Sepent’s Bane. Her brother, guy 23yr old (muscular, brown hair & bright blue eyes) seeks to help her on her Quest for vengence. Since defeating the Q-bs he was announced king of the Wildemonks. Now with her gryphon, Roylat, her bow, brother, and the small band of Wildemonks she sets off to find her parents murderers…The Oqureneese King, Erdnaed. But the one she wishes away most is Prince Don Juan because he called her a fat meat sac and a flimsy piece of trash. Now the pain is on.