Megaman Heroes - chapter 12-2
(music switches to- The grudge/ Tales of Symphonia)Download
*Suddenly Harpuia walked in unexpected and he did not have a happy look on his face.*
Mr. Kenner= Harpuia, you don't look too well.
Harpuia= Im sorry Mr. Kenner, but I noticed the Flutter and there were visitors.
John= Uh, oh.
Harpuia= JOHN!!!
John= Oh, Harpy, I wanted to have a talk with you about...
Mr. Kenner= Why don't you sit down and talk about this with the rest of us.
Harpuia= No thanks. I want to talk to John alone, and he's in serious trouble. Come with me mister.
*Harpuia walks sharply to John and grabs him by his arm and marches to the door leading outside.*
Leviathan= Harpuia! What are you doing!?
Harpuia= YOU DON'T MOVE! I will deal with you in a minute.
*John and Harpuia were outside.*
Harpuia= Explain yourself now!
John= It's not what you think. I only wanted to talk to him about this way your having with Leviathan about not giving her back up when she needed it.
Harpuia= How did you find this place!? Did you get Ciel to tell you where it is!?
John= No! I didn't tell Ciel a thing!
Harpuia= I don't know how you found this place out but I don't want you here again.
John= I heard you knew the ware bouts of the tablets and never told me. Why didn't you!?
Harpuia= ........, You went to Ciel this time didn't you?
John= Maybe she was wrong to sneak me out that day at that resistance base, but we did find out about that secret place of Weil's.....
Harpuia= This is what I was afraid of. You are planning on challenging Weil aren't you?
John= There are outsiders like me. Dr. Wily and Dalton are teaming up with him and plan to....
Harpuia= Your off this team as of today.
Mr. Kenner= He is not.
Harpuia= ... huh, but. Mr. Kenner... I..
Mr. Kenner= I grant John and reassigning Ciel back into the team. It is clear that you are getting to much strict with the guardians and pushing them.
Harpuia= I was trying to....
Mr. Kenner *angrily*= That's enough from you Harpuia. John was right to come to me about this. I am relieving you of guardian leader and assigning Colonel as of command of the guardian.
Harpuia= But ...
Mr. Kenner= John knows of these people who I heard from Mayors Biggs and Lucus about, and has told me about the situations. You are relieved from duty for the rest of today.
John= I wanted to help....
Harpuia= John.... YOU!
John= Please, I wanted to see him to help you, not to tell on you...
Harpuia= You may be putting those children in jeopardy with Ciel....
Leviathan= Oh, Harpuia I can't believe you acted like such a pig and even told Fenfir to go alone to the valley ruins when you said you were going to...
John= WHAT!? It may be a trap. Roll, let's go! Levy wana come with us?
Leviathan= Sure.
Harpuia= Leviathan!!
John= You can come with us if you want Harpy, we....
Harpuia= You don't know Dr. Weil JOHN! You don't understand him. He can destroy you as he did with those humans 100 years ago.
John= And I don't want you to go sacrificing yourself and the guardians and setting them alone. I want to have you as a valuable team member and not go risking your neck yourself like Zero did.
Harpuia= Don't you ever menson him to me. *Harpuia teleports*
John= Harpy! HARPUIA!!
Mr. Kenner= Let him go John. Go to the valley temple and help Fenfir.
John= Where's Phantom? Do you know?
Mr. Kenner= He's guarding Lucus and Biggs.
John= Crap! Oh, well. Thanks Mr. Kenner.
Mr. Kenner= Please, you may call me Orville.
John= Thanks Orville. Do you know where Fenfir is?
Eugene= Is this wise Mr. Kenner?
Mr. Kenner= That outworlder may be our last hope. Oh, so sorry. Fenfir is here investigating the ruins here in this valley. It's a bit North from here.
(music dies down slowly)
Man in uniform= Mr. Kenner! We have word that there's another ship with a skull symbol with a big "W" on it sighted at the valley temple. Fenfir is still there and fighting the invaders alone.
John= You heard him Roll. Let's go!
*John, Roll, and Leviathan hopped in the flutter and took off for the ruins not far from the small town. As they arrived, John spotted Fenfir at the center of the ruins platform fighting off mechanloids of both Dr. Wily's and Dalton's. As soon as he was finished with them, John recognized the 2 reploids Zain and Geemel made a return and they both challenged Fenfir. Things were not looking too well for Fenfir, thus he was outnumbered and weakened by the attacks from the mechanloids.*
(music playing- Beginning/ Street Fighter Alpha 3 )Download
Fenfir= You guys again.
Zain= You guardians destroyed the doctors metaltron didn't you?
Geemel= Dr. Wily was going to analyze it and we would've stolen it from those pathetic outworlder pirates and finished them off till you and your friends showed up and screwed up everything.
Zain= We thought we were never gonna hear the end of Dr. Wily's scolding!
Fenfir= If John and the rest of us didn't show up you would be scrap like those Persudroids and that thing is called a "Dalek" that John knows about it far more than you and your "master", so you should show "him" some gratitude!
Geemel= Gratitude!? *laughs* do you think we would "ever" waste gratitude on that human!?
Zain= Im getting bored of this guy. Let's finish him off here and now.
Geemel= I couldn't agree with you more.
Fenfir= I like to see you try it!
(music playing- Distortion/ Valkyre Profile)Download
*Zain took the first shot and did a sword spin and tried to hit Fenfir but he was too slow and Fenfir easily evaded him and Geemel took out his spinning blade and tossed it at him. Geemel was too quick for Fenfir and he got hit and took more damage. Fenfir got back up and fired a few shots of his knuckle cannon and did hit Geemel and Zain, but it was far from enough. Fenfir dashed forward and grabbed Zain but Zain grabbed back and they were arm to arm with each other thus Fenfir and Zain were equal strength and size. Geemel tried to sneak and attack Fenfir from behind, but Geemel got shot by a distant ice shot.*
John= Hold on Fenfir!!
Leviathan= Were coming to help you!
*John had his new biometal, Model A already equipped and held both his guns and had them pointed at Geemel.*
Geemel= You again, and another biometal. You really are annoying!
John= What's this all about!?
Geemel= It's about YOUR FUNERAL!!
*Geemel swung his saber and tried to hit John but John dashed backwards to avoid the attack, and John fired a few shots but managed to execute copy shot, the model A's special ability which allowed him to perform the same attack's as Geemel. John fired a few shots that acted like Geemel's throw blade. The first didn't hit him but the second knocked back Geemel.*
Geemel= What!?? How? How did you do that!?
*Leviathan headed toward Fenfir and Zain. Zain already had Fenfir in a headlock but Leviathan struck Zain in the back of the head, Fenfir broke free and shoulder tossed Zain across the platform. Zain got back up and was ready to attack the both of them with his big sword. Both Fenfir and Leviathan dashed to avoid the attack and performed a team strike and sent Zain flying a few yards.*
Zain= Urrrghhhhhh,, You fools!
Geemel= Let's tag team Zain! You deal with the human guy, I will deal with these two!
*Geemel and Zain switched with each other, Geemel threw his flying blade and equipped his glider and swooped over the 2 guardians, while Zain took out his big sword at John.*
Zain= You caused us lots of trouble! Now you will pay!
*John dashed around to avoid contact with Zain incase he tried to grab him cause he was so physically advanced. But John got tackled and was knocked on the ground, but John rolled out of the way of Zain's sword as it flew down on him. John then switched biometals to "Model D" and performed a back slice attack on Zain.*
Zain= You have big sword too?
John= Im full of surprises.
*Suddenly Geemel tackled John from behind when he was getting close to John's path.*
Fenfir= Hey! Your supposed to go at us!
Geemel= Who cares. *chuckles*
John= This is it. Im fed up with this! Fenfir, Levy, get them together at the count of 3!
*Fenfir and Leviathan were getting ready for Zain and Geemel to perform there next attack so they could get them together so John had a diversion. Zain charged from one side and Geemel at another.*
John= NOW!!
*Fenfir grabbed Zain with quick luck and flung him to the center of the platform, Leviathan back flipped and performed a leg toss on Geemel and sent him flopping on top of Zain.*
John= Gotcha!
*John quickly gathered lots of magical energy and suddenly he casted (Luminaire) the strongest Electric elemental magic attack and hit both Zain and Geemel*
*Zain and Geemel's bodies went to critical and reached melt-down thus destroying them both!*
(music dies down slowly)
Fenfir= You did it! We got them!
Leviathan= John, you were awesome.
John= Awhhh, no big deal. I forgot and remembered an old magic move I learned from Chrono back a few dimensions ago.
*Suddenly, John picked up a signal of both a tablet piece and a capsule and they both appeared in the center of the platform.*
Fenfir= Another capsule. Just like the one in the mines.
Leviathan= This is the first time I seen one. These are the capsules X used.
John= The last one.
(music playing- Requiem of predicament/ Valkyre profile)Download
*The capsule activated and the hologram image of Dr. Cossack, the russian scientist who aided Dr. Light began to broadcast his message.*
Dr. Cossack= John, it's about time we met again, but under certain circumstances, that Dr. Light's predictions were true that you were going to use those biometal plans and not dispose of them like he requested. I helped make a device that can unlock a seriously strong ability used in the "X" project. I am sure you will be finding it useful.
John= Really?
Dr. Cossack= Yes. This upgrade you can perform the Giga attack depending on what biometal you are equipped with, now you can also use this other upgrade with your charged weapons to increase attack power depending on what you wield as well. I also have this other upgrade, but it's not yet finished yet I don't think I ever will. But be sure you find someone in the current time your in that can. Step into the capsule and receive it now.
*John steps into the capsule and in a bright white flash, John received the final capsule upgrade and John has now processed it.*
Dr. Cossack= One more request, why don't you try it out here in this ruins where I kept this capsule buried? Now this transmission ends.
*The capsule was no longer active and automatically shut down.*
(music dies down slowly)
John= Alright, time to try this move out like he said. You guys wanna step back.
*Fenfir and Leviathan jumped from the large ruins platform and John tested out the Giga attack after he equipped the model X and used the hyper form. The giga attack was so devastating, it destroyed the entire platform revealing a hidden treasure chest*
Fenfir= Awesome!
Leviathan= That was spectacular.
John= Thanks. Now let's see, I believe you can only use this sparingly. Hey, look, a treasure chest.
*Fenfir opened the chest and found the last tablet piece.*
*then in incoming hailing frequency was picked up on John's com-link.*
Ciel (radio)= John, this is Ciel. I spent some time with these children and discovered something really interesting. I already called Roll to come pick me up and take me with her to Abagale valley.
John= Thanks. I wonder what it is?
Ciel (radio)= Im not going to tell you through this intercom. I will be arriving shortly.
(music playing- Intermission/ Megaman Zero)Download
*Later that day, John Leviathan, Fenfir, Roll, and Ciel gathered at the Cramer towns library and talked about the tablets and the secret she uncovered.*
Ciel= John, have you noticed a strange building NorthWest of the Abagale continent?
John= I may have.
Ciel= That's a temple made by the ancestors of the mayors here in Abagale. They created a sanctuary that protects Abagale's secret. This tablet set is supposed to be the key. That other legendary hero, Neo supposedly sealed away a powerful weapon 100 years ago. The same time they sealed away Zero. Dr. Weil was the original designer, thus after his sentence, him and Omega were banished. But after that, they took his weapon, the "Project Haven" and transported here in Abagale, sealing it away.
John= Project Haven? I really am not too familiar with it.
Ciel= Nobody knows. But with the help of Lan and his friends, we uncovered the keys and would've never gotten this far without their help.
Fenfir= Im so glad we ran into them those many days ago.
Leviathan= Im surprised you managed to find help amongst kids John.
John= *chuckles* And if only Harpy would agree with me. Anyway, what are we going to do now about this tablet?
Ciel= I gave it to Dr. Hikari. Him and Eugene are examining it as we speak.
(music suddenly stops!)
*Suddenly, they heard a sound of an airship from outside.*
Ciel= What's that sound!?
Roll= It can't be the flutter, it's in the CCunit. Their must be another airship.
John= Could it be!??
(music playing- Were the Bonne Family/ Megaman Legends)Download
*They looked outside and saw a huge green airship with a funny skull like mark resembling the Bonnes.*
John= Teisel! What's he doing here!?
Fenfir= Damnit!! What the hell are they doing now!?
Leviathan= And to think they learned there lesson.
Ciel= John, you got to see what there doing here?
Roll= I will look after Ciel and the others.
John= I tell you what, Why don't you let Leviathan and Fenfir stay with you incase they decide to slip in here.
*Suddenly a transporter teleported Phantom in the library*
Phantom= I heard from the guardian boss, He permitted me to accompany you all. The mayors just teleported me from there airship to see you.
Fenfir= Me and Levy will protect the kids and Ciel, you have our word.
John= Great. That's settled. Phantom, lets go see what Teisel is up to now.
Phantom= Agreed.
*John and Phantom dashed forward to the labs*
Teisel= Thank you so much for your kind cooperation mister. You couldn't been too better.
John= Teisel! What are you doing now?
Tesiel= Oh look who's here. The guy who lost us our metaltron.
John= That was a "Dalek", and Huh?..... You got the tablet. What are you planning to do with that?
Tron= Oh, since you helped us last time, we were thinking about returning the favor.
John= What do you mean? By more pillaging?
Tron= Don't be ridiculous. Were planning to go to that NorthWestern temple to open the secret vault....
Phantom= WHAT!? You cannot..... it's forbidden!
Teisel= You saved our lives, so were gonna help by taking out that hidden weapon inside.
Tron= Which is the "Project Haven"...
John= How did you know about that!?
Tron= I put a bug on you so we heard the conversations you and Ciel were having.
Phantom= I can't believe you.
*Tron and Tesiel teleported back into their Gesiellschaft (the Bonne's airship) and it took off in tremendous speed.*
Phantom= Their not allowed to.......the project haven is dangerous. Those fools!
John= Were going after them. It's the only way. We better stop them before Wily goons find out.
Phantom= Or worse....Weil! He has been wanting to get his hands on his old device again.
(music stops)
*Suddenly, another flagship flew across and teleported John and Phantom inside*
(music playing- Colonel & General/ Megaman X 4)Download
Colonel= I heard from the boss. That Pirate is going to attempt to steal that cursed weapon. He needs to be stopped.
John= That pirate is Tesiel Bonne, just to let you know he's not in league with the maniacal mechanloids and that Dr. Wily. He thinks he's going to do us a favor and try to fight him themselves with it.
Colonel= Get seated! Im going to take us in fast. Iris, take us in!
Iris= Ok big brother!
*The flagship flew to the Northeastern temple where the Gesiellschaft was parked, and the temple was already opened up.*
John= Oh no, were too late! Im going in to stop them.
Colonel= It's too dangerous for a human. That place is filled with ancient traps.
Phantom= John is equipped to handle this.
Iris= I will watch for the ship. You 3 go on in and stop them.
(Music dies down)
*John, Phantom, and Colonel run inside the temple*
(music playing- Cyber space/ Megaman Zero 4 )Download
John= Man this place looks like a virtual arcade! This place is cool!
Phantom= This is no time to sight see.
Colonel= Me and Phantom will try to arrest the Bonnes, you try to beat them to the weapon John. Use that pink biometal if you have too.
John= I will use Phantom's biometal...
Phantom= I feel complimented, but please trust Colonel. That pink biometal is far more equipped for this place than I am. Go!
John= Alright. Let's go Model C, Mega merge!
Model C= Chiiiiiiiiiiii
*John mega merges and equips the Model C biometal, then makes an incredibly fast dash and performed sharp dashes across tight gaps too tight for normal war reploids to turn without crashing. John then jumped from one stake like platform to another that was too tiny for even Phantom to land on and tread. As John made luminously high jumps, Phantom and Colonel watched from a distance that John made those near impossible jumps and saw a faint ghost like projection of a beautiful girl with long blonde hair dressed in white from behind John as he was jumping and going airborne slowly descending from one place to another.*
Phantom= What is that biometal's origin?
Colonel= It saved our lives back in Guardian HQ, and saved us and Dr. Mozart.
Phantom= Let's try to find those pirates.
*Colonel and Phantom began to track down the Bonnes signal patterns while John was going for the weapon. John then dashed through some warp tunnels that would hinder a war reploid of it's footing and the rooms were filled with gravity environments that rendered normal movement, but John in Model C was completely unaffected. John was getting the feeling that Model C was going automatic that John knew himself wasn't prone to such wild stunts even if he was in another biometal. Suddenly John came across a huge sphere shaped vault and it had a panel with the shape of the tablet.*
John= No Bonnes in sight. I beat them to it!
(music slowly fades)
Fell Voice= And you think that the Bonne's were so smart huh? Mongrels! HA!! And since I knew they would try to steal it, I can slip in and take back my old weapon.
John= Who is it!? No.... it...can't be!?
*The fell voice turned out to be none other than Dr. Weil himself who appeared out of nowhere.*
(music playing- Fate/ Megaman Zero 4 )Download
Dr. Weil= And they were so nice enough to let you slip in and lead me to the invention which was taken from me.
John= It was taken from you for a good reason!
Dr. Weil= So, you are that John guy I been hearing about. We meet at last. I am also curious about your biometals too, and wondering how you got a hold of so many? I am also amazed and curious about that pink biometal you have on. I even heard from Prometous that you used a foreign ship to hack into my satellite. I like to say well done for your efforts young man.
John= Trust me, im full of surprises.
Dr. Weil= I was also thinking that you would refuse to side with me if we wanted to accomplish more than just absolute conquest. If you side with me, Think of what we can do with these biometals? This special technology. This power!
John= Dr. Light warned me about this, and I attend to keep my word of it.
Dr. Weil= Dr. Light!? I thought I heard Dr. Cain talk about him 100 years ago? You seem to know the X legacy a bit well. But what about your knowledge of X's origin? I heard you know allot about him!
*Suddenly, Tron and Tesiel appeared and saw John face to face with Dr. Weil*
Teisel= This is it, the vault! HUH!? Who are you!?
Dr. Weil= Oh, you must be the Bonne family who stole Dr. Wily's cargo, his...Dalek.
Tron= He knows about the Dalek!
Dr. Weil= I knew it was wise to keep you fools alive to help me regain my weapon. I like to say thank you for what you did for me.
Tesiel= But.... we were gonna use it......
Dr. Weil= It only works for ME!! Silly pirate!
John= Tesiel, Tron, get out of here!! RUN!!
*Phantom and Colonel arrive*
Phantom= WEIL!!!
Colonel= It can't be!?
Dr. Weil= Oh, more visitors I see. Well, if you excuse me, I have stolen property to reclaim.
*Dr. Weil holds out his hand and the tablet from Tesiel Bonne's hand teleported from his possession and into Weil's hand.*
Dr.Weil= Now I must go to my good ol' friend Dr. Wily and Dalton and continue my old project, so John, I no longer need you around, so I have revived my old comrades from my past conflicts with Zero to keep you company. As for the rest of you, I hope you enjoy seeing your so called new champion die in front of you. *Maniacal laughter*
John= Dr. Weil, don't you dare!!
*Dr. Weil and the sphere shaped vault teleports from the temple*
(music dies down slowly)
*Suddenly, 4 fake guardians teleported in the vault's room. They were stronger and more powerful than before.*
(music playing- Unsatisfying Desire/ Tales of Symphonia)Download
Copy H= So you thought we were completely finished? What a fool.
Copy F= Were back, now better than before! Time to finish where we left off.
Copy L= *giggles* Silly human. Thought you can beat me permanently.
Copy P= Your lucky victory over me was won pathetically, but now this time you are through.
*Then 2 more reploids appeared, and was none other than Copy X 4. And Copy Omega 3*
Copy X 4= Now im remade again, I can finally get back on you for what you did to me. And this time that Pink Biometal you have on is history.
Omega 3= That pink biometal resembling an ancient robot girl will not save you now. Now our good doctors built us an immunity system. It's time to say it's payback for what you did to us.
Copy X 4= Oh, and we also want you to know, were sealing up this joint! You are definitely not going to be leaving here alive. After you are done, we will hunt down and destroy the original guardians and those newbie's.
Omega 3= Then after that, we get to watch Abagale burn for neglecting our order!
John= Not if I can do something about it.
*John in his Model C getting ready for battle with the evil versions of the 6 heroes.
(music changes to- Steel of Destiny/ Thunder Force 5 )Download
*Copy F and Copy X 4 take the first plunge and both fire a huge blast of fire but John back dashes to avoid it and casts (Ice 3). It hits but it does minimum damage. Copy H and Copy L try to dash towards John and try to slash him. John performs a phoenix jump to avoid it, then John dashes to the wall and tries the micro jam effect. He was in perfect distance but it was useless.*
Copy H= It's useless! Your micro jam is useless.
*Copy H fires a tornado blaster and John get's hit and gets sent crashing to the wall. Copy F dashes and performs a knuckle bash attack on him, and John takes all of the hits and damage. John performed a tempest kick and sent Model F flying across the room. John switched biometals to Model X and set it on hyper mode.*
Copy X 4= Huh? Where did you get that from? It doesn't matter, your history!
Tesiel= C'mon John! Get him! Get them all!!
Tron= Stop them John!
Tesiel= Can't you guys do something?
Phantom= I can't. The ray shield's blocking us!
Copy P= Worry not audience. First him, than the rest of you will die. It's only a matter of time.
*Copy L and Omega 3 perform delta slashes at John and John got hit directly and was taking some good deal of damage. John was ready to perform his Giga crush on them but needed to get them all together first. John waited for the right moment.*
John= What are you waiting for? Why can't you all come over here and crush me!? All of you at once!
Copy X 4= Why not? Sounds like a good idea!?
*The copies all dashed towards John and John released the energy for the Giga crush attack and got them all trapped in it. The copies received a good deal of damage but wasn't enough to defeat them.*
Copy P= That..... attack....
Copy X 4= Careful guys! He's up to something! He's learned how to use Giga crush some how! Watch it!
*John casted his magic attack (Luminaire) his strongest lightning attack. Copy F was damaged significantly but the others were damaged normally.*
Copy X 4= He's getting more aggressive! Start using your projectile weaponry and give it your all. But keep your distance!
Omega 3= Leave the physical harm to me!
*Omega 3 dashed forward to John but John dashed backwards and hit the wall, but Omega 3 trapped John in a corner and gave John a good taste of "burning vigor attack" but John casted (Flare) and gave Omega 3 a good burning but Model L got caught in it too and suffered a good deal of damage.*
John= You .... guys .... are..... tough.... *heavy breathing*... won't .... let you... *pant pant* hurt ..people..... *wheezing*
Copy X 4= He seems to be tiring out. Now try a unison attack. HIT HIM FAST AND HARD!!
*The 4 fake guardians performed a physical attack combo which Copy F started first, them Copy L, Copy P and Copy H last. John suffered a good amount of damage, but John used a reserved sub tank to replenish shield energy.*
Copy X 4= Man, he isn't giving up! He's persistent. Keep waling him!
John= I can't keep this up!!
*Suddenly, a strange aura filled the room and suddenly it was none other than the Mother Elf, of the cyber elves. It appeared out of nowhere and was followed by a cyber elf none other than Elpizo.*
(music instantly changes to- Cyber elf/ Megaman Zero)Download
Copy X 4= Mother elf!? What are you doing here?
Elpizo= Who is this guy, he looks like.....X.
John= I ..... have to stop them!
*Then the mother elf shined a light on John healing him completely and and John felt relieved from his tiredness and his MP completely restored. Then Elpizo the cyber elf flew to John*
Elpizo= Listen pal.... We have been watching you from aloft. That unusable device is the real final upgrade to Model X.
Mother Elf= Elpizo..... if you do.... you will....die.
Elpizo= There's no other choice, this guy has to finish Weil here and now. I remember what I did to X and I finally realized it was wrong. But ..... I think...it's my time. Im so sorry X for doing what I did those years ago. Look, John. Take care of yourself and .... this final upgrade......Model N! The strongest X form ever. Megaman Neo biometal!!
Mother Elf= ELPIIIIIIZO!!!!!
Elpizo= Good bye......mother elf.
(music stops)
*Elpizo flew right into John and the Model X biometal began to glow and the hyper mode shut down and the Model X became Model N and John's appearance looked somehow new and different. John received his last biometal upgrade for the X biometal.*
(Music playing- Electrical communication/ Megaman 8 soundtrack)Download
John= WOAH!!!! I feel so extreme now!!
Copy X 4= NOOOOOOOO!!!!
*John dashed with extra powerful dashes and pulled out a blue beam saber and slashed at Copy F and Copy H and cut them in half and they were dispatched. Copy P and Copy L fired their projectiles, but John in his new biometal slid under them and then he casted (HOLY) on them leaving them paralyzed from it's light. Then John charged the cannon and fired a few plasma shots and dispatched them. Omega 3 tried to perform another "burning vigor attack" but John only too minimum damage, and John countered with "Light spear cannon" and sent him flying thus giving him massive damage. John then grabbed Omega 3 and performed a seismic toss and sent him slamming on a wall. Then Copy X 4 tried to use his Giga crush but John grappled him before he could act and John hurled him across the room and had him to land on Omega 3 and then John charged his N buster maximum and released a massive cannon beam and hit Omega 3 and Copy X 4 dispatching them both at once.*
(music fades away slowly)
John= It's....i...in...incredible!
*The ray shield faded away*
Tesiel= Hey guy! You did it!!
Tron= John!!
Phantom= I can't believe this.
Colonel= Now we can go find that Weil and stop Dr. Wily.
John= Ciel isn't gonna believe this when I show her.
*So John finally got Model N, and now John is ready for the most challenging missions ever. John will now have to face off with the villains he was searching for, and hopefully get the Epoch back for Chrono.*
Megaman Heroes - chapter 12-2
Tanooki John
Submitted to sheezyart Apr 15th 2007
Part 2 of chapter 12.
My megaman fan fic/crossover, and all characters are (c) respectable owners.
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