• Whatever happened out there with Candy Cane was just a fluke Leslie thought to herself. She turned to look at the sky and relized that there was a storm coming in...she had to hurry to get her own horses in for the night. Candy Cane lifted her head torward the sky maybe thinking the same thing. Working to bring in the horses 1 by 1 kept her pretty busy. After the last and final horses was in and bedded down for the night big,fat raindrops can down on the porch telling her she had to go. Once inside she felt safe and sucure in her 2 bedroom ranch. Leslie thought about finding a boyfriend, but then her thought went right to Kasey lying in a hospital bed. Her thoughts were disturbed when the phone rang. When she got to the phone nd picked it up she whispered "Hello?"..there was a pause and someone talking in the backround. "Oh yes is this Leslie?" the voice sounded farmiliar. "Umm.. yes how may i help you?" leslie almost said in a lower whisper. " this is Dr. Bob calling regarding to Kasey W". this woke leslie up" what wronge? anything happen? is she okay?" Leslie was rattling off questions. "Shes okay i guess but somthing happend over night" Dr. Bob tried to sound calm but leslie heard the sadness in his voice. "She passed away, im so terriably sorry for this to happen" Dr. Bob finally said. Leslie dropped the phone and hurd a thud when it hit the floor. Crying and tears burred her vision she cried herself to sleep. Her dream wasn't much better. She was in a feild and then she was Kasey by the cow's pen, Leslie yelled but didn't make a dffrence, Kasey was taken by suprise when it trambled her and she was knocked out.
    When she woke up she was startled and out of breath. Tangled in her bed your fine just fine she reminded herself.