• She picked up the phone with tears running down her face,as she prayed they where home.

    she dailed the number,still crying."please...please..." she reapeated in her head again and again,until a young male voice ansered
    "hello?" he asked."natasha,what's wrong?" he was scared and worried.
    "Rej..c-could you come get me..?" I weeped,tears driping into my lap.
    "why?where are you? what happened?" he was raising his young voice,becoming more mad and scared."mom hit me..I-I ranaway,I need somewhere to go.." he was breathing unsusally."hold on.." he placed the phone to his chest,as I reacalled the throbing red mark on my pale flesh,as I continued to cry.

    "we have to get her! come on,we can't just leave her! listen to her,she's scared! we have to! ma' on doit!" he continued to raise his voice,I could hear his dad and mom and brothers not exactelly "yelling" also."give me the phone!" his dad's voice commanded."natasha? ou est-tu? mona ta frapper?" he was in dis-beleif as I ansered shakily and weeping all of the questions.

    Things where quiet,exept for my crying.then he said"natasha..on vient,ok? we'll be there as fast as we can,hold on okay?"he told me,"o-okay.." I weeped.
    "tell me where you are and then we'll be off." I told him,and then he hung up.

    I waited..for what seemed like days,but really only a few hours.When they arrived,they could see the red mark that was still throbbing away.

    They embrassed me tightly,there heartbeats faster than Rej's was."let's go.." mon oncle told me after the longest hug.I got in and all three of my cousin's where staring at me,worried and scared.The youngest,Cedric,a year yonger than me began to cry.

    Regan,the second oldest,looked close to tears also."natasha.." he began,but didn't finish.

    The oldest,Mario,looked with more emothion than I had seen him during our last goodbye to dad.

    We arrived at there place,early in the morning.