• Samantha's POV
    I ran with Jason slung over my back. If this was going to work, he had to keep quiet, which is why I'd tried to knock the wind out of him. I don't know if it worked, though. The screaming threw me off course, and, throwing a classic Samantha move, I clumsily fell into the creek water.
    "Shut up!" I practically shouted, "If you don't want mom and dad to find us then shut your big mouth!" he sputtered for breath under my grasp,
    "Are you going to rape me?" I rolled my eyes,
    "No! I'm saving you from my parents. Long story, now do you want to die?" he slowly shook his head,
    "Then shut up!" I yelled again. Jason tried to roll me over so that he was on top, I didn't let him,
    "What's going on?" I shook my head. I didn't think he'd believe me,
    "I'm a direct descendant of demons, and my parents want me to kill you because I love you." he gasped,
    "Wait, what? You're a... a demon?" I nodded and grabbed him. I had started to walk up the path with him at my side when he asked another question, "Are you insane?"
    "No, if I were, believe me I wouldn't be doing this. I would be killing you." he nodded and started to jog, trying to keep up with me,
    "So, you're in love with me?"
    "Is that really important right now?" I asked getting irritated, "Yes, I'm in love with you. Now, can we move on? We're going to travel to Alaska, and if you'd like I can swing you over my back again and run, saving us some time."
    Yes, this was my plan. I was going to run away, and send my parents a heart from a pig, like the dude in Snow White. I simply hoped they wouldn't realize it wasn't his. Jason put his hand on my shoulder, with it came a fluttery feeling from the pits of my stomach. I blushed and rubbed it off,
    "Listen, I don't like you." he said. I nodded,
    "You think I'm not aware of this? I mean, c'mon. Aren't you a little smarter than that?"

    Jason's POV
    I was being kidnapped. By a demon. For my safety? Could this girl get any weirder? I shook my head as she offered me a cherry.
    "I don't like fruit." I punched my chest a few times, "I'm tough."
    "Yes, I'm sure EVERYONE knows how masculine you are, weirdo." she joked, "But seriously, I can't go out and get you a hamburger, you have to eat something!" she said as she started to walk away. When she came back she held a DYING rabbit. Weirdo! I shuddered, the thing was still moving. Ew! She basically sucked the thing dry and threw it behind her, "Duh, demon!" she criticized my staring.
    "But, listen... I don't like you like that." I said, grinning.
    "Um, you think I don't know this? This IS like the fifteenth time you've said it." she muttered giving herself a slit on the wrist,
    "Are you cutting yourself? You're emo?" I asked astounded,
    "No, silly. I need to drain some of my blood, otherwise killing that rabbit counts as something bad."
    "A sin?"
    "Demons can't sin."
    "Demons are sin. We are creations of the devil." she countered. Handing me a canteen full of water.
    It was our third day out in the wilderness. Some how, she always came up with food.
    "But, I have a question." I muttered rubbing my hand over the fire, "Are there good demons?"
    "All demons still have a little bit of angel left in them, for some, it's stronger." Samantha's eyes were a weird greenish blue color in the light of the fire.
    "Is it stronger for you?"
    "Yes. I can proudly say I've NEVER killed anyone!" she said biting her thumb nail, "Have you?"
    "NO!" I practically shouted. God I was a bad liar.
    "Who?" she asked,quieter now.
    "No one!" I countered standing up.
    "I saw your aura, you were definetly lying." Samantha said standing with me,
    "My little sister. It was an accident though! I swear, she fell off the roof. Well, technically I pushed her off the roof! I was just playing with her though! I swear." before I knew it I was bawling in her arms. I'm so gay.

    Samantha's POV
    So, Jason had "killed" his little sister. Interesting. I was starting to think that maybe it wasn't the best idea to like him. Actually, I knew it. But, I couldn't stop!
    "Oi! Sammy, earth to Sam!" he shouted waving a hand in front of my eyes. I bit at it, playfully. We'd been out there for about five days. I was tired of it. Time to look for a heart! I decided silently. I left Jason, now dozing off leaning against a trunk of a tree.
    When I came back I started to scrawl my letter of forgiveness to my parents,
    Dear mom and dad,
    I know that you wanted me to kill Jason. So I did, but now, I'm leaving! Bye. Lots of love. Actually, no. Just, bye.


    P.S. the hearts pasted to the back.

    I wrote silently. Then I slept.