• I felt alone without anyone near…I kinda wished that I had someone to be with but I felt odd…I never thought that I could feel this way…I loved him but I couldn’t tell him the truth about my feeling for him after all….I was part of a gang….I really didn’t feel like I belonged with them but I worked with them anyway….somedays I couldn’t tell whether I was in this gang for glory or just for the sake of doing something that I knew that would taint me with sin…a sin so great that nothing would be able to wash it away… But when I saw him I felt that I needed to cleanse myself of this sin but I felt that it would be hard so I began to slip deeper into the abyss. I kept going deeper and deeper until that one day….
    I was sitting in the street my head down; I believed that I had fallen so deep that I could not pull myself out anymore. My head was bowed for the gang had broken up thanks to the fear of the cops…I still ran out and did some of the stuff the gang used to do just to keep the feelings of my broken heart from crumbling into pieces. People stared at me and I could feel their eyes on me but I didn’t care anymore my heart hurt…and I knew that I didn’t deserve to exist in a world that had so much light…. Someone grabbed my hand…I didn’t know who and I tried to pull away.
    “Stop crying. Your not hurt.” My head jerked up and I pulled my hand ready to punch this person in the face, ready to defend myself. Then I saw his face, I was up on my feet ready to run away but I just couldn’t move… He smiled at me and pulled me toward him. I tried to push him away but he pulled me close until I was totally encircled in his arms. “You are not alone… You are with people and if you fall others are falling beside you but there will always be a person there to lift you up… Even if you fall into the blackest of the black someone will always be your wings.” I then began to cry I knew then that I was cleared of my sin and if I wanted I could rethink my life again… That was what I did… He was my angel and he saved me…That is my Confession… What’s Yours?