• Lydia had a new job in the country call sheol, the only transport that can bring her to sheol only by plane, so she went to nearest airport and went to sheol by plane and will be take off on 7 pm she sit in the seat number 108, the departure time should be on 9 pm but now already 10 pm. she think it's because bad weather

    She looked around to the passanger, she notice that the passanger always babling something but she can't hear it and they never move from their seat. She feel uncomfortable with this situation. But she noticed too that her body can't move like the other passanger. " maybe it's because the wine, I forget how much I drink" she said. so she took a nap for awhile

    She woke up but the plane not landing yet. " what time is it " she talked to herself. When she looked to her watch. it's already 5 am. " what the hell is happen in here". And she tried to raise but she can't move here body then she scream loudly and arrogantly move till she can't raise up

    And Then She hear someone whispering her " u can't go anywhere, this plane is going to hell, every body in here is going to sheol or hell. We wait someone who will sit in that seat, number 108, so pre~~~~ yo~~lf ". And then she can't heard that voice again. After that she looked at the plane's window the sky not dark anymore but red like fire. " it is Hell "