Chapter 1
I want to do something important, thought Kay Traveler, pushing her way through the tall grass, attempting to make her escape before her mother saw a chance to give her something else to do. I want to go somewhere other than this tiny town. I want to change the world! It sounded foolish, she knew. It wasn’t that she hated the town in which she lived; quite the opposite. She loved its peaceful, quiet streets and the friendly people who knew everything about each other. It was simply that she was restless. She wanted to stay near all that she loved, but at the same time, she felt an inexplicable urge for adventure. And at the age of seventeen, the pressure of marriage was looming.
tab “Kaymeryn!” Her mother, Caroline Traveler, called from the back door. “Get in here now. I’m expecting you to set the table for dinner!”
tab It was useless to try to avoid the summons. Though Kay always tried to hurry with her chores so she could escape to dream of what her future could be, her mother would usually catch her before she could slip away and give her yet another task.
tab Still, Kay dragged her feet as she skirted the tall field of corn, rustling in the slight breeze, and emerged onto the dusty path leading back to their old white farmhouse, attempting to delay as much as possible.
tab “Kaymeryn! Now!” When Kay deliberately took her time, measuring every step, Caroline traded irritated for angry. “NOW, Kameryn Abigail Traveler, or I’ll keep you home from the market fair tomorrow!”
tab Kay made a face and set off at a run, hiking up her skirt in one hand. Her mother hated it when she did that, but when Caroline spoke in that tone, it was best to hurry. She must be anxious about something, Kay thought. Any other punishment she would have risked, but not the market fair. The fair was one of the rare times that she would get to be alone with Johen Fairfield, the man she wanted with all her heart to end up marrying. They were friends, and had been since they were young. But ever since she had foolishly clambered higher than ever before in the old sycamore tree, she had known he would be the one she would marry. She had been eight; he had been thirteen. He had been the one to climb up and rescue her, so from that moment on, she had been in love.
tab Unfortunately, the rest of her family knew about this infatuation, especially her two younger sisters, and used it against her whenever possible. The only person who wouldn’t tease her about it constantly was her older brother, Jeffrey, and that was probably because he was in his twenties - already married and living with his wife in a separate house on their father’s farm.
tab But as she entered the house and began setting the table, muttering about the boredom of her life, she didn’t realize that her life was about to change.
* * *
It started with a knock. It was a quiet knock, one you wouldn’t hear unless you were expecting it. But it was heard, and as her father opened the door and ushered two people inside, Kay got a taste of the adventure she longed for.
tab The first man wasn’t remarkable; Kay had seen him every day of her life - Thomas the blacksmith. It was the young man with him that was remarkable, simply because she hadn’t seen him before.
tab He seemed to be a year or two older than she was. He wasn’t as tall as Johen, she judged, but still a few inches taller than herself. His dark brown hair was longer than most of the village boys’, and his clothes showed evidence of long days on the road.
tab How unfair! thought Kay jealously. The Traveler family, none of whom has left the village in at least ten years, is entertaining a traveler. It was so ironic. Kay glared at the stranger as Thomas talked to her father in an undertone.
tab The stranger glanced at her uneasily, as if sensing the hostility flowing from her. She looked away, slightly disconcerted. Finally having seen a full view of his face, she realized he had kind features, overshadowed by sadness but at the same time full of pride and strength. It made him quite attractive. Not as attractive as Johen, of course, but still…
tab Her father and Thomas ended their conversation and shook hands. The blacksmith embraced the young man before stepping out into the growing darkness. Her father cleared his throat.
tab “I have something to tell you, something I should not have kept a secret this long. I only wanted to protect you from becoming embroiled in the difficulties surrounding this -- unrest.”
tab Kay frowned. Why would he need to protect them? Everyone knew that feuds were common between their country and the one to the south. But only a few years earlier, both countries had signed a treaty, mutually vowing never to attack the other. An uneasy peace had been held so far. Was he saying that was going to change?
tab But that was nonsense. Their little town of Springhaven was too small to be considered any worth in a war that was all about making a statement.
tab “But out countries have never truly been at peace. It was foolish of me to deny this. It was also foolish to hide my part in it from you, my family, with whom a man should always be honest.”
tab Kay’s mother nodded in agreement. But she didn’t look shocked at the startling news. On the contrary, her face was filled with acceptance and approval. She had known , too! Kay began to think that the whole world was conspiring against her.
tab Her father continued, “It is time I explained my role in all this to you. When I was a young man, I heard of this conflict and wanted to help in any way I could. This happened all before the treaty came into effect. But I was also in love, and your mother did not want me to sacrifice my life fighting in a battle that had lasted for ages and showed no intentions of ending anytime soon. So I offered my services to our government, and was given this task."
tab He took a breath. “I was not originally a farmer. I was born the son of Charles Goodman, a wealthy nobleman in charge of our country’s defense. It was only natural that I aid his efforts. He gave us land, and sent your mother and I to pose as farmers, to provide a safe haven for those who the government needs hidden. For it to work, we had to cut off all but the most necessary contact with our families. These fugitives are provided with a disguise so complete that it is unlikely they will be found by those who do not know their true identity.”
tab Kay’s head whirled, futilely trying to process that information. Her boring, dull, ordinary family who had lived in this town for her whole entire life had suddenly gained status and wealth? But it made sense of a few previously unexplainable facts about her life. Why she had never known her grandparents, why their family had no relatives in town, like most of the other families. Why they lived on the outer edges of the village! Kay began to realize that her whole life had been dictated by decisions made before her birth.
tab “Up until now, my services had not been needed. I thought they never would. But now that someone is in need of our help and has traveled a long way to reach here, I cannot deny him our hospitality.”
tab There was a dramatic, stunned silence. Kay couldn’t think through the shock. She had wanted something interesting to happen; now that it had been thrust upon her like this, she wasn’t content. Finding that everything she had thought she knew about her past was false, she was filled with indignation. Her parents had taken away her chance to make a difference in the world before she was old enough to realize it was her dream. If her father hadn’t accepted this stupid task, Kay knew she would have had her chance.
tab Now, reflecting on her earlier wish, she realized how ironic her life was. All her life she wanted to make a difference, but was unable to because of her station in life. All her life, she had wanted adventure, only to find that all the excitement had happened before she was born. Now, adventure had found her, but this…? Hiding someone was not like going out in the world and seeing new places, meeting new people. If this was the way her father intended to make up for a boring and deceptive life, Kay wasn’t satisfied.
tab “May I please be excused?” Kay asked coldly. She couldn’t stand the irony of the situation.
tab “Kay! Your father is not finished! Where are your manners?” Her mother scolded. Kay was about to protest, when the stranger spoke.
tab “I thank you for your hospitality, sir. I promise I will not be a burden on your generous family.”
tab Kay’s father’s face showed he was gratified by this speech, though his words reflected nothing of the sort. “It is nothing. My sense of honor would not allow me to turn away someone in need. Let me introduce you to my family. My wife, Caroline.”
tab Kay’s mother stood and gracefully curtsied, a motion belied by her humble appearance.
tab I wonder where she learned that, Kay thought curiously. Of course, if her father had been as wealthy as he said… Her mother had never mentioned meeting anyone rich enough that a curtsy was required when she talked about her past. Just more secrets, she thought bitterly. Absorbed in her thoughts, she failed to realize that her father had been calling her name.
tab “Kay? Kay, are you listening to me?” He was frowning at her, no doubt about to reprimand her for being rude.
tab “I’m sorry, father. I was just…” She couldn’t think of a plausible excuse, other than anger. “I’m sorry.”
tab Her father shook his head, but continued. “Briam, this is my daughter, Kaymeryn. You‘ll have to excuse her. She usually isn‘t this rude.”
tab Briam. So that was his name, Kay mused. It seemed to fit him, somehow, though Kay wasn’t exactly sure why.
tab “I am delighted to make you acquaintance, Kaymeryn.” He talked like one of the higher class, with a cultured accent. To Kay, a girl with a commoner’s disdain of the wealthy, it was just another reason to dislike him. “Such beauty is not found in every home,” he added, with a quick smile.
tab Kay scowled to hide her embarrassment. Well, he’s flattering, I can say that much for him. She looked down and didn’t look up until she was sure his attention was elsewhere.
tab “Now that you‘re all introduced,” Kay’s father began. “There are some rules that I have to instigate. It goes without saying that all of you, every one, should never breathe a word of this to anyone outside this room. ” He looked at Briam. “I think it’s safe enough that you don’t have to decide on a false name. However, if anyone asks, you’re my nephew, visiting from Cardor. I do have relatives there, so that should be enough to throw off suspicion. If worst comes to worst, there is a secret room in the cellar, where up to two people can hide, if necessary.”
tab A secret room?! Kay gasped. Why didn’t I know about this until now? She couldn’t contain herself. “Why didn’t you tell us before!?” she demanded angrily. “How many more secrets are there that you haven’t told us about?”
tab “Kaymeryn--” Her mother started, but her father intervened.
tab “No, she has a point.” He looked remorsefully at the rest of the family. “I’m sorry I kept this from you. I just thought it was too big a burden to put on you. From now on, I believe this family - all of us - should be truthful with each other. Agreed?” It was a mark of how much this occurrence had changed Kay’s world. Previously, her father would have made the request an order without a second thought.
tab The poignant silence was broken by an embarrassed shuffling. Briam stood off to the side, looking out of place.
tab “Well, that’s settled, then!” Kay’s father exclaimed. “Kay, why don’t you show Briam upstairs? He can sleep in the extra room next to yours.”
tab “Yes, father.” Still angry, she brushed past him and glared at Briam. “Well, are you coming?”
tab Looking somewhat daunted by her aggressive stance, he nevertheless picked up his bag, which she hadn’t noticed that he had left beside the door, and followed her up the stairs.
* * *
Once inside the room, Kay turned and stared defiantly at Briam.
tab “All right. I may be rude, but I’m not stupid. You didn’t really tell us who you are,” she stated flatly.
tab Forgoing any denials, he asked, “Do you really want to know?” His face was serious.
tab “Yes,” she challenged.
tab “Fine.” He shrugged and said simply, “I don’t see eye to eye with my parents on the war. So I went to an old friend, who brought me here.”
tab “That’s it?” Kay couldn’t help feeling a little disappointed.
tab “You thought I would have a story of some great adventure?” He looked amused.
tab “No!” She said hotly, then admitted, “Well, yes.”
tab “Oh.” She got the feeling he was secretly laughing at her. “Should I make one up, then?”
tab That was more than she could take. She had had enough of high-born runaways with their unreadable personalities. Tomorrow she was going to see Johen! That was all that mattered. Besides, she was too confused to care about anything else.
tab “Forget it, cousin. I’m going to bed. Good night.”
tab As she stalked out of the room, he called to her back. “Good night, then, Kaymeryn Traveler.”
tab She rolled her eyes but didn’t look back.
- by writergal00 |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/08/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Chapter 1 Civil War Story
- Artist: writergal00
Kaymeryn Traveler has always longed for adventure, but when adventure comes knocking at the door, will she get caught up in more than she bargained for?
...I'm working on coming up with a better title...sorry. Hope you enjoy. Any comments are welcome, good or bad. Just please be respectful. The ultimate goal is to end up with a better story. :)
Also there will be a prologue. I just haven't written it yet. If you're interested, there are more chapters though.
- Date: 02/08/2009
- Tags: fantasy civilwar adventure love quest
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Comments (4 Comments)
- this username is invalid - 01/23/2010
- Nice. I really love the Civil War, too. I would suggest 'New Sunrises' for a title, if you still need it. I guess it implies that Kaymeryn is always searching beyond what she has while all these truths and changes unravel in her life.
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- lieutenant robert herman - 08/25/2009
- hey if you ever need a character or you have a question about the civil war, just ask me ok.
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- lieutenant robert herman - 08/25/2009
- i just love the civil war
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- akjhurg - 02/08/2009
- wow, that's a well-written story, I liked it, you really brought out the personalities of the characters. good job.
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