• My heart thuds against my chest, blood pounding in my ears. He stares at me, his eyes blackened with hatred. The dagger flashes, silver in the cold moonlight. My tearful eyes are blurring my vision, and I can only feel the pain of the knife in my side. He has made his mark, and leaves. I scream, the cry ringing into the night. My side is pouring blood, the thick, red, sticky blood shining on the ground. I lose consciousness, and the world is no more…

    I wake up in a strange, warm bed, my side throbbing. I am alone, in total isolation. And strangely, I can see that bloody knife on the table. But I’m not dreaming. It’s there, and I’m in his house. I grab the knife, and thrust it into my chest…

    Aria stares at the girl, and begins to cry. The dead girl died from a pain unknown to her. But the girl, nonetheless, she stares at the ceiling with deadened eyes…