Megaman Heroes 2 - chapter 12
Chapter 12 - Biometal retrival part 2
*****************Mission Area G*****************************
(Music playing - Ogre claw/ Megaman
Z X )Download
*Phil and Kos-Mos took the trail that lead them to Area G where they
were at a remote city, but a** soon as they arrived, the whole city
was engulfed with flames and fire. Ghaleon hunters and mechanloids
were patroling the whole area.*
Phil= I can't believe this mess!!
Kos-Mos= What shal we do now captain Phil?
Phil= We settle things out. Right now.
*Phil megamerged with Model Bb and Kos-Mos went to battle mode. They
entered the city and blasted the mavericks to pieces. They even found
some guardians on the ground wounded.*
Phil= Oy' there! You ok!?
Guardian man= Ooooh, Is it you Phil? Oh, thanks so much.
Phil= Anytime mate.
Guardian man= Oh, just to let you know, there's more guardians in the
building, they tried to rescue some civilians but them too are trapped
now. Be sure to help them out.
*Phil and Kos slashed down many mechanaloids and rouge robots in order
to get to the building in order to save the people trapped in the
apartment complex. They reached the building, they met another
guardian member.*
Guardian= You must be Phil. We need your help. There's people trapped
between the fire and they can't get out. You need to get them out and
save them before they get buned todeath.
Phil= Ill do it.
Guardian= Oh and if you have any biometals, don't go wearing them or
those people may think your some sort of maverick.
Phil= Im not worried about that.
Kos-Mos= I will do on my part as well.
*Phil and Kos entered the building and all they can see is smoke,
fire, and mechanaloids crawling all over the place. Phil and Kos cut
down any hostile in there path and broke through some doors and helped
evacuate the people living in there.*
Woman= Thank you young sir. You and that old model reploid woman who saved us.
Man= You saved us. How can we thank you.
Elderly man= Same here sonny. But be sure to help out the others ok?
Phil= You have my word.
*Phil and Kos ran up the stairs and pulled out all people they can
find from the bottom floor to the highest level. They saved children
and pets as well. Then they met a guardian woman upstairs too.*
Guardian woman= Great Phil. You did it, but theres a persueroid at the
other building and it looks realy hostile. And I assume it caused all
the fires.*
Phil= Thanks for the tip. Kos, you help out the rest of these people,
Ill deal with our Pesudo-problem.
Kos-Mos= Will do captain Phil.
*Phil equiped his biometal this time Model Bb and blasted any
mechanloid and maverick that tried to stop him. Then when he was on a
rooftop, there were flames coming out of a building room, which the
pserduroid was wrecking havoc in. Phil entered the room and came face
to face with the robot.*
(Music dies down)
Phil= So, your the one causing trouble around here?

Fistleo= Indeed little human, I am the cause of this what you say
..... trouble. I heard your in leauge with that Megaman Plum and the
guardians. Phillip isn't it?
Phil= Sure is, and that you will learn the last unless you don't
surrender your biometal and give up while you stil can.
Fistleo= You got to be out of your freakin mind if you think IM going
to do such a thing. I Fistleo will retire you.
Phil= I don't think so fisty. Now prepare to fall before the mighty
Captain Phil!

(Music playing- Trailblazer / Killer Instinct killer cuts
*Fistleo charges at Phil, but Phil in Model Bb jumps to the wall and
wall kicks out of the way of Fistleo's maws. Fistleo the turned around
and picked up pieces of the building and throws them at Phil but Phil
shot it into tiny pieces with his Bumble blaster. Then Fistleo made a
charge and as he slammed into a wall, parts of wreckage fell from the
ceeling and they were on fire. Then Fistleo charged through them but
Phil cleverly scurried out of the way and opened fore at him with both
main and sub weapons of Model Bb and plasma shots rained down on
Fistleo. Fistleo managed to tackle Phil and toss him across the room
but the damage was only minimum. Phil got up and opened fire on
Fistleo again but he jumped out of the way and was attempting to open
fire with some fireballs. Some hit but Phil swithed biometals to Model
Op and sliced a fatal blow on him with the saber axe.*
(Music stops)
Fistleo= How..... can a human be..... so strong!?
Phil= I told you not to take me for a chump. Now look at you mate,
your going on meltdown.
Fistleo= But.... this complex and it's.... people were supposed to
burn .... not ME! YEOOOOOOOWHHHHH!!
*Fistleo began to emit sparks and his body exploded in a lotus flower
of flames and pseudroid parts, then a biometal emerged from his ruins
and floated to Phil.*

(Music playing - Gentle memories / Megaman
Model F= Woah, man,...I love a good fight! That was some show you
performed when you kicked that no Megaman Pseudroid's a**.
Phil= Oh it was nothin' mate.
Model F= He deserved it! Being a bully and vandalizing property
like he was gonna claim it all. Oh well, what happened to the rest of
us biometals?
Phil= Model H has already been recovered, John, one of my buddies is
going for Model L and my little mates Vent and Aile are going for
Model Ph.
Model F= Well, I thank you lots for what you went through to save me.
Phil= Im gonna go help wrap things up here in this zone, so I need to
find Kos and check on her.
*Phil collected Model F and went outside to check on Kos-Mos*
******************************************Mission Area H*********************************

(Music playing - Danger Atraction/ Megaman
*Vent and Aile just arrived from the forest and entered the amusement
park. The park had no people and mechanlods were roaming free and the
rides were running by themselves.*
Vent= It's been so long since we were here Aile.
Aile= I hope John, Kaolla, Phil and Kos made it ok?
Model S= Oh I bet there ok. I bet there fine. Dispite I really
don't like the idea splitting the team apart. Sheesh.
Vent= We need to keep going and find that biometal.
Aile= *sighs* Let's find it.
Model S= Hey guy's,..... why the long faces?
Aile= Not now Model S.
Vent= Well,.... it's a long story.
Model S= Oh, C'mon, tell me. I gave my word to John I look after you 2.
Aile= I said NOT NOW!!
Vent= Look, never mind that for now.
Model S= OK OK! For crying out loud, you 2 sure are a rowdy bunch.
*Vent and Aile moved past the ferris wheel from the enterance and came
across the train ride and when they hopped on top, the train began to
move. There were mechanloids charging at them so Vent equipped
biometals X and Z while Aile equipped Model S and Aile used a red
cybersoul "Capsuel shooter" and blue cybersoul "Sentry drone" to
summon a sentry drone familiar and equiped an orance cybersoul
"Ghalleon hunter" to increase =1 shot for the sentry drone familiar.
Vent struck down a Remettaur charging at them and as soon as he struck
it down, tiny ones shot up at him and a blue cybersoul shot out and
laned on Aile who was wearing Model S.*
Model S= This is a Remettaur cybersoul. Equip this and you can form
a helmet shield when you duck. Give it a try when you get a
Aile= Thanks Model S. And sorry if I yelled at you.
Vent= Look out, we got more incoming!
*A bunch of Springer mechanloids were approching and they were trying
to hit the kids, but they were able to fight them back. The train
reached the other direction and reached the other side of the
amusement park and there was a fre rides ahead and more mechanloids
blocking the way, but Vent and Aile cut them down. And when they
reached the door, the got to the other side and at a moment of silence
there was a Giant Remettaur called a "Powmettaur" that jumped from the
fence form another area of the park and right to the area where they
(Music changes to- NG rumble track 5/ by Evil
Vent= Look out!!
*The Powmettaur ducked in it's helmet like shell and tried to ram the
kids, but Vent and Aile dashed underneath the collosal mechanloid as
it passed by, then as it merged from it's helmet, Vent opened fire
with his blaster. Aile sommoned a sentry drone to shoot at it. Then
the powmettaur jumped high and tried to stomp them. Aile fired a few
capsuel shooter capsuels on the ground before she dashed, the
Powmettaur landed on the capsules damaging itself. Vent used the Z
saber and performed a few slashes on the beast's exposed body. Then
the Powmettaur unleashed Remettaurs and Springers. The sentry drone
familiar shot every one and gave Vent and Aile an edge to attack
again, and them the Powmettaur went to meltdown and began to explode.
Then a blue cybersoul flew out of the giant and flew into Aile.*
(Music stops)
Model S= This is the blue cybersoul from that Powmettaur. You can
sommon a Remettaur familiar ..... huh? What's wrong you guys? You look
so sad.
(Music playing - Fragments / Megaman
Z X )Download
Vent= *sniffle* Model S im sorry for yelling at you at the enterance.
Aile= You see, the reason why we are ....
Model S= You were in a bad mood?
Aile= We lost our mother to a maverick raid 10 years ago.
Vent= *crying* Many people were killed and we watched many people die
infront of us!
Aile= Mother sacrificed ourselves to save us. We watched her get shot
by mechanlods as she shielded us from them. Giro took us in and raised
us after that.
Vent= Now Giro is gone and it's all thanks to that b*****d Serpant!
Model S= ........Vent....Aile.....Im so sorry. Vent, ...why not
wear me for awhile and give those biometals to Aile? Your welcome to
use my powers.
Vent= But I look redic.... uh,...nevermind.
*Vent and Aile swap biometals.*
Model S= Now let's help John and Phil and the gang and let's round
up those biometals. We'll make that no good Serpant pay!
(Music returns to - Danger Atraction)
*Vent and Aile move to the next building where they see a locked door
and entered the door that was not. Inside was a giant crane game room
and they had to move through the huge piles of stuffed toys and avoid
the giant crane. They reached a door at the end and aproached a shoute
full of ladders and worked there way up to the enterance to another
chamber where a huge space full of gusting winds and floating blimp
reblica rides. They had to jump there way across the place to get to
the end. Then they reached the next room where a set of monkeybars was
on the celling and there stood a purple Pseudroid.*

(Music changes to- Bad luck / Metroid
Purpril= Huh!? Who dares to interupt my personal fun? 2 little kids?
Vent= What are you doing in our amusement park!?
Aile= Just what do you think your gonna achieve doing Serpent's buidding?
Purpril= *snicker* Now that's no way for a guest to treat there hosts
isn't it? I am Purpril and im the new owner of this place. Your gonna
have to pay for your rudeness so prepare yourselves kiddies!
Model S= It's YOU who's gonna pay for what you did monkey shines!
Purpril= What kind of biometal is that!? It dosent appear on the history list.
Model S= Who gives a poot about a sily history list! Your going
down banana bolts!
Purpril= And such a sassy attitude too. Ill show you what happens to
those who mess with Purpril!
(Music changes to - NG rumble track 3 / by Evil
*Purpril jumped to the celing and began to throw a purple ball trying
to smash poor Vent and Aile. Aile charged her saber and blaster while
Vent somoned the Remeutars using the blue cybersoul from the
Powmettaur and launching Springers using the Springer red cybersoul.
Purpril got struck by them and Aile slashed him as he hanged from the
celing. Purpril began to move and then dropped on the ground and
charged at them. Vent and Aile jumped out of the way and Purpril began
to spin on the ground then launched in the air working his way to the
top by slamming on the walls but Vent and Aile sucsesfully got out of
the way. Purpril formed back and started to launch more purple balls
then Aile wall kicked to the top and started to shoot him. Vent
continued to use the cyber soul abilities and Purpril was getting
hammered by the chomps and familiars and then he took too much attacks
till he went to meltdown.*
(Music stops)
Purpril= How...!? How can a bunch of kids and a pink biometal be this
powerful. GHAYHHHHHHHH!!!
*Purpril exploded and a purple biometal emerged from his ruins*
(Music playing - Metalic Soul / Megaman
Z X )Download

Model Ph= Im so glad to be free from that monster. Thank you
children for saving me.
Vent= I am Vent and this is my sister Aile.
Model S= And I am model S, I come from another world with a traveler.
Model Ph= So Slither inc. has betrayed the people? This is
unforgiveable. Especaly after what he did to my fellow bretheren.
Aile= There are others like us who are retreving the biometals. We are
just one of the 3 groups. We plan to meet back at the forest so we can
help stop Slither together.
Model Ph= Now that is a plan im proud for you to participate in.
Count me in. Let's find your friends and aid them.
(Music dies down slowly)
******************** Missions complete *****************
(Music playing - Green Grass Gradation / Megaman
Z X )Download
Vent= We made it out. WHat a relief.
Aile= Well, we got our biometal. Hey, isn't it Phil and Kos-Mos?
*Phil and Kos reached the rondeveu spot with Vent and Aile*
Phil= Me and Kos did it. We retrieved the biometal from that other Puedoroid.
Kos-Mos= We saved lots of people along the way.
Vent= Good. You guys are safe.
Aile= Now we need to wait for John and Kaolla to come back.
*Sudenly, Kaolla and Rush came back but there was no sighn of John.*
Phil= Kaolla! Rush! Your back. Where's your biometal?
(Music changes to - Track 10 / MDK
Kaolla= Oh im so sorry guys.
Rush= *doggy whining*
Phil= Kaolla....What happened?
Vent= John,...where is he Kaolla?
Kaolla= John diapeared. As soon as he got the biometal he was pulled
in some sort of black gate at the transiever room.
Phil= Oh my god. John's in trouble. Im contacting Prairie right now!
*Phil activates his com-link*
Prairie (radio)= This is Prairie.
Phil= Prairie, we got trouble.
Prairie (radio)= Has everyone come back safe with a stolen biometal?
Phil= We all did except for John. Kaolla and Rush made it but John
didn't. Kaolla told us John got pulled into some kind of black gate.
Kaolla= It was some kind of cyber world like..... im sorry Miss
Prairie. This was all my fault.
Prairie (Radio)= This sounds terrible. Im going to patch you to Miss
Kay of the resistance squad right now.
*Channels being changed*
Kay (radio)= This is Kay.
Phil= Kay, we got trouble. The missions were all sucsessful except the
one from the ice cape. Kaolla and Rush came back but John did not. The
rest of us are fine, but Kaolla tells me John got pulled into a cyber
gate. Allong with Model L! I just hope Omega Zero isn't behind this or
it's good bye John.
Kay (radio)= Stay put! Im sending a flagship to pick you all up. We
can scan the areas as soon as we have you all on board.
Vent= Oh poor John-chan!
Aile= This is awful! We can't lose John. He's the best megaman we got!
Kos-Mos= John......please be safe.
*Sudenly a resistance squad ship approached Area A at blazing speed
and all were instantly teleported and turned straight back from whence
it came. All the others came back except for John. What will happen to
our friend? Find out next time.*
Megaman Heroes 2 - chapter 12
Tanooki John
Submitted to sheezyart Dec 1st 2007
Second sequal to my megaman fanfiction/crossover
All characters and images (c) respected owners
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