• The young man was riding a horse as it carried a cargo of fruits that were to be delivered to the portal leading to the realm of spirits, Pedia's Gate. The gods raged as the rain pelted him and lightning had struck this way and that by the gale winds. He looked up and had noticed a young woman at the edge of a cliff. Below her was the Chasm of Silence. She had been facing a large demon. The woman appeared to be 18 with long green hair that had clung to her head like seaweed on the rocks. The sage green cloak had been soaked by the rain power.
    The ominous demon had pushed the woman off the cliff and gravity pulled her to what seemed to be her fate. Scream, how could she when she choked on it with fear. The man, quick to react, kicked the horse and jolted below her. She landed in the fruits. The demon, filled to the brim with rage, cursed and fled back into the forest. The man turned. "Oy, are ye al' right child?" He had asked. He looked into her glowing yellow eyes and his eyes became empty. The girl pushed the dead body aside as lightning had struck.
    She then cut the tethers apart that had held the horse to its cargo. Leather bits of the bindings had fallen to the ground as the horse kicked from fear. The girl petted the beast. "Calm yourself fawn." She told the horses mind. "I am your new master."
    "Yes milady." The horse whispered back. The girl took to the horses saddle and sat atop the beast. She looked about the area, making sure no human had seen what was not meant to be. When she was certain, the demon rode off on the horse and vanished in a flash of light.