• "COUD"Melifia was calling her older brother.(While he was just sleeping in a big old tree)Melifia punched him in the head."OWW"Coud said,"Why'd you do that?""Mom was searching for you because she wants you to deliver this sword in the weaponry"Melifia said."Shish,then why'd you have to punch me in the head?".Coud asked."to wake you up silly"Melifia laughed.Then he started walking to the village.He went to the weaponry and saw a big grumpy man called Mr. Razor."hey Mr. Razor".Coud greeting politely.Then he gave the sword.Mr. Razor watched the sword curiously, then said"I will just buy this for 100 gold".Coud had no choice but to accept the deal because he knows he is no match for him.Along his way out of the shop,he saw many weapons, swords,spears,axes,lances,morning stars, bows and arrows.But there was only one thing that's bothering him, It was the Silver sword.It was so sharp that can even cut metal to half with just one blow.The old man said"Hey if you have somethig to buy just buy then leave".Then Could whispered "Huh,grumpy old man". Then he left.The day after that,He and his little sister with their friends went out to the mountains to play hide and seek.He hid in a cave where he found something odd. There was something shining in that place.Then he heard many people screaming from their village.He went out from the cave rushing in a hill where he saw many people were captured by hunters.Her sister and mother were also captured along with his friends.Then the hunters left along with the prisoned villagers.He was sneaking in the weaponry to find good weapons he could use,then he remembered what his mother said to him"never use weapons, never go to war,never fight".But this was not the time for that.He took the silver sword, a bow and some arrows.When he went out,he saw a hunter standing next to him.The hunter called his companions and said"HEY, there's another one here".Coud had no choice, he drew the sword and the hunter moved backward in fright."stay back,don't use that sword, but hey, your just a kid, you can't use that sword".Coud didn't mind what he said, Instead of killing him, he found a way to get past him and ran to the cave where he saw when they where playing.The hunter couldn't chase him anymore because he was lost in the woods.When he was in the cave, he took a rest at a tablet stone.He put the silver sword in the tablet stone in accident and the sword floated in the air.Coud moved backwards in fright.He saw not the silver sword, but a girl.She was so pretty,she had pretty light blue eyes with a long silvery hair.Coud was overwhelmed by love.She introduced herself and said "hi I am Chronicle".Coud said hi too.Then they were talking,Coud not remembered her mother and sister.Then Chronicle Asked"How did you get the silver sword?"Coud finally remembered the undone business.He rushed out of the cave.He saw the village already burned.Chronicle asked"What's the matter Coud?".Coud replied"My village is already burned by hunters".Chronicle asked "Why were hunters after your village?""I dunno"Could said(crying).Chronicle had an opinion "If this was like 5 years ago, there would be a nearby town called Idelia"."then what are we waiting for,Let's go"Coud shouted.So the two started walking 50 kilometers from the village to the town of Idelia.When they arrived, they bumped into a 10 year old kid named Ken. END OF PART 1.