• Prolouge
    the fear was extruciating. the thunder hit the skies like a bat to a baseball. i hated the dark. it scared me more than anything. my father said i was jkust a big wimp. my mother tells me to grow up. i dont know what it is but it feels like all the bad souls in the world come out at night. and that our world connects with the world in the underworld. it was pretty scary. it was in the winter. where the night lasts much longer than the day. the night was cold. so i put an extra blanket on my bed. but i wasnt asleep. i was sitting up in my bed staring out the window in terror. my blinds were torn and ripped from our stupid cat that hid in my room when in trouble. i hated it. but at night he would sleep at my feet. so he wasnt too bad. his name was norbert. he was a big fatso. so he layed around all day without doing anything. the only time he excersices is when he goes to eat or drink. but other than that he lied in bed. that lazy cat. i dont know why my mother bought him. i remember the words that she said to me.
    "he will come in good handy. so if theres a mouse in the house he'll chase after it. dont you know anything?"
    My parents were always mean to me. they never cared about me. only about my younger sister who wanted to become a singer or an actor. they record everything that she does publicly. i hate it. but you cant always be the favorite. i cant wait ti'll my next birthday. im going to move far away from here. and then bcome bigger than my younger sister could ever be.
    another strick of lightning hit. i flinched at the sound. but i guess it was tiem to go to bed. i slowly laid down onto the comfort of my pillow. it was comfortable and warm. to start another day. just to be brought down once more in the darkest nights.