• I never wanted to be in love. Nope. Never. Never ever. But this all could change one day.
    How do I know this, you ask? I had a dream. Not just any dream, though.
    It was a thrilling, yet terrifying dream. Every time I think of it, I get butterflies in my stomach; making me reach down to squeeze my stomach tightly, and occasionally, giggle.
    As for the dream, there was a boy in it. Thick, shiny black hair covered the top of his head. He had enchanting blue eyes; I bet that if he were real I'd stare at them all day. Pale skin covered his bones. As for his body, he had a somewhat muscular figure. To me, he could be the definition of gorgeous.
    But other than that, there was something about him. Something I couldn't make out. It was.. different.
    We were in some room. The walls were painted a light shade of brown. The carpet a shade of khaki. There was one queen bed, decorated with a blue and brown polka dot sheet and pillows. And on the dresser, there was a vase of fresh cut red roses.
    It was my room. And there we were, sitting on my bed by the window.
    He was reaching out for me. "Rose," he would whisper, his gentle, warm hands rubbing my cheeks. Our faces got closer. Our breathing was getting shorter and raspier by the second.
    Why was this happening? What were we doing?
    I shifted my eyes to find a demon creeping from my crammed closet. His appearance was very terrifying. He looked like on e of those demons that you'd find in children's illustrated story books.. His red eyes glared at me, as if he were telling me to go no further, like it was my time to die.
    I wanted to run. But I couldn't; the boy held me close to his warm, muscular body.
    He looked down to find me panicking. Curious, he looked around to find the demon, noticing it was creeping closer and closer. His eyes widened. Suddenly he swept me up in his arms. Delicate white wings sprouted from his back. Then, shockingly, we leaped out of my bedroom window. I buried my face in to his chest, trying to hide my face from the supposed falling glass.
    But what was this? Still holding on to him tightly, I looked up to find that the window was not shattered. I could of sworn that two bodies crashing against a window would be in millions of pieces by now. Plus, we didn't even hit the fresh cut grass below us. But there was something else that surprised me.
    I tilted my head to look down at the hundreds of feet under me. There was a Californian beach below me; Santa Cruz. The deep blue water crashed against the shore, white foam splashing everywhere. The air was cool. Breezes hit my fair skin, making my silky brunette locks move with the wind. Shaken, I looked up at his perfect face. Slowly, I looked down again. Amazing.
    ...We were flying.
    I came to my senses, once again. Where was the demon? Gasping, I looked around trying to find him... or it. Whatever it was. I noticed it was no where to be found, thankfully. It was probably still inside my room or outside, roaming the city streets.
    Relaxing a bit, I looked back up at his face, trying to memorize his handsome features. Finally I caught myself staring. I looked down, grinning. I heard him chuckle a bit.
    Leaning in towards me, he whispered, "It's not very polite to stare." A breathtaking smile he flashed was making it hard for me to breathe.
    I panicked a bit, inhaling rapidly through my nose.
    Laughing, his lips finally met mine. I could imagine the kiss to be exhilarating.

    But this was just a dream.
    .... Dreams don't come true, right? Wrong.