As Toni ran through the city, he glanced behind him to see if anyone was still following behind him. When he saw that the alley was empty, he slowed his pace to a brisk walk while still keeping his newly attuned senses alert.
He glanced around; the alley was unfamiliar….again.
“Darn it!” This was the fifth time this month. Every time one of those people showed up, it ALWAYS ended with him lost in some part of the city; and it took at least a day to get back into familiar areas.
‘Maybe I should consider changing cities again…’ He faintly heard some footfalls behind him before…
“Gotcha,” a pair of burly arms snaked around him and lifted him off the ground. He struggled to free himself but all options of escape had been cut off; shouting not included but then again that didn’t count at all anyway.
“What kind of supposedly honourable gentlemen attacks a helpless child,” said a voice out of nowhere.
“Mind your own business boy. You’re meddling in things that ought not to be meddled with; for your own good.” Toni recognized the voice of this one. If his assumptions were correct, they had moved up in ranks since the last time; he must be getting desperate.
He the noticed that his captor’s grip had slackened; not to mention that he was back on the ground. He may be strong but definitely not very bright. Such were the usual types that came after him… He hit his assailant in the stomach and ran; ran until the sounds of a fight could no longer reach his ears.
He stopped at the old oak tree, lifted herself among the leaves and branches and hid there in hopes of a few stolen moments of sleep.
A little girl sat staring her bedroom window; she sighed, rose from her seat and left the room.
She flitted through the halls of the great house in search for some enjoyment; none could be found. The books had all been read; the piano had already been played; the paintings had already been finished (and she was in no mood to begin one either).
Her wandering lead her to the terrace that overlooked the garden; to where she saw the groom exercising the horses and her father in combat with his fencing partner.
She stood transfixed by their movements and was watching when her governess arrived to take her back to her rooms.
Images then began to flash in succession: an image of the little girl learning to ride a horse like a proper lady…and stealing out at night to learn how to ride astride; the same child secretly learning to fence with her father’s partner; learning to play the piano and at the same time learning how to make accounts.
The years passed and the girl grew: beautiful; brilliant; accomplished. It was now time to find her a match; he who would become heir to Montéchevale.
Many suitors came to seek her hand, but had them all dismissed: too pompous;too conceited; too greedy; none of them fit to inherit.
She looked through the window on the landing and out into the courtyard. She could see another suitor riding another stallion along the way. She sighed, another nuisance on his way to disappointment. Why couldn’t her father just forget about marrying her off and let her run the place; a few more lessons and some practice and she was good to go. But he was too old-fashioned; he never listened.
She watched as the horse reached the entrance to the house; the man looked up and raked his eyes over the facade of the manor. She watched his eyes as she was wont to an adversary; he was the same; just like all the others… He gave his horse to the groom and climbed the stairs into the foyer.
She waited a few moments and then descended the stairs and made her way to the drawing room.
Inside, she found her father freely conversing with the man from before; am incredibly bad sign. She shifted her gaze to the new suitor and found saw something that made a dangerous difference: he was cunning. He knew how to please; he knew just what to say and just what to do to win the favour of her father; he knew how to play the part.
She walked into the room and her new suitor stood, as a gentleman was wont in the presence of a lady.
“Ah~ Antoinette,” said her father from his chair by the fire, “so good of you to join us. If I may…”
“Mr. Stefan [last name],” interrupted their visitor, “at your service Madame.” He bowed low.
She curtsied stiffly. “Welcome to Montéchevale Monsieur [last name]. Hopefully your stay will be to your liking”
“Oh~ I intend it to be.” He smirked
Yes, definitely a dangerous adversary.
After a day of horseback riding, lunch and strolling with her new suitor (‘by decree of her father’), she visited her father in the drawing room.
“Well?” He didn’t even look up; he never did.
“I want him out. NOW.”
“Whatever for?”
“He’s like the rest of them, except a couple of degrees worse. And worst of all, he’s deceiving you father.”
He just laughed. “Really now? Well that makes it even better in my opinion. To think that he could deceive me…” He chuckled lightly.
She stared at him dumbfounded. How could he find this amusing? Is he mad?
“So he’s capable of deceiving me is he…?” Her father looked into the fire and chuckled… “It seems, my dear, that we have finally found your future husband.”
The girl stared at her father in horror. Her face then resumed its impassive façade. “And what if I refuse him; like I have all the others?”
“You have refused too many for my liking. At this rate no one will want to marry you. Then, what will happen to us and to our heritage?” His tone was dangerously low and thinly controlled.
“You shouldn’t worry father,” her voice in the same tone as his. “As long as there is the Delacroix fortune, there will always be suitors. Why can’t I just inherit everything and worry about my own heir. Mind you, it’s a lot less strenuous.”
“Insolent child! Montéchevale in the hands of a woman?! Not while I’m alive! You will marry Monsieur [last name]. He is a suitable enough heir and I am tired of worrying over what happens to you. I need to know that you’ll be safe.” His voice became uncharacteristically caring.
“Father, I told you I can take care of everything and myself; you only have to teach me. And Monsieur [last name] will be the downfall of Montécheval; that much I am certain.”
Her father shook his head, “Trust me Antoinette. It will be alright.”
Antoinette shook her head. He just doesn’t get it.
“Father… Excuse me.” They can’t have a wedding without a bride. He’ll thank me for this.
>end of dream<
“A ‘thank you’ would be appreciated you know…” said the same voice from before; this time somewhere above him.
Toni opened his eyes to look into the boughs above him; and right at the boy. “I didn’t ask for your help. What happened back there was none of your business.”
“Don’t give me that.” His tone lowered and grew colder. “If I hadn’t stepped in, you would’ve been carted off to who-knows-where by now. I’m betting you won’t last more than 2 days in this city.”
“Hn. I already did smart mouth.” Toni dropped out of the tree and walked further into the town’s outskirts.
The boy followed out after him. “Well that turned out horribly.” Toni walked faster. The other boy jogged to keep up. When he caught up he said, “I’m Nikolai.” He headed Toni off at the pass and held out his hand.
Toni looked at him, down at his hand and back up ay Nikolai’s face. “Toni.” He then stepped back and simply nodded in acquiesce.
“Okay…” Nikolai dropped his hand. “I’ve never seen you before… How long have you been here,” he asked as they made their way back to the city.
“A month; give or take,” said Toni looking straight ahead. “But I’ll be leaving soon,”
“I’m wanted in this city. I got to keep moving; get them of my tail.”
“How about we team up? Two boys are easier to defeat than one you know…”
“Yes, but two are easier to spot than just one. Besides I can get along just fine.”
“Su~re and you were just waiting for musclehead back there to get tired and careless. Like I said earlier, you probably would’ve been carted off to who-knows-where by now.”
“Says you. “ Toni stopped in his tracks, turned around and walked back towards the forest that was the town outskirts. “I guess I’m leaving. Ciao.”
“If you want to leave, I suggest you use the other entrance to the town. People get lost in those woods.”
Toni stood at the entrance to the forest. “Lost?” ‘With my sense of direction (or lack thereof), I’ll be able to find my way whereas normal people get lost.’ “Anywhere’s better than here.”
Both turned around to the voice behind them only to sink into darkness instead.
“Unh…” Toni opened her eyes and the sight that greeted her was the ceiling of a dungeon. “:mumble: Who would’ve thought that I’d ever end up in a cell.”
“So you’re finally awake.”
Toni looked around for the source of the voice. “Ugh. They just had to drag you along.” She winced trying to sit up and leaned against the wall. “Do you happen to know where we are?”
“Not in any state prison anyway.”
“And how would you know this O-great –and-knowledgeable-one,” his voice dripping with sarcasm”
“These cells are better maintained but are more sinister. It smells different as well; more country-like rather than the acrid smell of the city.”
The door opened.
“Ah~ So you have awoken….Milady.”
“Mi-milady?!” Nikolai stared in disbelief. Toni grimaced. “Aren’t you a….”
“Oh. Didn’t she tell you?” [captor1] turned to her, “Milady Antoinette, please don’t tell me that you have been masquerading as, of all things, a boy? It sounds absolutely ludicrous.” He practically laughed outright.
“Oh [captor1] don’t be so hard on the members of you sex. You’re not all bad…I hope.”
“HEY!! What’s that supposed to mean?!”
Antoinette laughed. “Me masquerading as a boy is of no consequence right now.” Her voice lowered and acquired a tone of practiced authority. “Now, bring as some bread and water.”
“You can’t order me around anymore. You no longer have that authority.” [captor1] smirked.
“I do. I am, after-all, my father’s daughter and I know how this inheritance business well enough to now that he hasn’t disowned me.”
“Are you sure about that,” asked a voice from the doorway.
Antoinette turned towards the voice and saw her father standing in the doorway. “Papa…”
“Antoinette,” he acquiesced.
She waved her hand in dismissal. “Naturellement je suis sûr. Pour une chose vous n'êtes pas assez désespéré pour transmettre le domaine juste à n'importe qui ; beaucoup moins s'il ne va pas finir vers le haut en arrière dans les mains de notre famille. En outre vous n'avez pas un héritier sans compter que moi...” (Of course I’m sure. For one thing you’re not desperate enough to pass the estate on to just anyone; much less if it isn’t going to end up back in the hands of our family. Also you don’t have an heir besides me…) Her father opened his mouth to reply but she cut him off. "... et même si vous , il est le plus certainement toujours trop jeune et aura besoin d'une sorte de régent jusqu'à ce qu'il soit d'âge parce que tout à fait franchement père (et avec tout le respect dû) que votre santé pas 'dernier beaucoup plus long. Sans compter que pourquoi autrement vous essayeriez tellement dur de me rapporter ici, " (“…and even if you did, he is most definitely still too young and will need a sort of regent until he is of age because quite frankly father (and with all due respect) your health wont’ last much longer. Besides why else would you try so hard to bring me back here,”) she gestured around her. "Quand vous pourriez juste moi laisser soyez?" (“When you could just leave me be?”) She and her father eyed each other from across the room.
Then, her father laughed hard. "Ha ha... ! Vous étiez toujours un enfant brillant. Le seigneur sait ce que vous étiez étudier tout que temps vous étiez hors de vue." (“Ha ha…! You always were a brilliant child. Lord knows what you were studying all that time you were out of sight.”)
Antoinette blanched…slightly. "Pouvons-nous passer satisfaisons-nous maintenant ? D'abord au loin, pouvons-nous satisfaire sortons-nous de ce cachot ? Pourquoi nous avons même ceci ici?" (“Can we move on now please? First off, can we please get out of this dungeon? Why do we even have this here?”)
"Il vient dans maniable," (“It comes in handy,”) her father smiled darkly and walked out.
‘Sadist.’ Antoinette turned back towards the bewildered Nikolai, “coming Monsieur Nikolai?” And with that, Antoinette stalked out of the dungeon; with Nikolai running to catch up.
Back in her room, Antoinette sat staring at the dancing flames in the fireplace when the door opened. In walked Nikolai who looked like he had just been scrubbed raw in the bath. She laughed. “Haha! You look like a freshly boiled lobster!”
“Gee thanks,” he answered back in mock joy. “Still, it feels like ages since I was this clean.”
“Then I can just imagine how much you needed that bath.”
His eyes scanned the room. “:Whistle: Whatever possessed you to run away from this place?”
She shook her head and gestured to the seat across her and made motions for him to sit down.
As he slid into the seat he asked, “So, what happens now?”
“Well, basically, my father and I have to have a long discussion about where do we go from here. You, I suppose, can go home. Unless there is something you would much rather like than that…”
“You mean I can ask for favours?”
“Favour. Just one. Think of it as my thanks as well as my psuedo-apologies.”
Nikolai nodded. “Your father actually said something about that earlier. I met him before I came here and he said that if I wanted, and you agreed, he could arrange for an apprenticeship in town.”
“So he wants my opinions now does he?” Antoinette shook her head in amazement. “In any case, of course I’ll agree. I don’t see anything wrong with you doing something productive with your life.” She stood up and straightened out her dress. “I guess this is goodbye then; and good riddance of sorts.”
Nikolai stood in indignation. “Hey!!”
She just laughed.
Nikolai smiled. “I’ll try to keep in touch. Lord knows that you need someone to keep you sane around here.”
“That would be very much appreciated. I could use the stimulating conversation. In any case that would be better than those twittering females that father keeps inviting over for me to interact with.”
Nikolai snorted.
“Honestly, if you tried talking about nothing else but gossip and men with women who have no minds of their own and would rather flatter you than think; it would drive you mad too.” She held out her hand and Nikolai shook it heartily. “Till our paths cross again,” he said. “May God bless you in your endeavors.” “And you,” she answered.
And, with that, Nikolai walked out the door and she was once again alone. She walked slowly towards her window and saw him conversing with her father on the front steps. He looked up and waved. She smiled and waved back. The both turned and walked away. ‘But not quite as alone as before.’
- by Anathaleia |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 03/12/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Montechevale
- Artist: Anathaleia
A story I wrote for a project.
Idea's a bit cliche but I hope I did it justice...
Tell me what you think please.
If there is anything wrong with the French, I apologize in advance. - Date: 03/12/2009
- Tags: montechevale oldera growingup
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Comments (2 Comments)
- methuselah.alchemist - 05/05/2009
- I liked it a lot! Very nicely written. ^w^
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- RavenMasen15 - 03/13/2009
- really good, although i got lost with de french. lol
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