• Once, there was this girl named Abby.

    She came from Arizona and moved to California for college.

    There she lived in an apartment owned by a nice old lady.

    There were 2 rooms on the 2nd floor, one was always vacant, the other was Abby's room.

    One night, at 11:59 p.m., Abby heard a strange noise from the other room. There were clashing of plates and the screaming of a woman.

    She peeped through a small hole on the wall, curious on what was going on.

    but all she saw was blue. She peeped in longer and her eyes hurt, still it was blue.

    The next night, the same thing happened. The noise, then blue.

    Abby couldn't take it any longer. That morning she complained to her landlord that her neighbor was very noisy.

    The landlord said there was nobody there, but she believed a spirit lived there.

    Her niece was the lats owner of that room, who was raped and murdered.

    and she said, lastly:

    "Even if she's gone, Ill still miss the only thing I notice about her, her BLUE EYES."


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