• I stood up, gasping for air. I felt I couldn't breath. blood dripped down to the flooring. I tried to swing my emense blade, but I couldn't move. Blood continued to drip. I finnaly mustered the strength to look up only to see my foe's arm slung back. He rushed his arm and it nailed me in the face. I flew backwards so hard my cheek, where he had hit me, was now black as the night sky without a cloud to be seen by the naked eye. I landed on the cold, hard floor. He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and pulled me up so high my dirty shoes could not rub against the floor. He said to me "You are weak. You are drunk. You are defensless and you have no experience. To challenge me in this condition was your biggest and last mistake." And with the end of those words he ripped my sword away from my hands and thrust it through my heart. I lost consiousness and fell to the ground. I awoke in a white room. A man in a black cloak stood there staring at me. I couldn't see his face. He was wearing black gloves. "Just in time." He said in a very intimidating and freighting voice while holding up a gold stopwatch and staring into it.