• In the beginning, when the world was formed. The Humans were dulled creatures that had no hope in understanding the knowledge of the world.
    Then one day, two angels from heaven appear to see how the world was doing. The two angels were the watchers and keepers of the world. The names of the angels were Hamen and Daemen. Hamen had short blonde hair and wore a white outfit with light blue trimming and had two white wings, Hamen was the angel of peace and happiness. Daemen had long black hair and wore a black outfit with red trimming and had two black wings, Daemen was the angel of death and warfare.
    “Look how these pitiful humans live,” said Daemen. “They seem they rule this world, but they do not know who made it. Makes me sick. This world should be a world of war.”
    “I think it should be a world of peace, not of warfare,” said Hamen looking down at the world.
    “You are so nave, brother,” said Daemen.
    “I don’t believe they should be at war with each other,” said Hamen.
    “But why, they don’t do anything else, I believe that they should be at war with each other, I believe this because humans have this deep inside their hearts,” said Daemen.
    Hamen and Daemen continue their argument for years. The two never met eye to eye. Until one day, when Daemen called war against Hamen.
    “Why brother, why are u doing this,” said the confused Hamen.
    “I am doing this for me,” said Daemen. “For years I watch those foolish humans do noting, but now I make this world, a world of warfare.”
    “Then, my brother I will stop you,” said Hamen putting his hand into a fist.
    On the night, when the moon was full. The two brothers met each other with their army. Daemen had an army of falling soldiers and Hamen had an army of soldiers in silver armor.
    “It will end and begin here, my dear brother,” said Daemen.
    “It will end here for you, brother,” said Hamen.
    With an order from both brothers, the two armies started a bloody fight against each other. The war continues 40 days and 40 nights, with each side not resting.
    When the final day came, both armies were destroyed and the two brothers both badly injured.
    “I…I…will finish this,” said Daemen as blood dripped from his face.
    “No, brother I will finish this,” said Hamen holding his bloody right arm.
    With there injuries, the two brothers continue to fight one another. When nighttime came and the moon was full again. The two brothers stood in their tracks and stared at on another.
    “It seems we both can’t be killed,” said Daemen licking the blood off his arm.
    “It seems so,” said Hamen.
    When Daemen stared into Hamen eyes, he saw happiness and peace. When Hamen stared into Daemen eyes, he saw destruction and death. Both of them were shocked at what they saw.
    With their powers, they summoned all of their strength into of their fist. Daemen summoned his strength into his right hand, while Hamen summoned his strength into his left hand.
    “Let’s finish this,” said both Hamen and Daemen. With their final strength, the two brother fists met in and combat and the two brothers turn into stone. After this, they were lost in time forever.
    No one knows why this happen, but one thing is sure, if you continue to fight, the world will never be calm. Some say this is how good and evil started and why the battle continues. To see examples of this you can take one look at the world and see how the fight of the two brothers continues; the war will never until for each side will never rest