1. Best Buy
I got up really early Tuesday morning. I couldn't go back to
sleep. I sat in the living room of my tiny apartment around 5:00 or so,
eating cereal and watching TV. After an hour of paid commercial
programs, I got up. Nobody cares about Chef Tony and his "amazing
kitchen knives". There really wasn't anything to do, so I grabbed my
keys and headed out the door.
I skipped happily to my yellow '07 corvette and hopped in. I
decided to drive to Best Buy. My all-time favorite band, Kings of
Leon, had a new CD out, so I figured I'd get it. I had a pretty good
feeling about that day.
When I pulled into the Best Buy parking lot, it was practically
empty. Well duh, I thought to myself, It's only 6:30 in the morning! I
walked inside slowly, taking my time. It took me roughly ten minutes
to locate the CDs in the back of the huge store. After I found the
Rock/Pop section, it did not take long to find Kings of Leon. I stood
and flipped back their older albums: Aha Shake Heartbreak, Youth
and Young Manhood... Great albums. When I picked up the new
one, Only By The Night, I saw someone walk towards me out of the
corner of my eye. I think they stopped behind me, too. I ignored the
person and flipped over the CD to look at the song names, but the
person spoke to me.
"Only By The Night. That's the new one, right?," He chuckled
to himself, and I didn't know why. His voice was soft and musical. I
responded as I turned to face the mystery man.
"Yeah, I've actually been waiting a while to-- s**t!," I stopped
dead in my tracks. I was so startled when I saw his face, hence the
I did mention that Kings of Leon was my favorite band, right?
Well, the man standing in front of me turned out to be no other than
Jared Followill, Kings of Leon's bassist!! I think my heart stopped at
that moment. Jared was by far the single most gorgeous guy I've
ever seen in my life. I figured this out five years ago, when I first
heard the band. I was 15.
So surely this wasn't happening. Surely it was all a dream.
Surely I was about to start hyperventilating when he talked to me
"It's, um, nice to meet you too," Jared said, regarding to my
profanity. He smiled, flashing his perfect white teeth. I studied his
face, and it pained me how beautiful he was. His dark brown hair
was cut about three inches long, and he wore it styled up, in a
messy heap of amazingness. His eyebrows were thin and shapely,
though I don't think they've been groomed. His eyes were big, bright,
and blue. They were the prettiest blue you'd ever see, with just a hint
of green. Sometimes when the light hit his eyes, they looked aqua.
My eyes continued to look down his face. His thin, pink lips
were still pulled up in a smile. His stone jaw was relaxed, as was his
long chin. Then, his chin moved. I stood there staring at it like an
idiot until realized he was talking.
"I'm Jared," he said as he stuck his hand out, "...although I'm
pretty sure you already know that." He chuckled. I took his hand and
shook it.
"I'm Jade."
I nodded.
"Jade Dickson."
"That's a pretty name."
I grinned. Stupidly, I'm sure.
"So,...Jade," he said in his heavenly voice, "What brings you
out here so early?"
I shrugged. I was still trying to calm myself from his presense.
"I couldn't sleep," my voice cracked. Just great. Jared grinned.
"Same here."
"Oh, so you just randomly came to Best Buy? At least I have a
reason." I joked with him as I held up the CD.
"Well, there's more behind it, I guess."
I raised my eyebrows, waiting for him to finish. We started walking
towards check out. He smiled, then began.
"This is going to sound really, really stupid, but I had a gut
feeling to come here." he paused, as if waiting for me to laugh. But I
let him continue.
"And then, I saw you." he laughed, "I thought, 'Hey, there's a
cute girl. And she's a fan. Maybe I should talk to her'. And so here
we are."
My eyes widened, and I felt my mouth drop in shock. Then I
collected myself.
"You just called me cute." My look was accusing. Jared
"So it did sound corny, huh? I guess that sounded more like a
pick-up line."
I still glared, and he laughed again.
"No, Jade," he said as he leaned in closer to me, "I actually
meant that."
Suddenly, I felt his breath hit my face, and I got a whoosh of
butterflies. I had to keep myself from falling over.
"I'm fine. Just give me a minute to breathe again."
He threw his head back and laughed in a high pitch. It was adorable.
"Well, let's go then," he put his hand on my shoulder. I quickly
jumped back to the present.
"Oh, my CD..."
He handed it to me, already in the bag. While I was busy trying not to
faint from his amazingness, he had paid for the CD!
"Jared! I could have bought that myself!"
And he just smiled at me. I could never be angry with that smile.
When we got out to the parking lot, the sun was up. Jared
looked around.
"So, where's your car?" he asked. I pulled out my keys and hit
the unlock button. The lights on my corvette flashed. I grinned
"Nice!" he said as he walked towards it, "I have a camaro
"Oh! Where is it?" I searched the lot, and Jared smiled
"I took the bus."
"Dunno, actually." He laughed, and I checked my phone for the
"Well, the buses aren't running right now," I twirled my keys
around my finger playfully, "Want a ride?"
2. Drive Home
When we got to my car, Jared ran his hand along the side of it.
"What kind of motor does it have?" he asked. I narrowed my
"You're asking me about the engine?"
He laughed.
"Right...I don't suppose you would be willing to trade?"
"Not a chance, Mr. Followill!" I gasped.
"Didn't think so."
We got in my car, and I started the engine and began to drive.
"You know, my dad used to have a Z28," I said, in reference to
his camaro, "When I was little. It was blue, with racing stripes. He
took me everywhere in that thing," I smiled, remembering this.
"I feel a tragic ending coming on," Jared joked.
"He had to sell it to pay for my braces."
"Huh. I never would have thought that you had them."
"Ah, the magic of braces!" We both laughed at my joke. There
was a short pause as he gave me directions, but he picked the
conversation back up.
"So you're out of high school, I'm assuming?"
"Ugh, you have to ask?!" I groaned, "Do I look that young?"
"How old are you, then?" He asked, curious. I grinned.
"Be serious, Jade."
"I'm twenty."
"Is that bad?" I wondered aloud.
"Nope. You're my age."
"And you are?"
I nudged him.
"You're two years older!"
"Close enough to me."
I couldn't wrap my head around it. Was this really happening?
Was Jared Followill really in my car right now, talking to me? Was
he really flirting with me? It all seemed like a perfect dream that I
never wanted to wake up from.
Jared showed me the turn to the shared Followill house. I
followed the long driveway up to the garage. I saw Jared's red
camaro through the open door, along with a red chevelle. The house
was big, two stories, and light blue. I cut off the engine.
"Well, here you are," I said. Jared hesitated.
"You know, I'd gladly show you inside, but everyone's still
"I understand."
"Thanks for the ride." He got out of my car and started to walk
away, but then turned around.
"Jade, I don't have your number, and--"
"I'll give you my number," I interrupted, a little too desperately.
Jared smiled patiently.
"Visit soon, okay? You know how to get here." He turned again.
He came to the open window then.
"Tomorrow, maybe?" And with that, he walked up the stairs to
the house. I watched him walk in -he waved goodbye- and then left.
Of course I was going to be there tomorrow.
3. Followill Game Night
As soon as I got home, I literally ran into my apartment. I felt
lucky that mine was on ground level. I ran again to let my dog, Luke
inside, and then I picked up the phone.
I called my best friend, Kalee and told her all about what had
happened that day. She stayed on the phone with me for a while,
listening to me shriek as I spilled every single detail (as teenagers,
we were obsessed with Jared and guitarist Matthew). But then she
had to get off, she was meeting her hubby, Rob Pattinson (why not,
it's a fantasy story!), for dinner.
I spent the rest of the day in my cramped apartment with Luke.
It certainly wasn't the right size for a bull mastiff and his clumsy
owner. While trying to make lunch that day, I stubbed my toe on a
wall and hit my side on the counter. I sighed a little too loudly when
Luke passed me in the tiny hallway and almost knocked me over.
I went to bed feeling too excited about the next day, and i
couldn't fall asleep. I finally drifted off, and when I woke up around
1:00 pm, I was on the floor. Luke just had to stretch out and take up
the whole bed. It was full size, too. It wasn't even that small!
I was feeling generous, so I made Luke some eggs. Then he
tackled me and i played with him a little. He pinned me down with his
huge paws and just about licked me to death. I was covered in saliva.
I had always loved big dogs.
At 3:00 I decided to get ready. I pulled on a brown, long sleeve
thermal (it was late November), and my favorite Calvin Klein dark
wash skinny jeans. It was a must to look good when I met the rest of
the Followills. I slipped on some brown boots and pinned a brown
knit beret securely to my head. Suprisingly, I was having a good hair
day. My soft, spiraling curls hung perfectly at my waist. I was content
with how my dark-chocolate-brown twists framed my face and made
my hazel eyes pop. I quickly swiped one coat of mascara on my
already long lashes, grabbed my jacket and my keys, and headed
When I pulled into that long driveway, I was super nervous.
Then the butterflies came, and I was having trouble breathing right. I
wondered if I should get out, or if I should stay and calm myself. My
choice was made for me when Nathan came outside.
Nathan was the oldest Followill brother and the drummer in the
band. His flowing dark brown hair hung just below his shoulders and
was parted in the middle. His face was covered in a light stubble,
and he wore black, thick rimmed glasses.
"It's Jade, right?" Nathan asked me as I got out of my car.
"It's nice to meet you."
"You have no idea," I said as he shook my hand. He put his arm
around my shoulders as he led me into the big, blue house.
The front door opened up to the kitchen. It was small, but
charming. Caleb, who was preparing something, greeted me first.
He was the middle brother, and did vocals and rhythm guitar in the
band. His hair was cut short in the back, but eye length in the front.
He pushed a piece of his golden hair behind his ear as he came over
to me.
"You...must be Jade." He smiled contently and smiled.
"Hey, Caleb!" I exclaimed. I was glad when he laughed at my
enthusiasm and hugged me. After Caleb released me, I was
suddenly in the air. Somebody had picked me up and spun me
around. Then, they gave me a big bear hug. Finally, the person let
me go. It was Matthew Followill, the cousin and lead guitarist of the
band. His light brown hair was about down to his ears, but he kept it
pushed up on the top of his head just like Jared's. Matt had dimples
whenever he smiled or raised his mouth a certain way. So adorable.
"Jade!" he screamed as he squeezed me again. When he let
me breathe, I laughed.
"Good to see you, Matt!"
"I'm so glad you're here!" he hugged me yet again, as if he had
known me all his life. I felt special, because Matthew was usually shy
around new people. From over Matt's shoulder, I saw Jared come
around the corner. My heart skipped a beat. Wasn't it just days ago
that I was wishing I had concert tickets? But this was way better. I
got to hang out with Kings of Leon!!! I walked over to Jared, half
expecting to suddenly wake up from the best dream ever.
"You came," he breathed in happiness. The corner of his
mouth pulled up into a cute little half-smile, and i did my best to
resist the urge to touch his cheek. He pulled me into a hug, which
didn't help much. I felt as if I might never let him go. He smelled so
good, fruity and sweet. Probably a mix of his shampoo and cologne.
"Of course," I muttered in his ear as he continued to hug me. It
was a nice long hug, with his arms wrapped tightly around me and his
face pressed to my hair.
Then, the front door opened, distracting us. Jared and I stood
side-by-side, and I was relieved to see that nobody was watching
our close hug.
A beautiful woman came through the door. Her hair was a
chin-length bob and the same color shade of brown as mine. Her
skin was a gorgeous dark tan, and her eyes were deep gold. I
wondered if she was part hispanic. She was so cute. She carried
groceries, and she set them down quickly to give Caleb a peck on
the cheek. Caleb's pretty girlfriend came over to me.
"Hi, Jade! I'm Ana!" she hugged me tightly but then went back
to Caleb's waiting arms. You could tell they were totally in love.
Then, Jared whispered in my ear, his slight Tennessee accent ringing
through my ears.
"Ana's crazy," he said, "She's a lot of fun, just don't make her
mad. She'll yell at you in Spanish."
So I was right about that part. I wondered which of her parents were
Spanish, because that was obviously where she got her good looks.
* * *
Jared skipped the tour of the house, instead insisting that I was
welcome to explore. I would save that for later. So we joined
everyone else at the dining table, which was between the open
kitchen and living room.
"Who's up for poker?" Nathan asked.
"Oooh! Count me in!" I said.
Even though Ana and I were the only ones who didn't drink that
night, I still got a little giddy. Poker was fun. I was kicking serious
butt until Jared won a hand. Then I joked and called him out for
"No way! That doesn't count!" I had said.
"What do you mean, it's a Royal Flush!" he fought back.
"You shouldn't get it, because I should win!"
"What, you think just because you're cute, you should win?
You're just jealous because you're cute!"
I laughed at this for three reasons:
1. Jared was a bit tipsy.
2. He repeated himself while calling me cute.
3. The last part made no sense at all.
"Yes, Jared, I'm cute and therefore jealous." I cracked up
The night came to an end when Caleb started yelling at Matt for
no apparent reason. Caleb had a bit much to drink, as always. And
poor Matty was always being picked on. As responsible Nathan tried
to calm Caleb, I excused myself. Then, Caleb started to yell at
Nathan. I waved to Ana, who seemed annoyed, and kissed Matthew
on the forehead. Jared walked me to my car.
"Sorry about that," he grumbled.
"Hey that's Caleb, right? It's something I have to get used to."
"Well be prepared, he could flip out on you, as well."
I laughed it off, but I could tell that Jared didn't like the idea of that.
He hugged me softly.
"I'll call you okay?"
"Kay." I said as I opened my car door. I got in, and Jared
smiled apologetically. When I drove away, he waved and blew
As I drove home, I thought about first impressions. I tried to
come across as polite, but also fun. I noticed some things about the
Kings as well, like how Jared and Matthew were like best friends,
and Caleb and Nathan were. I noticed that Matty can act two
different ways, depending on his mood for that particular time. At
one moment, he would be extremely hyper and fun, and the next, he
would be incredibly shy. I couldn't wait to get to know them all even
4. Friends
The next two weeks, I spent all my time at the Followill house. I
even brought Luke along with me. Everyone loved him, mostly
Nathan and Jared. They both constantly spoiled him with treats.
The Followills and Ana were so much fun. Every night we
would stay up drinking and just having a good time. One night we all
played charades! I loved how they all were fine with some good
old-fashioned fun, like with board games. The funny thing was, we
were all horrible at charades.
"Headache!" Caleb yelled out during Matt's turn. Matthew had
his hands on the top of his head, pointing up. He shook his head to
Caleb's guess.
"Jazz hands? OH!, BUNNY EARS!!!" Jared shouted.
Matt shook his head again.
"Damn," Jared said.
Matt then began moving a finger up and down around his head. Not
one of us had a clue. Matt sighed and then put his finger up, telling us
to wait. He thought for a moment, and then walked around the living
room. On his trip, he pointed to Nathan, Jared, and Caleb. Then, he
went back to his first spot and pointed to himself.
"You guys...," I said, "Kings of Leon?"
Matt nodded and waved his hands. He meant for me to keep going.
"Kings of Leon...Kings?"
Matthew put his thumbs up. Then he put his hands flat on his head
"A hat?" Nathan asked.
Matt nodded.
"Oh, I got it! A crown! Because kings wear crowns!"
He smiled and nodded. He pointed to me and Ana.
"YES!!!" Matt yelled. Everybody clapped.
"Finally," Ana said, "I had no idea."
"Bunny ears..." Caleb said, refering to Jared's guess. Caleb
and I laughed our butts off.
The day after that, we all went to the park down the street and
watched Matthew and Jared play tennis. Ana and I sat beside
eachother so we could make fun of them together.
The game started out pretty good, they were both hitting the
ball okay. But then Jared missed and it got hilarious.
"Oh, my ********!" Jared said.
Matthew smiled and got cocky. A few moments later, Matt hit the ball
into the net. He slammed his racket on the ground. The ball went
back and forth many times, and then Matthew hit one out of Jared's
reach and he missed it. Jared flipped and stuck his racket between
his legs.
"******** my c**k! ********, ********, ********, ******** this!" He said.
I cracked up.
"Just call it, tie, or something," Matt said.
"Can we finish it so it'll be a real tie?" Jared said.
"Yeah, sure."
After a moment, Matthew missed one. Jared made a victorious pose,
smiling and sticking his fist up. Matt threw his racket again, this time
into the court gate. Ana and I could not stop laughing. It was so funny
how competitive they were.
They both came over to us and i gave them both high-fives. We
left, and I put one arm around each of my tennis-playing boys.
* * *
Then, one day, when I knocked on the door, Matthew answered
it. Usually it was Nathan or Ana.
"Hey, Jade," Matt said glumly, then he went to the couch and
started channel surfing. I was confused, even the shy Matty was
always happy to see me. He usually greeted me with a huge grin and
a Matt-bear-squeeze. I closed the door behind me and sat next to
Matt on the couch.
"What's up?" I asked him, but he continued to stare at the TV.
"What is it, Matt?" and when he didn't answer I asked another
"Where's everyone else?"
Matt nodded his head to the ceiling.
"Ana's upstairs," he grumbled.
"The boys?"
"Writing a song."
"Well, why aren't you there?"
He looked down.
"It's a brother thing, I guess."
"What? What do you mean, Matt?"
He sighed.
"Caleb writes most of our songs. But when there's a
collaboration, it's always those three."
I gave him a puzzled look.
"But you helped write a bunch of songs! You co-wrote 'Razz'!"
"Yeah, but who's idea was that? Jared's the only one that ever
does listen."
"Matt, what about your solos? Your riffs?! You write your own
"Matthew. You are the lead guitarist in the band! And you're
amazing at it! Caleb has nothing on you!"
He finally smiled. And then it was gone again.
"Well, sometimes I still feel unwanted. Like if I was a brother
and not the cousin, then they'd give me the time of day."
"Oh, Matty,"
"Jade, you've seen it! You've seen Caleb get drunk and yell at
me! Hell, you've seen everybody yell at me sober! Whenever
someone's angry, they take it out on me. It's always the cousin."
I put my hand on his cheek.
"Matthew, that's what family does. They argue and they fight!
Haven't you noticed how the brothers argue with eachother more than
they yell at you for no reason?"
He looked down again. He knew I was right. I continued.
"Besides, Matt, you're Jared's best friend. He shares so much
with you that he'd never mention to Caleb or Nathan."
"I guess you're right."
"Ya think?" I joked, "And I'm always here for you too, Matty.
You're like my brother, so no need to worry! You're so much cooler
than Nathan or Caleb."
He laughed.
"Well, what about Jared?"
"I feel that he's a bit more than just a brother to me. I thought
you knew that?" I blushed.
"I did. I just wanted to hear you admit it," he gave me a
beaming grin, "So, has he made a move yet?"
I smacked him playfully with a couch pillow.
"Oh, you be quiet!"
* * *
When the Followill brothers got home, I followed Jared up to
his room like I always did. I sat indian-style on his bed while he stood
in his PJs, playing his bass. I simply stared at him, mezmerized by
the amazing bass lines he was putting out. He started playing
'Charmer' and I leaned back on his bed and closed my eyes.
"That's my favorite," I said.
"I know."
He laughed
"It's the most played on your ipod, silly."
I sat up again.
"I missed your birthday..." I pouted.
"You didn't know me then."
"I know. I met you a week after your birthday."
He smiled and giggled. I could tell he was already used to my
randomness. He put his bass down and sat next to me on the bed.
We sat in silence for a couple minutes, until he spoke.
"What's your favorite color?" he asked.
"Are you just asking random questions?"
"Yes, now answer."
"Favorite word?"
He made a funny face.
"Biggest fear?"
"It's not spiders? Or heights?"
"Tornadoes. That's it."
"Okay. Um, your middle name?"
"Mine's Jared."
"Michael Jared Followill. That's my real name."
"Oh, I knew that."
"Who's the stalker now?!"
"Okay, you do know that three years ago, I was absolutely
obsessed with you guys, right? It was all Kings Of Leon, all the time!"
"But now you know us."
"I don't have to obsess anymore!" I laughed.
"So then, tell me something I don't know," I said.
"What would you like to know?" he asked so innocently.
"Let's see...Your favorite color, favorite word, and your biggest
fear..." I trailed off, laughing.
"Red, Oxymoron..." he grinned, "And losing you."
My heart dropped to my stomach, which was filled with
butterflies. This was something that guys only said in movies, in love
"That's a shocker," I said with my eyes on the bed. Jared put
his hand on my shoulder.
"Jade, I'm so glad that I met you. You're my best friend. And
I'm not gonna lie, I think it could be more than that. It's been so cool
getting to know you these past weeks, you're an amazing person.
You're special to me."
"Wow," I choked out, looking up at him, "Would it be corny to
say I feel the same way?"
He just laughed, and kissed my forehead.
And then Nathan came in.
"Come on, guys! We're going to the mall!"
5. Growing Relationships
“Christmas shopping,” Jared said to me as we walked down the stairs.
“Oh, no! I have no idea what to get you guys!”
“I’ll help you. And Matt or Ana can help with me.”
“Oh, I already have your presents.”
He smiled.
Caleb and Ana took Matt’s red chevelle, and the rest of us took my corvette. Matt called it the banana car. Jared had been wanting to drive it for a while, so I let him. I rode shotgun, and Nathan and Matt were in the backseat. It took only ten minutes to get to the mall.
As soon as we got through the doors, Jared grabbed my hand, intertwining his soft, long fingers with mine. I felt a lump rise in my throat, and another twinge of butterflies in my stomach. I couldn’t believe that my dream was coming true! Don’t cry, Jade, I thought, Stay calm, breathe!
We all split up. Jared and I walked together throughout the mall, doing our Christmas shopping. We helped each other shop for Caleb, Ana, Nathan, and Matthew. Once, he went into an empty store and stood in the window like a mannequin. He was completely still, too. He looked like a model, perfect, handsome, and dressed well. When people stopped to admire him, he waved. Some people walked away, some screamed, and some flipped him the bird. It was hilarious every time.
When he came out, I was still laughing.
“What?” He asked innocently.
Every time Jared and I were waiting in line, he put his arm around me. I copied him, and rested my head on his shoulder. He was the perfect height for that.
We met up with everyone else around 6:00. Nathan treated us to dinner at Ruby Tuesday. We all piled into a booth. I was between Jared (holding his hand!) and Ana. While we waited for a waiter, Ana and I spoke.
“I’m so stoked to actually be here with you guys!” I said.
“Oh, Jadie, we’re glad to know you, too!”
“So how long have you known Caleb?”
“About a year. I met him in 2007 when they toured Spain for Because Of The Times. I was lucky enough to get a backstage pass. It was an immediate attraction.”
“It’s like a love story!”
“We kissed on the first date!” she admitted, “The Followills don’t have problems with affection, so don’t hold back on Jared.”
I looked around to make sure nobody was listening.
“I have to admit, it’s hard! He’s irresistible!” I whispered.
She chuckled.
“He’ll only grow on you more! It’s like these men put a spell on us.”
We both laughed and I was happy I had Ana. Someone to talk about boys with. It was like high school all over again!
After we ate, we all chilled and talked, with Nathan and Caleb eating ice cream. Ana was taking pictures. While I was talking to Jared about Luke, I got hit in the head with a French fry. I looked across the table and saw that Matt was grinning at me. I used my free hand to throw one back at him, as did Jared. Before I knew it, there was a French fry fight. Little pieces of golden fried potato were flying everywhere. Finally, a waiter kicked us out.
We all ran to the parking lot laughing our heads off. Jared scooped me up into his arms and spun me around. I put my hands on his cheeks and giggled. He put his forehead against mine and set me on my feet again, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist. But then Matt tugged on Jared’s arm.
“C’mon, you two, let’s go.”
We walked back to the cars and Ana put her arm around me.
“That was so cute!” she said. Then she hopped into the chevelle.
Ana and Jared convinced me to stay over that night, so I had to go back to my stupid apartment to get Luke. We didn’t stop by the blue house first, so Jared, Matt, and Nathan saw how small my place was. There was barely any room with them all in my apartment.
When we got back, Caleb and Ana were on the couch, watching one of the Kings’ concerts. I sat next to Jared on the long couch, and Matt and Nathan grabbed the loveseat. Luke took his usual spot in Nathan’s lap.
We watched the performance mostly in silence, only speaking to comment on it. Then they played “Use Somebody” and I grinned. This was one of the songs that Jared got to sing back-up on. I took one of Jared’s hands in both of mine and rested my head on his shoulder again. Jared started humming.
I felt that familiar lump rise in my throat. Why was it that I sometimes got speechless around him? Why did I feel like screaming for joy every time I saw him? And yet, I always felt so comfortable around him, like I could tell him anything. I smiled because I knew why. I was so in love with Jared.
6. Boyfriend
I ended up falling asleep on Jared. I woke up once, and I was in his lap. Jared’s arms were wrapped so tightly around me. He was so warm, and he smelled so good. I moved deeper into his chest, and breathed in his sweet scent. Finally, I opened my eyes. Jared was looking down at me with a piercing ‘I’m-falling-for-you’ smile. I’m sure my heart dropped to my stomach.
“Hey, you,” I said with a sleepy voice.
“Hey, yourself. Do you wanna go up to Ana’s bed?”
“No, I want to stay up with you.”
A fire lit up in his eyes, and he blushed. How cute is that?
“Well, let’s go up to my room then.”
“But I’m so comfy—“and then he lifted me up with ease, cradling me like a baby. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself up towards his face. Nathan and Ana were on the loveseat. Both of them were smiling.
Jared climbed the stairs and took a right. We were in his room.
“You can put me down, Jared. I’m awake now.”
“If I must,” he chuckled. He set me down and handed me some clothes from out of nowhere.
“These are Ana’s. You can borrow them.”
“Thanks. Um, what time is it?”
“Wow, okay.” I started to change into Ana’s pajamas.
` “Uh, do you want me to leave?” Jared asked.
“No,” I said, puzzled.
“You don’t want any privacy?”
I looked at him innocently and continued to strip. He watched in silence with a smile as I put on the silk tank and shorts. I twirled around. Jared laughed.
“You are too adorable,” Jared muttered. I grinned and flitted to his arms. He held me close and kissed my forehead.
I started to snuggle into Jared’s neck, but he grabbed my face gently. He pulled my chin to his face with one finger. Oh, my God!! My mind was racing. Then, Jared took one good look into my eyes… and kissed me.
Jared’s lips hit mine with a soft intensity. He kissed me with such a passion. This was a kiss every girl dreamed of. He kissed me like he was born to kiss me, like he lived for it. Our lips moved together like they were made for each other. It was absolutely, positively perfect.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on my toes to better the already perfect kiss. Jared did the same by wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him. My heart was going wild.
Then, I had to pull away from him and catch my breath. Jared looked at me with a face full of happiness and love. His blue eyes were wide with excitement. I melted inside. This boy was amazing.
* * *
I woke up the next morning alone in Jared’s bed, with the whole blanket wrapped around me. I sat up, and I heard water running from Jared’s bathroom. He was in the shower.
I squealed silently. Last night, Jared Followill kissed me!! JARED FOLLOWILL, the man of my dreams!! I was so happy. It was actually true: Jared Followill was my boyfriend!
Jared came out of the bathroom wearing only a T-shirt and boxers. His hair was wet and it laid across his forehead. He looked soo good.
Jared’s face lit up when he saw me. He walked to the bed where I was sitting. He leaned down to kiss me tenderly, just as great as the night before.
“Hey, sleepy head,” he said. I responded by reaching up and pulling his face down to mine. I kissed him again.
“Good morning,” I said when I was finished.
“Don’t you mean ‘Good afternoon’?”
“What time is it?”
“A little after eleven-thirty.”
“It’s still morning until twelve,” I teased.
He chuckled and extended his hand to me.
“C’mon, smarty, let’s go downstairs.”
“Kay.” I took his hand and he pulled me up. We walked down hand-in-hand.
Everyone except Matthew was up, and they were all standing in the kitchen. Ana hugged me when I walked in.
“Where’s Luke?” I asked.
“He’s with Matthew. In the bed.” Caleb responded. I smiled. I was already used to his strong southern accent, but I still thought it was adorable. Caleb and Nathan sounded almost exactly alike. I couldn’t tell them apart over the phone.
Jared’s accent wasn’t quite as prominent at all. You could only notice it at certain moments. Matt was the same way. I loved my Tennessee boys!
“Will somebody get that boy up?” Nathan said, “He’ll sleep the day away! We gots stuff to do!”
“I’ll get it!” I said in a high, happy voice. I skipped up the stairs humming the tune to ‘Ragoo’.
Matt’s room was right next to Jared’s on the end. All of the bedrooms were upstairs, it was like a huge hallway.
I opened the door quietly. Matthew was sleeping soundly on his stomach, with Luke laying halfway on top of him. I tiptoed over to Matt and sat on the edge of the bed. I put my hand on his cheek, but he continued to sleep. I leaned down and whispered in his ear.
“Matthew. Wake up.”
His eyes fluttered and then opened.
“Hey, Matty.”
“Hey,” he said sleepily.
“Time to get up. Come on downstairs. I think Nate has something planned.”
I started to stand.
“Wait—“ Matt said as he grabbed my arm.
“Has Jared—“
I laughed.
“He kissed me, Matt, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Bout time he did.” He said smugly.
“Oh, just get up!”
He chuckled and got out of bed. He followed me back downstairs.
When Matt and I reached the bottom of the stairs, we saw Jared and Nathan come through the front door with a huge pine tree.
“Time for Christmas decorations!” Caleb said.
- by QueenOfLeon7794 |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 03/18/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: My Life As A Followill
- Artist: QueenOfLeon7794
- Description: Me and Kings Of Leon. pllease comment!! i will be adding more chapters
- Date: 03/18/2009
- Tags: life followill
- Report Post
Comments (3 Comments)
- jEmjEm_28 - 03/27/2009
- ihh.. nice one..
- Report As Spam
- QueenOfLeon7794 - 03/23/2009
- thank you
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- MuffinNerdd - 03/20/2009
- really long, but cool story
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