• We started something we could not finish. Began a journey that should have never occurred. For we were both much happier before we knew ourselves. Before we knew who we are and found out all those horrible secrets. On earth I had Hailey, Janet, Julie, Catie, and Rena they tried to help me but in the end I had to help myself. The first world Her and I visited was the world of the Boys. It was a strange place and we found the door to it completely by accident. We were sitting in the meadow just Her and me. We decided to go further out for the first time. We walked for hours when we found a forest. The strange thing was that it was a cheery forest. Which was strange because the only color in the world of the horrid deaths was red. We went in cause well we were curious. Then we saw a huge pink tree. The leaves were a baby blue color. It was maybe ten ft. around and we almost mistook it as a hill. There was a purple door in it. At first we resisted going through it. But in the end our curiosity won out. She grabbed the knob and turned it. Then she stopped as if about to change her mind, but I pushed the door open till we could see what was on the other side. We walked through because all we saw was blackness and for some reason it wasn’t foreboding. There were so many guys. People I have seen before and faceless ones that I was yet to see. Boys I talked to and ones I just passed by every once in a while. Guys I liked, thought I liked, loved, hated, or had crushes on. Boys that made me feel like the only girl they would ever care about. Boys that just made me happy. Boys that made me cry. Boys that hurt me. Boys that were there for me. Boys that wanted me. Boys that lusted for me. Boys that never saw me. Boys that never got me. Boys that made me change my mind. A world of boys. The first to talk to us when we got there and the door was closed was Jerry.